2024 Presidential Race

They had to sell 1 million barrels of gas to get it down.

Also sad, this kind of stuff reeks of desperation. For the sake of good sense, sanity, the nation, and avoid further embarrassment, step aside, man!!! It's so funny that it's not funny anymore. Take a hint, please.

'I don't think I did': Biden says he can't recall if he re-watched disastrous debate with Trump​

Biden suggests only GOD can get him out of the 2024 race​

Biden again flubs what years elections happened​

Biden refuses to have an independent medical exam​

Biden blames Trump for distracting him​

WH Press are saying they refused to tell the truth about Biden because they didn’t want to confirm “right wing” media reporting on Biden’s mental decline.

They just shaped the news to fit a preferred political narrative - Pitiful.

Biden’s age was also a right-wing talking point for years, something the White House was quick to point out to reporters, which may have inadvertently turned off any serious investigation.

“The right-wing media was calling him senile from day one, and that wasn’t true,” the reporter said. “Then whenever you report on the age you were in some ways solidifying, giving credence to some people that were actually of bad faith.”
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WH Press are saying they refused to tell the truth about Biden because they didn’t want to confirm “right wing” media reporting on Biden’s mental decline.

They just shaped the news to fit a preferred political narrative - Pitiful.

Pathetic "news" media. Derelict in their duty. The same media hounded Reagan.
They are a national joke.
Pathetic "news" media. Derelict in their duty. The same media hounded Reagan.
They are a national joke.
How the Dems haven't freaked out on the media would be surprising to me. But they knew Joe was not well. Otherwise, they would be demanding accountability from the media and his admin. How the hell Kamala going to gloss over his mental issues when she supposedly met with him often.
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WH Press are saying they refused to tell the truth about Biden because they didn’t want to confirm “right wing” media reporting on Biden’s mental decline.

They just shaped the news to fit a preferred political narrative - Pitiful.

this article is wholly unserious and a prime example of what passes for journalism

Like all past presidents, Biden has good days and bad days. It can be tricky to report on something as difficult to define as a person aging, when his opponent is a convicted felon, who regularly lies and has threatened to use the government to go after his political opponents.

this statement reveals the bias clearly but the author probably believes it is objective reporting. even if you accept the slanted statement about Trump it is completely unrelated to the "difficulty" of reporting on someone else's aging.
this article is wholly unserious and a prime example of what passes for journalism

Like all past presidents, Biden has good days and bad days. It can be tricky to report on something as difficult to define as a person aging, when his opponent is a convicted felon, who regularly lies and has threatened to use the government to go after his political opponents.

this statement reveals the bias clearly but the author probably believes it is objective reporting. even if you accept the slanted statement about Trump it is completely unrelated to the "difficulty" of reporting on someone else's aging.

We can’t report objectively on A, because B is bad.

It is completely nonsensical.

Ha, ha: It's not just all the crimes. Trump is every bit as uncogent and incoherent as Bide; indeed, seriously, probably more so. Have the sodbusters ever read an transcript of a Trump interview? He never has any freakin' clue what he's talking about---his responses are all nonsense and lies. He probably has a basic one-sentence position on maybe four issues---but he cannot go into detail about ANYTHING. It's all a con. He'll make one vague comment and then twist the response into some self-serving twaddle about himself or some BS criticism of his critics or opponents. He's an embarrassment. He knows NOTHING about policy. Zero. He doesn't read! He can't be taken seriously. His basic response to questions about Ukraine has been: "Oh, I can solve the conflict in a day." Really, Donnie? It's his 24/7 gaslighting of stupid people. It's why his campaign appearances are a clown/WWE show. No seriousness, no dignity, no policy, no truth---35 minutes of total ********.

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