2024 Presidential Race

OMG.... am I really reading that Biden is saying that he is going to address the "border issue" today? How freaking stupid do his handlers think Americans are?
Do you really need to ask? In Biden's defense, his voting constituents really are that freaking stupid. Unfortunately for him, they're rapidly dwindling in number.
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America more xenophobic? Absolutely. However, it began with Trump, remember his Kung Flu jab at China (which personally, I think the COVID did start there)? And his embracing of hate groups, and now his fanning the flames of immigrants as vermin? Since Trump hit the scene bigotry, racism, hate, even domestic terrorism increase. That's not to say Bitten is innocent in all this, but the catalyst DJT. Especially the jump in shootings at public gatherings like grocery store, the cinema, malls, and elsewhere. True Republicans as opposed to RepubLiars are politically, personally, MAGA-mob are both horrifies and terrified of the Tangerine Terror.
You think Covid really did start in China?

Isn't it interesting that Biden has been in federal power for over 50 years and Trump destroyed it all in 4?

This issue is character, Earl, character. Personal integrity and probity. We expect presidents to be individuals who are decent, trustworthy, ethical, stable and professional. Trump has none of those qualities. He's a genuine and thoroughgoing lowlife--indecent, dishonest, thoroughly corrupt and unstable, and completely unprofessional. We should never have lowlifes in the White House.
You know what LG. Kick Rocks!!!

You stated very clearly after Biden won “Everything would be fine”. There is nothing fine nearly 3 1/2 years since Biden took office. Not domestically. Not internationally. This administration has been a complete dumpster fire and people are suffering and dying because of their recklessness.

Your fear mongering is tired and played out.

LG is so dishonest that credibility is lost.
Maybe they just haven’t heard BB & Turbo explain to them they’re just stupid. Or K-Town exclaim that it’s worse somewhere else 🤷‍♀️

“Even though we say inflation is coming down, they’re still seeing higher price levels,” McLeod told The Hill. “They remember back in 2019, when prices were this much, and now they’re 20 percent higher or, for some things, 30 or 40 percent higher.”

While consumer prices are up just 3.4 percent since last April, they are up about 24 percent since January 2019 and 19 percent since the start of Biden’s presidency in January 2021.
Hes 77, a first-time offender and these are all low-level felonies. I can't stand him, but serious people know he isn't going to do jail time. Whether youre a serious person or not is something you'll have to decide for yourself.

It's actually something we decide by observation. He has to decide if he wants to be.
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Trump in January: "We have to get rid of mail in ballots."

Trump today: vote for me by mail in ballot.

Thought you guys hated lying politicians.
Do you really need to ask? In Biden's defense, his voting constituents really are that freaking stupid. Unfortunately for him, they're rapidly dwindling in number.
We won't know if they are dwindling until November. I'll believe the polls when I see the results.
Trump in January: "We have to get rid of mail in ballots."

Trump today: vote for me by mail in ballot.

Thought you guys hated lying politicians.
Thats not lying. Thats just re-thinking his stance. All em do it. But you choose to call out trump for it. Thats known as TDS. You are infected by it. There's only 1 cure, quit watching the Communist News Network and the rest of the loser left media. Quit being a sheep and think for yourself for once.

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