2024 Presidential Race

Trump in January: "We have to get rid of mail in ballots."

Trump today: vote for me by mail in ballot.

Thought you guys hated lying politicians.
Gator fans in Jan “Fire Billy”

Gator fans come Sept “Cmon Billy, let’s get it done!!!”

Are those Gator fans lying??

Could it be that Trump and his campaign were and are against mail in ballots. But now that it’s clear they aren’t going anywhere, the strategy and narrative has flipped?
Thats not lying. Thats just re-thinking his stance. All em do it. But you choose to call out trump for it. Thats known as TDS. You are infected by it. There's only 1 cure, quit watching the Communist News Network and the rest of the loser left media. Quit being a sheep and think for yourself for once.
TDS has ruined his brain. He can’t think through an issue anymore. He just parrots the anti-Trump talking heads.
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Thats not lying. Thats just re-thinking his stance. All em do it. But you choose to call out trump for it. Thats known as TDS. You are infected by it. There's only 1 cure, quit watching the Communist News Network and the rest of the loser left media. Quit being a sheep and think for yourself for once.

Pathetic answer.
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Gator fans in Jan “Fire Billy”

Gator fans come Sept “Cmon Billy, let’s get it done!!!”

Are those Gator fans lying??

Could it be that Trump and his campaign were and are against mail in ballots. But now that it’s clear they aren’t going anywhere, the strategy and narrative has flipped?


The one and only answer is that he USED criticism of mail in ballots to promote the lie that he won in 2020. It was always a complete fabrication.

And now it's time to abandon the lie, out of convenience. Not principle.
Here's you man, MAGA. You must be proud! Clowns. But, yea, Joe Biden is old.....

Joe Biden is senile and doesn't know where he's at half the time. Not someone who should be President. But then, neither should Trump. People should be pissed that the two major political parties in this country can't give us better candidates. Instead of trying to prop up Biden as something he clearly is not, you should be outraged your chosen party is choosing to run him again rather than finding an actual qualified candidate.

The one and only answer is that he USED criticism of mail in ballots to promote the lie that he won in 2020. It was always a complete fabrication.

And now it's time to abandon the lie, out of convenience. Not principle.
Now do Joe Biden and the southern border.

I'm excited to see you eviscerate him for abandoning his lie out of convenience.

By the way, you support lies abandoned out of principle???

The one and only answer is that he USED criticism of mail in ballots to promote the lie that he won in 2020. It was always a complete fabrication.

And now it's time to abandon the lie, out of convenience. Not principle.

But for argument sake. Let’s pretend that this is the 1st time in your life you are actually right about something. What does this information change?

You think people are voting for Trump because he’s an honest, principled man of integrity??

No!!! We are voting for Trump because he’s far superior to the alternative

I love how the left gets to rally and vote for a candidate they don’t like that lies over and over and over. But everyone else is only allowed to vote for honest politicians. Works out great for y’all. The left continues to destroy this country. And we have “our principles”.

But for argument sake. Let’s pretend that this is the 1st time in your life you are actually right about something. What does this information change?

You think people are voting for Trump because he’s an honest, principled man of integrity??

No!!! We are voting for Trump because he’s far superior to the alternative

I love how the left gets to rally and vote for a candidate they don’t like that lies over and over and over. But everyone else is only allowed to vote for honest politicians. Works out great for y’all. The left continues to destroy this country. And we have “our principles”.
It's like voting for the turd with the fewest nuts.

I'm not voting for either but I understand why each side is voting for their man.
Trump in January: "We have to get rid of mail in ballots."

Trump today: vote for me by mail in ballot.

Thought you guys hated lying politicians.
Or just maybe he is realizing that ya'll won't get rid of them so he is working within the system you are providing. Just like rich people that are able to minimize taxation thru the same laws that ya'll pass. That isn't 'lying'... that's smart.

Or maybe since he's Trump, he isn't allowed to use mail in ballots.
Now do Joe Biden and the southern border.

I'm excited to see you eviscerate him for abandoning his lie out of convenience.

By the way, you support lies abandoned out of principle???

“It is much easier to fool someone than it is to make them realize that they have been fooled”.

~ Mark Twain
Joe Biden is senile and doesn't know where he's at half the time. Not someone who should be President. But then, neither should Trump. People should be pissed that the two major political parties in this country can't give us better candidates. Instead of trying to prop up Biden as something he clearly is not, you should be outraged your chosen party is choosing to run him again rather than finding an actual qualified candidate.
Why shouldn't Trump? Do you believe he is senile?
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It's like voting for the turd with the fewest nuts.

I'm not voting for either but I understand why each side is voting for their man.
And I understand why people just can’t do it. They either vote for another candidate or abstain. I get it.

What I don’t get is why LG believes that conservatives should stick staunchly to their principles, stay home on Election Day, and watch Biden destroy this country for 4 more years because voting for Trump would go against our principles.

Meanwhile the left is free to abandon any and all principles they have because stopping Trump is of the utmost importance.

No one likes lying politicians. But I don’t see many honest ones, if any.
And I understand why people just can’t do it. They either vote for another candidate or abstain. I get it.

What I don’t get is why LG believes that conservatives should stick staunchly to their principles, stay home on Election Day, and watch Biden destroy this country for 4 more years because voting for Trump would go against our principles.

Meanwhile the left is free to abandon any and all principles they have because stopping Trump is of the utmost importance.

No one likes lying politicians. But I don’t see many honest ones, if any.

I'm voting for Biden despite my very serious misgivings about his mental acuity because preventing Trump from being POTUS again is a categorical imperative.

And its not so much what policies Trump would adopt or what would happen to my taxes if he won, as much as it is time to tell the resentment class in this country that the demographics of the country have changed and they cannot stop it. That they no longer have a lock on moral high ground. That their vision of a religious-oriented country (as warped as their version of Christianity is) is outdated, stale. Obsolete.
I'm voting for Biden despite my very serious misgivings about his mental acuity because preventing Trump from being POTUS again is a categorical imperative.

And its not so much what policies Trump would adopt or what would happen to my taxes if he won, as much as it is time to tell the resentment class in this country that the demographics of the country have changed and they cannot stop it. That they no longer have a lock on moral high ground. That their vision of a religious-oriented country (as warped as their version of Christianity is) is outdated, stale. Obsolete.

Luther, we never had any doubt about who you are voting for.

The one and only answer is that he USED criticism of mail in ballots to promote the lie that he won in 2020. It was always a complete fabrication.

And now it's time to abandon the lie, out of convenience. Not principle.

When you think you are connecting dots and dont realize you are drawing a clown face.
I'm voting for Biden despite my very serious misgivings about his mental acuity because preventing Trump from being POTUS again is a categorical imperative.

And its not so much what policies Trump would adopt or what would happen to my taxes if he won, as much as it is time to tell the resentment class in this country that the demographics of the country have changed and they cannot stop it. That they no longer have a lock on moral high ground. That their vision of a religious-oriented country (as warped as their version of Christianity is) is outdated, stale. Obsolete.
I don't understand how anyone can look at one side and say "that's the path to certain, inevitable destruction". And people on both sides do it.

If anything our country has a slow, incremental creep towards socialism regardless of who sits on the toilet in the residence of the White House.

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