2024 Presidential Race

By this time next week, the Democrats could be looking for a new presidential candidate. Or still ripping themselves apart over whether they should be.

I spoke to two senior Democrats today, one an experienced election strategist, the other on Joe Biden's staff when he was vice president.

Both were unequivocal: Biden should withdraw and make way for someone else.

A third Democratic operative was even more blunt: 'Everybody wants him to quit.'

It is the new mood music of a troubled party, even if only a handful, like Rep Lloyd Doggett (Dem, Texas) and Raul Grijalva (Dem, Arizona), are prepared to say publicly that Biden must pull out.

Of course, these are barely household names, even in their own households. But behind them is a wall of names poised to follow suit.

The moment more do, the dam will burst and Biden's position will be untenable.

Whatever they're still saying publicly, I have yet to speak to a senior Democratic activist who will argue in private that their party can hold on to the White House with Biden at the top of the ticket.

I mentioned a week ago pre-debate the powers that be were getting the following polls:

Trump>Mike>Slickback Gavin>Ice Cream Man>Hooker

They had a plan pre-debate to put the Ice Cream Man in the freezer, but not necessarily a good one. Mike would possibly help but detroit is going to have to be very busy at 2am.

Day one appoint new leader. Day two trim the fat , the military has become top heavy. Day three take the money we saved from day two and give the enlisted a bonus. Day four get back to the business of being an elite combat ready force. The military is not a sandbox for woke crap.
If you actually take ANY politician’s (of either party) word that they don’t want a spot and will NEVER run for it; you are headed for likely disappointment .
About as meaningful as Schlossnagle saying he was never going to leave A&M and go to Texas
Michelle isn't a politician.
She did more than just “followed” the suggested steps. She turned them up to 11 and the public remembers.
And of course people will be reminded of how she kept NOT following her own rules. Ultimate hypocrite.

Objectively, the one thing she DOES provide the Democrats is that she would probably carry Michigan which could be the state that decides it all come November
Michigan is already locked up. The mail in ballots are ready to go. She does check the female and fascist boxes though.
See your point. Qualified, had to think on that. Point taken. Had to separate my vitriol
from job he did, compared to qualifications.

Regardless, despite 4 years of hell. I 110% believe he wasnt QUALIFIED in 2020 to lead the Country then. Just as I believe he still isnt qualified, more specifically fit.
Life better for you from 2016 to 2020 or under Biden?
I don't think it's nearly as easy for the Dems as you think it will be. Playing identity politics is about to bite them in the ass

Considering the Source (FOX) - Fear mongering. A K Harris would cause some disruption, but
Never said it was easy, nothing is easy. If Biden steps down there will be a big push and a plan. KH poll numbers are terrible. In the same situation and reversed, would Trump be replaced Pence? No.
Pardon is a perk of the job. It would be the legacy stained and potential fallout/backlash to those who covered it up.

Let's pinpoint just a few things they have been doing - Biden blackmailed the Ukrainian government as VP, stashed classified document at home which he was not able to have, has already been deemed mentality unfit to stand trial by DOJ, Bidens than money laundered money from China and the Ukraine, all the while they pushed the whole Russian Gate Coup stuff, hid all of his mental and physical issues, colluded with the powers that be to target a political opponent, got people killed in Afgahistan, etc.

All of these people are going to need pardons anyway.
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Considering the Source (FOX) - Fear mongering. A K Harris would cause some disruption, but
Never said it was easy, nothing is easy. If Biden steps down there will be a big push and a plan. KH poll numbers are terrible. In the same situation and reversed, would Trump be replaced Pence? No.

All the poll numbers are terrible, Mike gets them a little closer but unless you are printing absentee ballots in bulk in quite a few states it really appears to be a horrible plan.

Biden would probably still do better than the Hooker if the powers that be took off the soft coup.

They need Biden to bailout but not sure that is going to happen - I wouldn't concede at this point because I would want to screw the people that screwed me.

We'll see.
Let's pinpoint just a few things they have been doing - Biden blackmailed the Ukrainian government as VP, stashed classified document at home which he was not able to have, has already been deemed mentality unfit to stand trial by DOJ, Bidens than money laundered money from China and the Ukraine, all the while they pushed the whole Russian Gate Coup stuff, hid all of his mental and physical issues, colluded with the powers that be to target a political opponent, got people killed in Afgahistan, etc.

All of these people are going to need pardons anyway.
Which goes to the fallout. It was always there and common sense saw it first hand and we were told to look at the loud noise in the corner Trump. The left anticipated Trump being the one to bow out with all the legal battles, and winning easily to protect Biden. And here we are with a reverse UNO card played.
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Which goes to the fallout. It was always there and common sense saw it first hand and we were told to look at the loud noise in the corner Trump. The left anticipated Trump being the one to bow out with all the legal battles, and winning easily to protect Biden. And here we are with a reverse UNO card played.

This is why it was important to pick a unique VP, the Hooker fits the bill. Whoopi Goldberg would be even better. Trump should have had Alex Jones as his VP and they probably would have never tried all the traitors things against him.

Trump this time should try and get Clarence Thomas, absolutely perfect fit, he would help him get elected.... and the powers that be would be absolutely terrified of the though of him being the President. (Clarence Thomas would be the ultimate nightmare for this whole system)

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