2024 season ticket renewals going out now

I called yesterday, and tried in good faith, to figure out the options that were best for me and my budget. I was unable to get any answers to any of my questions. I was polite and patient, but I finally gave up. I’m pretty sure 2024 is my last season purchasing any UT tickets for any sport.
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I was told more than 20% resales gets you flagged. If you just have transfers there is no penalty but if you put them together you definitely get flagged. I asked because I transfer all of my weekdays.
That’s how I am. It’s pretty much only the midweeks and the opening home series cause it’s always my son’s bday party weekend. I only “transfer” to fellow VN’ers and get paid via Venmo or PayPal. If those aren’t being flagged then I’m good. Like you, I’m out of state, 4 hrs away, and come every weekend but I’m not making a 6pm Tuesday night game…ever and them going unused and me eating the cost aren’t on the table for me.
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I guarantee you they have ZERO concern when you transfer tickets to an end user (ie a fan who attends game). Now if those “transferred” tickets end up ultimately being resold on Ticketmaster, or other secondary market sites, then that’s being monitored and flagged. They DO NOT want seats being empty or being leveraged to primarily resell.
What if you transfer/sell offsite to an individual who then resells them on a secondary market? Is that being reflected/tied back to the season ticket holder? I normally let mine go for a nominal fee over cost (cost me $20/pair, sell for $30/pair). That’s not enough of a markup to prevent the guy purchasing them from me to not go flip them again for 2x that.
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I called yesterday, and tried in good faith, to figure out the options that were best for me and my budget. I was unable to get any answers to any of my questions. I was polite and patient, but I finally gave up. I’m pretty sure 2024 is my last season purchasing any UT tickets for any sport.
They’ve gotten awful up there. I was unnecessarily and unknowingly upgraded 2 years ago for double the money and was told my old seats were no longer an option. The ticket rep couldn’t tell me why they weren’t an option still, so I just took it and forked over the $. Only to be told later in the season by the Director of Ticketing that the rep made a mistake and I could’ve had my old seats still for 1/2 the investment. Last year I inquired again about going down in my seat level and was told no, season ticket holders are locked in, again at an even higher price than 2022. Now here we are on my 4th-5th season paying 4x what I paid when I started and doubling again next year. I said I would never give them up but I think 2024 may be the last year. A 4 hour drive one way, hotel expenses and food every other weekend was doable when my pair of tickets cost me $300 total. Now you’re talking $2000 for the tickets in 2025 plus those same expenses and it’s now a $5-$6k investment every spring. That’s unsustainable for my household.
I do not think transferring alone is an issue. My being flagged was due to I sold most of my baseball tickets last Spring on Ticketmaster. It just turned out I could not get to games due to my kids' activities and the easiest option, by far, to make sure the seats were used was to sell on Ticketmaster. Kind of funny the accounts even have a big button right there encouraging you to sell them......but they don't want you selling them.

So once flagged, I am guessing transferring would be an issue for me. But in general it should not be an issue for most. Who knows.

To make any of this work with my budget, I have to re-sell some tickets. So I do not know where it leaves me but I am going to hang on as long as I can. I guess it is a harsh reality of college sports to price out the average fan. On one hand it really bothers me, on the other hand this is a first world problem and just reality of Power 5 college sports. I was naive to think baseball could stay pure and fun and not be geared toward revenue. Wouldn't it be nice if this price increase revenue went directly to the ones who earn it......the players.
What if you transfer/sell offsite to an individual who then resells them on a secondary market? Is that being reflected/tied back to the season ticket holder? I normally let mine go for a nominal fee over cost (cost me $20/pair, sell for $30/pair). That’s not enough of a markup to prevent the guy purchasing them from me to not go flip them again for 2x that.
Good question. I don’t know for sure but assume your example would be counted as a resell. If not, nothing would prevent resellers from transferring to a burner email and then selling on Ticketmaster. Only advice is that season ticket holders need to insist that folks that are given tickets (or sold offline) not resell and actually attend the games (or transfer to someone that will).
Good question. I don’t know for sure but assume your example would be counted as a resell. If not, nothing would prevent resellers from transferring to a burner email and then selling on Ticketmaster. Only advice is that season ticket holders need to insist that folks that are given tickets (or sold offline) not resell and actually attend the games (or transfer to someone that will).
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Good question. I don’t know for sure but assume your example would be counted as a resell. If not, nothing would prevent resellers from transferring to a burner email and then selling on Ticketmaster. Only advice is that season ticket holders need to insist that folks that are given tickets (or sold offline) not resell and actually attend the games (or transfer to someone that will).
I don’t believe the transfer aspect is being flagged as some think because if it was, I would be in that camp of having my account suspended. Transferring every midweek game is in essence a 1/3 of the home season so I would easily be exceeding their 20% threshold.
I transferred every midweek game last year and also sold a few but very few. They told me that it was specifically selling through Ticketmaster. They are trying to stop the people who are buying tickets to sell tickets and specifically to make a profit. They told me that if you sell them for what you paid for them then there is no penalty either but if you are making a profit every time you sell the tickets they will take them. That is their ultimate goal with doing it all online is that they can track what happens with them. They want to stop the guys standing on the sidewalks selling tickets or now the guy sitting at a desk or using a computer to buy and sell tickets. That is also why it seems to be complicated at times to get your tickets bought is to stop people from using computers to buy tickets. I am torn because I see the business side of it and the fan side of it. I don't know what I will do with my tickets when Kirby is done. I hope he is going to be on the coaching staff so I will keep them for a long time. But I also will not be there for every game so I'm interestingly watching to see how this will affect what I do with my tickets after this year. We are working on something creative to do with my tickets on midweeks and some weekends to help fund Kirby's visions for the coming year without hurting him or losing my tickets.
They’ve gotten awful up there. I was unnecessarily and unknowingly upgraded 2 years ago for double the money and was told my old seats were no longer an option. The ticket rep couldn’t tell me why they weren’t an option still, so I just took it and forked over the $. Only to be told later in the season by the Director of Ticketing that the rep made a mistake and I could’ve had my old seats still for 1/2 the investment. Last year I inquired again about going down in my seat level and was told no, season ticket holders are locked in, again at an even higher price than 2022. Now here we are on my 4th-5th season paying 4x what I paid when I started and doubling again next year. I said I would never give them up but I think 2024 may be the last year. A 4 hour drive one way, hotel expenses and food every other weekend was doable when my pair of tickets cost me $300 total. Now you’re talking $2000 for the tickets in 2025 plus those same expenses and it’s now a $5-$6k investment every spring. That’s unsustainable for my household.

More than anything, that's what is frustrating me with them the last two years. I get we've rediscovered success in numerous areas after being essentially dormant for a decade, and I get that drives demand which can increase prices.

But I'll be damned if I don't feel like a dairy cow being hooked up to the milking machine every chance they get. Sure, donations and ticket prices mainly, but even small things.

Case in point: The weeks before the UCONN game, they announced the special Pat Summitt stadium cups as a fundraiser, $1 from each drink goes to the fund. Ok cool, I'll definitely grab one.

Get to the game and go to get my coke- I can by the normal cup for $7 or the Summitt cup for $8. Seriously? You're selling a coke for $7 but you can't just slide the dollar yourself?

Its just a dollar and I didn't blink at paying it...but...symptomatic of a whole lot of things we've noticed. Adding fees, inching prices up in weird areas, running *extremely* lean staffing on certain gamedays...

It adds up to more than a little frustration with something I love.

(To say nothing of how more than a few venues are actually cutting concessions prices and trying to add value to the season ticket holder 'experience', but that's a whole different discussion).
More than anything, that's what is frustrating me with them the last two years. I get we've rediscovered success in numerous areas after being essentially dormant for a decade, and I get that drives demand which can increase prices.

But I'll be damned if I don't feel like a dairy cow being hooked up to the milking machine every chance they get. Sure, donations and ticket prices mainly, but even small things.

Case in point: The weeks before the UCONN game, they announced the special Pat Summitt stadium cups as a fundraiser, $1 from each drink goes to the fund. Ok cool, I'll definitely grab one.

Get to the game and go to get my coke- I can by the normal cup for $7 or the Summitt cup for $8. Seriously? You're selling a coke for $7 but you can't just slide the dollar yourself?

Its just a dollar and I didn't blink at paying it...but...symptomatic of a whole lot of things we've noticed. Adding fees, inching prices up in weird areas, running *extremely* lean staffing on certain gamedays...

It adds up to more than a little frustration with something I love.

(To say nothing of how more than a few venues are actually cutting concessions prices and trying to add value to the season ticket holder 'experience', but that's a whole different discussion).
I don’t know what State’s season baseball tickets cost but one thing they do and I admired the hell out of when I went to our series down there, was concessions are priced “normally”. A bottle of water was $2 or less, hot dogs are like $3-$4, beers were “only” $6 I believe (that’s still reasonable). When they built the new Dudy Noble they said they weren’t going to help fund it from increased concessions and odds and end things like that. Their stance was, families coming to the ballpark were what built that program and culture to what it is today and they were not going to price families out of being able to come and experience a game. They’ve recognized, respected and appreciated their fanbase and their support and in turn rewarded them with an affordable opportunity. What’s frustrating here, is we’re adding seats to accommodate the demand and increasing revenue by virtue of 2-3k more paying customers, yet we’re in turn increasing prices as well. The additions/upgrades should be built from the additional revenue they generate, not by increasing the cost of the existing seats.
I don’t believe the transfer aspect is being flagged as some think because if it was, I would be in that camp of having my account suspended. Transferring every midweek game is in essence a 1/3 of the home season so I would easily be exceeding their 20% threshold.
Agreed. Zero issues with transferring tickets. Here are the scenarios:
1) season ticket holder attends 90% of home games, several road games, and all regionals, Supers, and CWS = UT loves you and considers you a VFL

1b) season ticket holder transfers unused tickets to another fan who attends game = UT loves you.
2) season ticket holder resells 85% of their tickets on Ticketmaster for a material profit = UT hates you and suspends your rights to tickets
3) season ticket holder transfers tickets to John Doe who then resells them on Ticketmaster = UT isn’t happy and will be monitoring you. 😀
I don’t know what State’s season baseball tickets cost but one thing they do and I admired the hell out of when I went to our series down there, was concessions are priced “normally”. A bottle of water was $2 or less, hot dogs are like $3-$4, beers were “only” $6 I believe (that’s still reasonable). When they built the new Dudy Noble they said they weren’t going to help fund it from increased concessions and odds and end things like that. Their stance was, families coming to the ballpark were what built that program and culture to what it is today and they were not going to price families out of being able to come and experience a game. They’ve recognized, respected and appreciated their fanbase and their support and in turn rewarded them with an affordable opportunity. What’s frustrating here, is we’re adding seats to accommodate the demand and increasing revenue by virtue of 2-3k more paying customers, yet we’re in turn increasing prices as well. The additions/upgrades should be built from the additional revenue they generate, not by increasing the cost of the existing seats.

Definitely agree. The parts where you can see the greed creep in are what bugs me.

Sure, charge me the tickets. I get it. That’s the premium I pay to have a seat all year. But you can’t improve the experience by knocking down the concessions even a little?
I don’t know what State’s season baseball tickets cost but one thing they do and I admired the hell out of when I went to our series down there, was concessions are priced “normally”. A bottle of water was $2 or less, hot dogs are like $3-$4, beers were “only” $6 I believe (that’s still reasonable). When they built the new Dudy Noble they said they weren’t going to help fund it from increased concessions and odds and end things like that. Their stance was, families coming to the ballpark were what built that program and culture to what it is today and they were not going to price families out of being able to come and experience a game. They’ve recognized, respected and appreciated their fanbase and their support and in turn rewarded them with an affordable opportunity. What’s frustrating here, is we’re adding seats to accommodate the demand and increasing revenue by virtue of 2-3k more paying customers, yet we’re in turn increasing prices as well. The additions/upgrades should be built from the additional revenue they generate, not by increasing the cost of the existing seats.
You need to send this verbatim to the AD’s office.
Just got an email that says my tickets in the last row of B are gonna be gonna after 2024 and I will need to relocate. I loved those seats, this really sucks.
Just got an email that says my tickets in the last row of B are gonna be gonna after 2024 and I will need to relocate. I loved those seats, this really sucks.
I just got the same email. Is it saying you have to relocate or you will have an opportunity to relocate?
My email states an offer to relocate. It might depend where you are sitting.
Mine says the same. I take that to mean I can buy my tickets again at the 2025 prices as shown for my "area". Mrs. Ernest T. points out, someone could read it as, you are being thrown out of your seats and will be offered a chance to relocate.
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Last row of D…I got the email too.


Those were my dream seats. I’m trying to stay hopeful…but I know how unlikely it is I’ll have anything close to what I did.
While I'm waiting to hear back from UT/TN Fund....

Has anybody that's getting moved talked to them yet? I noticed my email seems to say they want me moved *this* season even though the seats won't be impacted until 2025. I'd really much rather finish the year in my current seats then move in 2025...but its sounding like that may not be an option.

Their wording is pretty vague on every communication i get.
While I'm waiting to hear back from UT/TN Fund....

Has anybody that's getting moved talked to them yet? I noticed my email seems to say they want me moved *this* season even though the seats won't be impacted until 2025. I'd really much rather finish the year in my current seats then move in 2025...but its sounding like that may not be an option.

Their wording is pretty vague on every communication i get.
I called and they said they would be sending a form in a couple weeks for 2025 relocation.
They just got back with me.

At least for mine...if I relocate, i lose this years seats and have to move to the 2025 seats for this season.

(Honestly, I don't understand that even a little bit, but I'll spare the rant and wait until we have our meeting for relocation and 4Topps)

Gotta say...that is very disappointing. Extremely so.
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