2024 Presidential Race

Did Trump molest under-age girls with his buddy Jeffrey Epstein. He's been accused of that by one victim--and he spent
a lot of time at Epstein's criminal hideaway.

Does turbo butt-rape dogs? He's been accused of that by several people. And he has a dog.
Did Trump molest under-age girls with his buddy Jeffrey Epstein. He's been accused of that by one victim--and he spent
a lot of time at Epstein's criminal hideaway.

What you sent, multiple times yesterday, was straight bull. Have the vulva to admit it. As far the one accusation goes:

A judge dismissed the case in May that year, ruling that the complaint didn't raise valid claims under federal law, Politico reported at the time.

Bidens been accused of rape. Do you toss him in with trump. No, actually you talk about how good of man he is.

You should really have a buddy review tweets for you for accuracy. You look dumb.
What you sent, multiple times yesterday, was straight bull. Have the vulva to admit it. As far the one accusation goes:

A judge dismissed the case in May that year, ruling that the complaint didn't raise valid claims under federal law, Politico reported at the time.

Bidens been accused of rape. Do you toss him in with trump. No, actually you talk about how good of man he is.

You should really have a buddy review tweets for you for accuracy. You look dumb.
" Look" 🤣
You know you've hit ridiculous levels of stupid, fake posts when McDad starts lashing out at you.
I don't hide my dissatisfaction with the candidates. Vocal about not voting. Had my share of heated discussions with Trump supporters on a variety of issues.
These hyper-emotional never Trumpers are ridiculous. Just stick to the real stuff about DJT...it's bad enough on its own. And I don't understand why they can't see it weakens their persuasiveness when they exaggerate.
forget it! How often do you have to hear that Michelle and Barrack both say she isn't and never will run for public office? The same with Collin Powell (though his reasons differ), he has said the same thing. Perhaps if I put it in hippie talk that will help. Hell no, she won't go!
If you actually take ANY politician’s (of either party) word that they don’t want a spot and will NEVER run for it; you are headed for likely disappointment .
About as meaningful as Schlossnagle saying he was never going to leave A&M and go to Texas
I don't hide my dissatisfaction with the candidates. Vocal about not voting. Had my share of heated discussions with Trump supporters on a variety of issues.
These hyper-emotional never Trumpers are ridiculous. Just stick to the real stuff about DJT...it's bad enough on its own. And I don't understand why they can't see it weakens their persuasiveness when they exaggerate.
Are you just skipping the president choice or not voting at all? I think a large protest vote for Kennedy or some other third party would be helpful.
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forget it! How often do you have to hear that Michelle and Barrack both say she isn't and never will run for public office? The same with Collin Powell (though his reasons differ), he has said the same thing. Perhaps if I put it in hippie talk that will help. Hell no, she won't go!

I'm very confused about what this has to do with the current state?

Bizarro World: WaPo Editorial Board Writes Weird Fan Fiction Withdrawal Speech for Biden​

I admit it. I did not predict that the Washington Post editorial board would write a speech for President Biden in which he eloquently—lyrically even—agrees to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race. But write it they did Wednesday, and it reads as if it were penned by a 19-year-old Vassar student who perhaps may have consumed a mind-altering substance and is now deep inside an almost otherworldly fantasy.

By this time next week, the Democrats could be looking for a new presidential candidate. Or still ripping themselves apart over whether they should be.

I spoke to two senior Democrats today, one an experienced election strategist, the other on Joe Biden's staff when he was vice president.

Both were unequivocal: Biden should withdraw and make way for someone else.

A third Democratic operative was even more blunt: 'Everybody wants him to quit.'

It is the new mood music of a troubled party, even if only a handful, like Rep Lloyd Doggett (Dem, Texas) and Raul Grijalva (Dem, Arizona), are prepared to say publicly that Biden must pull out.

Of course, these are barely household names, even in their own households. But behind them is a wall of names poised to follow suit.

The moment more do, the dam will burst and Biden's position will be untenable.

Whatever they're still saying publicly, I have yet to speak to a senior Democratic activist who will argue in private that their party can hold on to the White House with Biden at the top of the ticket.

Not buying it for one second.

Dobbs was founded on it being a state issue. But then a few states tried to enact restrictions and they failed.

So of course we then saw the true agenda -- a national set of restrictions.

Election comes up and they head fake back to states' issue. Nope. Not buying it.
Darnit..they almost had you voting for Trump.
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Whitmer would make it tough for Trump in Midwest.

Whitmer in race makes GA solidly red. Whitmer will struggle big time in NV due to her COVID reaction.

Whitmer would have to hold PA and AZ but she has decent chance to do that....
Whitmer would carry MI clearly. But would she deliver WI? Idk.

Not sure she can carry PA at this point? Maybe.

I don’t see her resonating at all in AZ or NV 🤷‍♀️
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Did Trump molest under-age girls with his buddy Jeffrey Epstein. He's been accused of that by one victim--and he spent
a lot of time at Epstein's criminal hideaway.

If Trump was on the list don't you think the list would've been released already?

Even if every other name was redacted except Trump's, you and your lib buddies would be slobbering over each other.

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