2024 Presidential Race

Life better for you from 2016 to 2020 or under Biden?
For me, under Biden. For whatever reason, the IRS took less of my income than they did under Trump. But lately, prices have started neutralizing that benefit. I blame it on greedy capitalism, of which we are all victims. Just looking at the housing market. When prices are stable or static, we get hit with higher loan interest rates. When loan interest rates are stable or static, we get hit with higher house prices. When Biden (recently) opted to get rid of the standard scam/junk fees attached to house buying, banks and realtors are already scheming to find other ways to sucker punch customers, and get that money out of you one way or another. It's typical Trumpism, money mongering. Kind of like the Trump University scam. But don't worry, if we get a Demo Prez, he will end up being just as beholden to lobbyists to bleed our wallets via some means or another. You can bet your life with the Devil on it and win. For now, I've kept more of my money under Biden than I did under Trump. And even that might have been more by accident than policy design. Don't trust either one of them.
What so? The real discussion was about Michelle, not Crimea. Typically, MAGAs divert, deny, and lie.
The post I responded to was talking about Russian MAGAs, so it was in direct response to your post, not a diversion. There's also no lie in what I said. I'm also not a MAGA.
This is why it was important to pick a unique VP, the Hooker fits the bill. Whoopi Goldberg would be even better. Trump should have had Alex Jones as his VP and they probably would have never tried all the traitors things against him.

Trump this time should try and get Clarence Thomas, absolutely perfect fit, he would help him get elected.... and the powers that be would be absolutely terrified of the thought of him being the President. (Clarence Thomas would be the ultimate nightmare for this whole system)
Trying to be “unique” with DEI got the left backed into a corner. Seemed like a good thing at the time as I’m sure they didn’t anticipate Trump running again.
Trying to be “unique” with DEI got the left backed into a corner. Seemed like a good thing at the time as I’m sure they didn’t anticipate Trump running again.
When I say unique, I mean... they have to fear the VP more than the P. In Bidens case, Heals Up is less liked than him. In say a Clarence Thomas situation, that boy would wreck their ****.
For me, under Biden. For whatever reason, the IRS took less of my income than they did under Trump. But lately, prices have started neutralizing that benefit. I blame it on greedy capitalism, of which we are all victims. Just looking at the housing market. When prices are stable or static, we get hit with higher loan interest rates. When loan interest rates are stable or static, we get hit with higher house prices. When Biden (recently) opted to get rid of the standard scam/junk fees attached to house buying, banks and realtors are already scheming to find other ways to sucker punch customers, and get that money out of you one way or another. It's typical Trumpism, money mongering. Kind of like the Trump University scam. But don't worry, if we get a Demo Prez, he will end up being just as beholden to lobbyists to bleed our wallets via some means or another. You can bet your life with the Devil on it and win. For now, I've kept more of my money under Biden than I did under Trump. And even that might have been more by accident than policy design. Don't trust either one of them.
The rates are because of the government trying to "keep the economy from expanding quickly" as some attempt to combat inflation which spiraled out of control with Covid. Higher rates, less people buying homes. Also less home people can buy. So prices stay up. My property taxes have skyrocketed under Biden to the tune of $700 extra a month compared to when Trump left office. 6 years ago I was thinking I didnt want to spend more than $300k on a home. Now I'm thinking I'm good if I stay between $700K-$800K and thats not even going to buy the amount of house I currently own. We have "high rates" and high costs now, because of the Fed.

In hindsight Trump probably should have never shut down the country and let more people die from covid.
Biden should have continued that policy as well. It would have let covid burn through who it needed to and then become a fart in the wind like it did. Their policies just exasperated the issue. Gotta let nature cull the herd sometimes to keep inflation down.

Does capitalism play a role? Sure does. Business exists to make money, plain and simple. Got a corporation(s) you hate? Don't support them. I keep hearing about people hating corporations, hating billionaires (its not millionaires anymore) yet they keep purchasing their products and services. All hat, no cattle. Maybe all limp wrist, no rainbow flag is more appropriate for the left.
Both Candidates devalue America.

I look at it different, to me obviously you have people that have been running the **** show for decades - they have aren't really been providing a real election. They give you one coin with two sides. The odd man out is Trump i.e. not a part of their plans.

Americans have been devaluing America by not getting their **** in order. You can blame it on candidates or lack of, but the truth is... its your fault.

The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden​

The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters.​

The post I responded to was talking about Russian MAGAs, so it was in direct response to your post, not a diversion. There's also no lie in what I said. I'm also not a MAGA.
Actually, I don't care if you are a MAGA or not. That won't stop me from needling you or them. As for what your post was responding to, (this advice is good for me too) say what you mean so no one has to guess, or mis-reply.
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Plus….I do believe you said both “Michelle AND Barack”
Yep i said both. Now, let me tell you a bit about Michelle. Barrack isn't her boss. She's a hard-headed woman who makes her own decisions, much like my wife, Shirley. You can suggest, you advise, you can even yell, and in the end, like a cat, she'll do what Michelle (or Shirley) does, and there's not a dayum thing you can do about it, except maybe fume, grumble, and dismiss it, cause you knew that was what was going to happen anyway. I can't recall the what or when, but he at one time at least, presumed to tell her what she should do, and she summarily dismissed him. She's just as strong-willed as Melania Trump, both women are their own bosses. You can reject that too if you so desire. Miche isn't going to run for Prez or any office, she has said it repeatedly. And once again, so Colin Powell, he kept his word. Secretary of State? He was selected for the role, and that is one of two reasons why he refused to ever again enter politics. Can't say i blame him. After being floated to run, members of his own party, as well such citizens sent him death threat. Not wanting a ****er Perz.
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Actually, I don't care if you are a MAGA or not. That won't stop me from needling you or them. As for what your post was responding to, (this advice is good for me too) say what you mean so no one has to guess, or mis-reply.
That is some real gangsta $hit with the needling of other posters. Do you knit sweaters?
The rates are because of the government trying to "keep the economy from expanding quickly" as some attempt to combat inflation which spiraled out of control with Covid. Higher rates, less people buying homes. Also less home people can buy. So prices stay up. My property taxes have skyrocketed under Biden to the tune of $700 extra a month compared to when Trump left office. 6 years ago I was thinking I didnt want to spend more than $300k on a home. Now I'm thinking I'm good if I stay between $700K-$800K and thats not even going to buy the amount of house I currently own. We have "high rates" and high costs now, because of the Fed.

In hindsight Trump probably should have never shut down the country and let more people die from covid. Biden should have continued that policy as well. It would have let covid burn through who it needed to and then become a fart in the wind like it did. Their policies just exasperated the issue. Gotta let nature cull the herd sometimes to keep inflation down.

Does capitalism play a role? Sure does. Business exists to make money, plain and simple. Got a corporation(s) you hate? Don't support them. I keep hearing about people hating corporations, hating billionaires (its not millionaires anymore) yet they keep purchasing their products and services. All hat, no cattle. Maybe all limp wrist, no rainbow flag is more appropriate for the left.
The simple question if I, Me, Myself was better off financially under Trump or Biden. I spoke for myself. Who do you speak for?
Actually, I don't care if you are a MAGA or not. That won't stop me from needling you or them. As for what your post was responding to, (this advice is good for me too) say what you mean so no one has to guess, or mis-reply.
Everyone keeps throwing around the term “MAGA”. I am still confused as to exactly what that means and what are the criteria for differentiating between MAGA and Just General Conservatives. I mean if you dislike Donald Trump but approve of many of his policies, are you MAGA? What about if you merely think we are overtaxed and over regulated and think we are spending too much?
I guess we on the right do the same with the term “woke” so I am not casting stones here; just genuinely unsure as to what is specifically meant when the term is used. Thanks
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To be clear, Powell died in 2021.
I know it is beyond your comprehension, topic twister, but if you can, notice my comments regarding Powell are in the past tense.
And once again, so Colin Powell, he kept his word. Secretary of State? He was selected for the role, and that is one of two reasons why he refused to ever again enter politics.
I hope that helps, though I doubt it.
For me, under Biden. For whatever reason, the IRS took less of my income than they did under Trump. But lately, prices have started neutralizing that benefit. I blame it on greedy capitalism, of which we are all victims. Just looking at the housing market. When prices are stable or static, we get hit with higher loan interest rates. When loan interest rates are stable or static, we get hit with higher house prices. When Biden (recently) opted to get rid of the standard scam/junk fees attached to house buying, banks and realtors are already scheming to find other ways to sucker punch customers, and get that money out of you one way or another. It's typical Trumpism, money mongering. Kind of like the Trump University scam. But don't worry, if we get a Demo Prez, he will end up being just as beholden to lobbyists to bleed our wallets via some means or another. You can bet your life with the Devil on it and win. For now, I've kept more of my money under Biden than I did under Trump. And even that might have been more by accident than policy design. Don't trust either one of them.
That is because you only got 2 years of the Trump tax cuts versus 4 years under Biden.
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Yep i said both. Now, let me tell you a bit about Michelle. Barrack isn't her boss. She's a hard-headed woman who makes her own decisions, much like my wife, Shirley. You can suggest, you advise, you can even yell, and in the end, like a cat, she'll do what Michelle (or Shirley) does, and there's not a dayum thing you can do about it, except maybe fume, grumble, and dismiss it, cause you knew that was what was going to happen anyway. I can't recall the what or when, but he at one time at least, presumed to tell her what she should do, and she summarily dismissed him. She's just as strong-willed as Melania Trump, both women are their own bosses. You can reject that too if you so desire. Miche isn't going to run for Prez or any office, she has said it repeatedly. And once again, so Colin Powell, he kept his word. Secretary of State? He was selected for the role, and that is one of two reasons why he refuse to ever again enter politics. Can't say i blame him. After being floated to run, members of his own party, as well such citizens sent him death threat. Not wanting a ****er Perz.
In a way I agree with you, in fact I sometimes think Michelle was BARACK’S boss and that SHE actually ran the country for eight years. I surely wouldn’t want to disagree with her if I were married to her 😂
That is some real gangsta $hit with the needling of other posters. Do you knit sweaters?
Yes, I do knit sweaters. I use 0.405 copper wire to lend color to the otherwise, 0.321 steel wire garment. They go for $876.99 in case you want one. Be advised, they are hard to come by because Putinist stand outside my window to snap them up the moment I finish one.

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