2024 Transfer Portal

Going back to the Curley/Antigua/Kilen conversation for a minute:

Antigua's arm reminds me so much of Rafael Furcal for the Braves back in the day. The absolute missiles he could throw to 1st base always impressed me. I think Antigua has that potential.
Now if he could just hit
Now if he could just hit
Mark Belanger of the Orioles hit right around the Mendoza line for his career. His pitchers insisted that he saved them at least a run per game. You could look at that as 162 RBI's over a season.

If Antigua is that good, I want him out there saving runs whether he hits or not.
IMO Curley just looks more like a 3rd baseman. I know we don't play kids because they "look" the part but I mean his size and stability seem to fit more at 3rd (maybe even 1st too). And I think his arm strength is just fine. Granted his consistency with the glove needs to improve and prob will. As good as Billy was for us this past year....he did have some untimely errors both fielding and throwing. I once heard a great baseball mind say "you've got to be stable on the corners and very athletic up the middle to have a championship level team". I concur.
If his arm is questionable, I want to see him at third and not SS, since we have Antigua with the cannon arm.
The guy got 23 at bats after a major hand injury in preseason. Way too small a sample size to have any conclusions whatsoever.
I mean, it's like one rando poster makes a claim about something he has no knowledge of and 47 other people run with it. Look at the first series of the year. So many people were already out on Burke and Sechrist.
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