2024 Presidential Race

This isn’t political. It is morality. Abortion would be just as wrong if every politician on the planet was for it.
Doctors take an oath to preserve life. If they do not take whatever steps they are able to take to save a life; they have violated their most sacred trust.
As a Democrat I still believe abortion is evil, evil irregardless if pregnancy was the result of a night of passion or incest or rape.
But no healthy baby is born and then allowed to die due to lack of care, that's called murder in all 50 states. Offering palative (hospice) care is a whole different thing.
The out of date board room selfie and very little diversity in a Tim Walz cabinet. One black man and woman in the back. And a woman of color off to the side along with a single ginger.

You appear to be advocating for DEI hires?

Side Eye Wtf GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
More acknowledging the whiteness and hypocrisy in a single picture. Pretty sure I acknowledged the ginger, that’s a two for one.

You posted a single picture, which may or may not represent all of his former staff.

The hypocrisy I'm seeing is watching you trash someone over something you yourself don't believe in and lecturing the gallery about..... hypocrisy.

Let that sink in.
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"Rasmussen Reports this week found that only 20 percent of Americans wanted policies in general to stay the same. Nearly three-out-of-four (73 percent) want change.

Only 23 percent said economic conditions were improving (5 percent said things were much better and 18 percent said they were somewhat better). By contrast 52 percent said things were getting worse (26 percent said much worse and 26 percent said somewhat worse).

In parallel, Scott Rasmussen (a separate polling outfit) reported that only 26 percent of Americans thought the economy was excellent or good (5 percent said excellent, 21 percent good). A full 74 percent rated the economy poor (26 percent) or only fair (48 percent).

If you are the candidate of the incumbent White House party, and only a quarter of Americans think the economy is good or improving, you have a huge problem."

"Rasmussen Reports this week found that only 20 percent of Americans wanted policies in general to stay the same. Nearly three-out-of-four (73 percent) want change.

Only 23 percent said economic conditions were improving (5 percent said things were much better and 18 percent said they were somewhat better). By contrast 52 percent said things were getting worse (26 percent said much worse and 26 percent said somewhat worse).

In parallel, Scott Rasmussen (a separate polling outfit) reported that only 26 percent of Americans thought the economy was excellent or good (5 percent said excellent, 21 percent good). A full 74 percent rated the economy poor (26 percent) or only fair (48 percent).

If you are the candidate of the incumbent White House party, and only a quarter of Americans think the economy is good or improving, you have a huge problem."

The irony is that Trump's proposals would be much worse for inflation and increased wealth gap for average Trump voter. Between what he would add to the deficit ($5 trillion compared to Harris' $1.5 trillion) and tarrifs it seems MAGA voters are oblivious to the facts.
The irony is that Trump's proposals would be much worse for inflation and increased wealth gap for average Trump voter. Between what he would add to the deficit ($5 trillion compared to Harris' $1.5 trillion) and tarrifs it seems MAGA voters are oblivious to the facts.

"I am offering what I describe as an opportunity economy, and the best economists in our country, if not the world, have reviewed our relative plans for the future of America," Harris said during the debate. "What Goldman Sachs has said is that Donald Trump's plan would make the economy worse, mine would strengthen the economy." - Harris from the debate.

Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon said in a Wednesday appearance on CNBC, "So, that report, which was mentioned last night in the debate, came from an independent analyst, and it's interesting, Scott, I think a lot more has been made of this than should be."

"What the report did is it looked at a handful of policy issues that have been put out by both sides, and it tried to model their impact on GDP growth," Solomon explained. "The reason I say a bigger deal has been made of it is what it showed is the difference between the sets of policies that they've put forward is about two-tenths of 1%."

"So, the economy grows, if you took these particular sets of policies they looked at – and by the way, we have no idea whether these policies, these things that are talked about, will ultimately be implemented – and what was the growth impact? And the differential was two-tenths of 1%," Solomon said.

You posted a single picture, which may or may not represent all of his former staff.

The hypocrisy I'm seeing is watching you trash someone over something you yourself don't believe in and lecturing the gallery about..... hypocrisy.

Let that sink in.
His liberal mainly white cabinet not mine. Now upon further review it does look as though a black female is on a zoom call and that pumps the numbers up. Oops, canceled by the white guy also on the zoom call. Nobody knows who BA is or if the other woman giving HR Tammy with the blue face is white or not.
As a Democrat I still believe abortion is evil, evil irregardless if pregnancy was the result of a night of passion or incest or rape.
But no healthy baby is born and then allowed to die due to lack of care, that's called murder in all 50 states. Offering palative (hospice) care is a whole different thing.
Then why do democrats always stridently oppose laws requiring health care for infants surviving abortion if it never occurs?
Wouldn’t that be similar as opposing a bill prohibiting intermarriage between humans and space aliens from Alpha Centauri?
Who opposes a law prohibiting something that “doesn’t happen”? Why not just shrug and ignore it?
His liberal mainly white cabinet not mine. Now upon further review it does look as though a black female is on a zoom call and that pumps the numbers up. Oops, canceled by the white guy also on the zoom call. Nobody knows who BA is or if the other woman giving HR Tammy with the blue face is white or not.
On behalf of the forum, thank you for pointing out what a hypocritical self own looks like.
40+ people and 7 non-whites.

Thanks for proving my point!

80% of Minnesota population is white, 18% of his cabinet is not white.

Looks like his cabinet is right where it ought to be statistically.

Again, was your point that "math is hard" or that you are advocating for more DEI hires? These are the only plausible explanations.
Shhhh. He can't wrap his head around Haitians eating domesticated animals, if he knows cannibalism happens on the island too his mind will explode.

You remind me of this guy.

Tis but a scratch! - GIFs - Imgur

Dumb donny and his lapdog JD think hatians are eating pets, and you can't stand that he's wrong. Shoring up his turd of a fear mongering appeal to emotion is a losing move.

Reeks of desperation.
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