2024 Vols will have the best d-line in the country....BY FAR

Why did you not write this the post before?

Once I exposed that you're the one here trolling not me you totally switched up. Then when I exposed the switch up you went back to trolling to keep up face. If I didn't get to you then you would have had to switch things up.

Thanks for proving me right.
Absolutely perfect example of the "run in circles" trope. I don't think I could have written a reply for you that better demonstrated the MO.

"you totally switched up"...LOL, awesome.

Crap, didn't want to disappoint you by not including another nugget of your great "eye".

ScreenHunter_9385 Aug. 08 15.13.jpg
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Absolutely perfect example of the "run in circles" trope. I don't think I could have written a reply for you that better demonstrated the MO.

"you totally switched up"...LOL, awesome.

Crap, didn't want to disappoint you by not including another nugget of your great "eye".

View attachment 665669
Derrick Henry…HOF level talent if he retired today. Kelvin Taylor…HOF level manager at Auto Zone.
Why did you not write this the post before?

Once I exposed that you're the one here trolling not me you totally switched up. Then when I exposed the switch up you went back to trolling to keep up face. If I didn't get to you then you would have had to switch things up.

Thanks for proving me right.
You sound like a little squirrel...all excited about it!

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Derrick Henry…HOF level talent if he retired today. Kelvin Taylor…HOF level manager at Auto Zone.
Well hang on now...Taylor just needs a chance, greatness takes time, in the end he's confident he'll be shown to be a genius. Just wait.
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Absolutely perfect example of the "run in circles" trope. I don't think I could have written a reply for you that better demonstrated the MO.

"you totally switched up"...LOL, awesome.

Crap, didn't want to disappoint you by not including another nugget of your great "eye".

View attachment 665669

If I didn't get to you why was that the only post in this entire run of replies you've been on that didn't include a past quote of mine? You exposed yourself with that one buddy.
If I didn't get to you why was that the only post in this entire run of replies you've been on that didn't include a past quote of mine? You exposed yourself with that one buddy.
Oh dear...did you actually just try to plant a flag in the fact I made a post without properly citing one of your many faceplants? So to be clear, since it's simply an amazing thing to posit, there is an actual onus to carry regarding the inclusion of a quote in every post lest I be "exposed"? I have to say you've tried to run with some very poor and desperate arguments over the years but dude...that actually sounded good in your head when you typed that out?

Well since I dare not risk doing that again let me try and redeem myself with more of an ensemble presentation that underscores your legendary propensity for self aggrandizement that coincides with absolute certainty with things you still get wrong.
I'm just good at spotting greatness.

I have an eye for talent.

I know greatness when I see it.

There is no chance I'm wrong. I am more sure about Dobbs than any athlete I've ever seen.

He's destined for greatness.
Oh dear...did you actually just try to plant a flag in the fact I made a post without properly citing one of your many faceplants?

Why did you stop though? As your following posts showed there is definitely more material from my past you could have digged up. But you stopped cause what I said about you being the troll for spaming this thread with posts from nearly 10 years ago was true. Then when I highlighted your backtrack you panicked and tried to save face by returning to the script. It's clear as day.
Why did you stop though? As your following posts showed there is definitely more material from my past you could have digged up. But you stopped cause what I said about you being the troll for spaming this thread with posts from nearly 10 years ago was true. Then when I highlighted your backtrack you panicked and tried to save face by returning to the script. It's clear as day.
So maybe I should give you some degree of troll credit for this latest turn. You DID actually shift from the "ask a question that's been answered a dozen times" approach. Let's take a look at that post you're now clinging to like a flat earther that's taken pictures from Wales of some distant clouds and claiming they're the Alps. (That's a real story btw)

LOL. Dude I straight TOLD you what was going down after I all but wrote it all out in crayon for you. (For that matter so have others.)

Anyone familiar with your postings knows how you will happily run in circles until everyone else just gets tired. It's a straight up D4H MO that's played out for years. Hell, I've cited multiple examples of that in this thread already. You're of course welcome to do something sensible, like several people have posited, like shushing about anything Hooker v Dobbs until the former has so much as set foot on a real field of play a few times in the preseason. OR you can have more failings of your "genius", "eye for talent" and "football acumen" trotted out. Your call.
Do you see it? Do you see the purpose in the post?

Also testing something else to see if you take more cloud pictures
So maybe I should give you some degree of troll credit for this latest turn. You DID actually shift from the "ask a question that's been answered a dozen times" approach. Let's take a look at that post you're now clinging to like a flat earther that's taken pictures from Wales of some distant clouds and claiming they're the Alps. (That's a real story btw)

Do you see it? Do you see the purpose in the post?

Also testing something else to see if you take more cloud pictures

You could have quoted another one of my previous posts in that response but you didn't. All the posts before and after that you threw in an irrelevant post from my past. Why did you suddenly stop doing it? You knew you couldn't actually defeat me on the issue of your hypocrisy regarding Dobbs vs Hooker so to save face you kept bringing up posts from my past to win brownie points with others. Then when confronted on this as obvious trolling you stopped. However, once I acknowledged the fact you backed down you had to go back to it to save face even more. You can try to backtrack all you want but you exposed yourself right then and there.
You could have quoted another one of my previous posts in that response but you didn't. All the posts before and after that you threw in an irrelevant post from my past. Why did you suddenly stop doing it? You knew you couldn't actually defeat me on the issue of your hypocrisy regarding Dobbs vs Hooker so to save face you kept bringing up posts from my past to win brownie points with others. Then when confronted on this as obvious trolling you stopped. However, once I acknowledged the fact you backed down you had to go back to it to save face even more. You can try to backtrack all you want but you exposed yourself right then and there.
So despite going back to the post in question and not only quoting it but boldening all you needed to know you either still don't see it (which would require comprehension bias bordering on the psychotic) or a level of face saving trolling that simply sticks to a script no matter how obviously hopeless the position. You're just chasing the dragon at this point. With nothing to gain but more self-immolation it's fascinating you'd keep coming back and adding more archived material to the already impressive back catalog of WTF? postings.

So here's that post again pared down to the single sentence that reveals everything anyone with the intelligence (or intellectual honesty) of cole slaw can see. I'll even help out by asking you note one word being exaggerated from the others. (mind you that was the case from the outset and not just added now)
You're of course welcome to do something sensible, like several people have posited, like shushing about anything Hooker v Dobbs until the former has so much as set foot on a real field of play a few times in the preseason. OR you can have more failings of your "genius", "eye for talent" and "football acumen" trotted out. Your call.
There can't possibly be 15,249 people on this site that like anything this duffus has to say.
Eh, it's a Vols fan site so someone that predicts greatness everywhere and swaths of players being ascending greats, if not NFL Hall of Famers, is going to get likes here just like it would on a GA or AL fanbase board. The downside is, as amply shown just in this thread in real time and call backs, the correlation with reality is...ummm...not great. The gaslighting can reach comical levels as well.

The funny part? Somewhere in there is someone genuinely into football and capable of some viable takes. The packaging thing though...oof. If taken even a few feet off the path of rationally based observations it's sort of like watching Tommy Wiseau's performance in The Room. It's so whack it can be hard to ignore even if only to mock.
Analysis on future HOF Christian Mccaffrey...

Agree he nailed Kamara but a bulk of the draft fall was off the field crap....

It's only year 1. How is it a dumb prediction?

And I still stand by it. My RB rankings even now would be:

1. Alvin Kamara (Saints)
2. James Conner (Steelers)
3. Joe Mixon (Bengals)

The only guy I know wish I didn't rank so high is Christian McCaffrey. He's significantly worse running between the tackles than I thought he would be. I had him as a Pro-Bowl talent last year. Now I'll be shocked if he ever makes a Pro Bowl.
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So despite going back to the post in question and not only quoting it but boldening all you needed to know you either still don't see it (which would require comprehension bias bordering on the psychotic) or a level of face saving trolling that simply sticks to a script no matter how obviously hopeless the position. You're just chasing the dragon at this point. With nothing to gain but more self-immolation it's fascinating you'd keep coming back and adding more archived material to the already impressive back catalog of WTF? postings.

So here's that post again pared down to the single sentence that reveals everything anyone with the intelligence (or intellectual honesty) of cole slaw can see. I'll even help out by asking you note one word being exaggerated from the others. (mind you that was the case from the outset and not just added now)

My reading comprehension is just fine. Which is why before you went the trolling route I was focused solely on our discussion of Hooker vs Dobbs. But then YOU decided to change the subject and bring up by previous predictions. In fact I gave you those points and said okay my previous predictions sucked now let's focus on this hypothetical (not even a prediction). I simply wanted you to accept one parameter. If Hooker can't win the backup job in Year 2 like Dobbs then he is at the very least not keeping pace with Dobbs when it comes to NFL success. You never accepted that parameter and tried every which way to weasel out of that point. It's at that point you just started spamming more of my previous predictions. I didn't care and kept trying to get you to get you to at least acknowledge this one point of my proposed hypothetical for determining whether Dobbs or Hooker was the better talent. And finally you threw out the trolling accusation. It humored me cause it was classic projecting. Here I was focusing on Dobbs vs Hooker while you were posting stuff I said nearly 10 years ago and I was trolling? I simply made that point expecting you to continue the same charade. By low and behold you didn't. You actually responded with a post that didn't include another irrelevant post of mine for nearly 10 years ago. I then highlighted this change in demeanor citing a possible guilty conscience. You responded by going right back to work digging up more decade old posts.

Once again. Why not simply throw one more post of mine from 10 years ago in that response to my trolling accusation? It would have fit in well after that last sentence of "giving me a choice". You could have simply posted one of those later quotes in the following posts.
Yet he backtracks and says he predicted Mahomes as All-Pro? Aren’t players on that list “good”? 😅

Here's my official 2017 draft predictions:

I clearly rated Mahomes as a potential All-Pro talent in my final pre-draft prediction. A lot of the posts he's cited in this thread aren't my FINAL predictions but rather my observations before doing a deep dive into the prospects. For example, before I studied Christian McCaffery closely I wasn't impressed by him. Then I watched his tape closely and predicted he would be an All-Pro talent in the NFL.
Analysis on future HOF Christian Mccaffrey...

Agree he nailed Kamara but a bulk of the draft fall was off the field crap....

Christian McCaffery looked terrible in Year 1. Go look up the numbers. 3.7 yards per carry and only 2 rushing TDs. Gladly he improved after that and has proven me right for my OFFICIAL pre-draft predictions.

What I can't even admit to being potentially wrong now? For years yall got on me for not admitting I was wrong about Dobbs. And now you're getting on me for admitting after Year 1 I was scared I was potentially wrong about McCaffery? Make it make sense.
Here's my official 2017 draft predictions:

I clearly rated Mahomes as a potential All-Pro talent in my final pre-draft prediction. A lot of the posts he's cited in this thread aren't my FINAL predictions but rather my observations before doing a deep dive into the prospects. For example, before I studied Christian McCaffery closely I wasn't impressed by him. Then I watched his tape closely and predicted he would be an All-Pro talent in the NFL.
Then you backtracked and said you were in error because you weren’t aware of how bad he was as an inside runner and doubts he ever makes a Pro Bowl…that AFTER his rookie season. “Deep dive” gone bad? So you’re admitting BEFORE you did a “deep dive” on Mahomes, you hadn’t watched a second of “film” (err HIGHLIGHTS on YouTube) and were talking out your butt…again? 😉
Then you backtracked and said you were in error because you weren’t aware of how bad he was as an inside runner and doubts he ever makes a Pro Bowl…that AFTER his rookie season. “Deep dive” gone bad? So you’re admitting BEFORE you did a “deep dive” on Mahomes, you hadn’t watched a second of “film” (err HIGHLIGHTS on YouTube) and were talking out your butt…again? 😉

One thing I am is honest and yes I thought McCaffery looked terrible as a rookie. I was wishing I never picked him to be a star after his first year. He's one of the few RB who got way better after his rookie year.

At the end of the day I expect to be held accountable for my final take on a player before the draft. That's why I used to put together those draft previews right before the draft. They were basically my final thoughts on prospects. Maybe you think the same way at all times but my views on prospects changes over time. It's why I do those final rankings. If I never changed my opinion then there would have been no need for those threads.
My reading comprehension is just fine. Which is why before you went the trolling route I was focused solely on our discussion of Hooker vs Dobbs. But then YOU decided to change the subject and bring up by previous predictions. In fact I gave you those points and said okay my previous predictions sucked now let's focus on this hypothetical (not even a prediction). I simply wanted you to accept one parameter. If Hooker can't win the backup job in Year 2 like Dobbs then he is at the very least not keeping pace with Dobbs when it comes to NFL success. You never accepted that parameter and tried every which way to weasel out of that point. It's at that point you just started spamming more of my previous predictions. I didn't care and kept trying to get you to get you to at least acknowledge this one point of my proposed hypothetical for determining whether Dobbs or Hooker was the better talent. And finally you threw out the trolling accusation. It humored me cause it was classic projecting. Here I was focusing on Dobbs vs Hooker while you were posting stuff I said nearly 10 years ago and I was trolling? I simply made that point expecting you to continue the same charade. By low and behold you didn't. You actually responded with a post that didn't include another irrelevant post of mine for nearly 10 years ago. I then highlighted this change in demeanor citing a possible guilty conscience. You responded by going right back to work digging up more decade old posts.

Once again. Why not simply throw one more post of mine from 10 years ago in that response to my trolling accusation? It would have fit in well after that last sentence of "giving me a choice". You could have simply posted one of those later quotes in the following posts.
So there Mr "reading comprehension is fine" still struggling with what "OR" means? What you are, somewhat hysterically, trying to argue that there should be...nay MUST be, some predetermined reply structure lest you pass some sort of judgment. Worse this is predicated on something analogous to if a person says they'll slap someone if they do something and don't, you know, slap them anyway before they've taken any action only you would come along and say "Obviously it is should be expected to carry out the threat before the person has made their choice of action.". That's something one would expect from a person after snorting 2lbs of bath salts.

And don't you go retconning the Hooker/Dobbs thing. From the outset multiple posters were pointing out just saying "2nd year" on a calendar was a flawed comparison.

That is exactly you doing precisely the thing you said you didn't do and it was merely the first example. There is no "thus far" or "trajectory" regarding Hooker in the NFL. He had no rookie season due to injury, had dislocated his finger in spring and is basically right now getting his first "real" work. He's yet to even take a preseason snap.

Now I otoh can say I've made no actual comparisons. I have unambiguously stated that, as I type this, nobody with the sense of a turnip can make any meaningful comparison due to Hooker being little more than a rookie with an extended off season. Will there come a point where enough vettable information comes in to make at least some speculative comparisons? Sure, but it won't be until the end of preseason at the earliest and sure as hell not when you posted the above.

So by this point your "normal" qb would have had:
rookie OTAs
rookie training camp
rookie preseason
2nd year OTAs
2nd year training camp

Hooker has zero of the rookie list and the 2ndyr OTA with a dislocated finger on his throwing hand. He's basically a rookie+ at this point. THE POINT being made, and in the most vettable way possible, is comparing anyone that fits the cited "normal qb" with someone in basically rookie+ isn't even pretending to be intellectualy honest.
Nobody here is under any onus to apologize for not accepting your "parameter". This is especially true regarding you as nobody in the history of this board considers time and achievement more malleable than you when it suits your purpose.
One thing I am is honest and yes I thought McCaffery looked terrible as a rookie. I was wishing I never picked him to be a star after his first year. He's one of the few RB who got way better after his rookie year.

At the end of the day I expect to be held accountable for my final take on a player before the draft. That's why I used to put together those draft previews right before the draft. They were basically my final thoughts on prospects. Maybe you think the same way at all times but my views on prospects changes over time. It's why I do those final rankings. If I never changed my opinion then there would have been no need for those threads.
“would have been” indeed. 😏
And don't you go retconning the Hooker/Dobbs thing. From the outset multiple posters were pointing out just saying "2nd year" on a calendar was a flawed comparison.

But isn't Hooker 26 years old? Didn't he spend 6 years in college compared to just 4 for Dobbs? Didn't he play with a better offensive coach in his final two collegiate seasons than Dobbs ever did? If anything Hooker has tremendous advantages over Dobbs when they were both in their 2nd year. Hooker is older and more mature with far better coaching to build upon.

Dobbs was 23 years old in his second year as a pro and won the backup job. I don't know how it's flawed to expect a 26 year old in his second year to do the same?
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But isn't Hooker 26 years old? Didn't he spend 6 years in college compared to just 4 for Dobbs? Didn't he play with a better offensive coach in his final two collegiate seasons than Dobbs ever did? If anything Hooker has tremendous advantages over Dobbs when they were both in their 2nd year. Hooker is older and more mature with far better coaching to build upon.

Dobbs was 23 years old in his second year as a pro and won the backup job. I don't know how it's flawed to expect a 26 year old in his second year to do the same?
I'll start by congratulating you on tearing yourself away from that stream of psychobabble drivel you've had going for so long. This was the first remotely rational response in some time. However the premise is still flawed. Actually if this was as obvious an argument as you'd like it to be you'd have played that card when the subject was first brought up. Age is not football experience nor is college experience the same as pro experience. Both had over 30 collegiate games so it's kinda moot to start looking for leverage there.

The only rational approach is the obvious one. Any comparisons between anybody and anybody else are only as good as the data between them in as like as a scenario as can be applied. The curve flattens over time. At the collegiate level the expected difference is much greater between Fr & So than Jr & Sr. In the pros it's similar. Hendon is, as already mentioned, basically rookie+. That's a stand alone fact irrespective of any other concerns. In looking up Lion's fan sites and videos the term "red shirt rookie" was used more than once. It is what it is and it's not exactly as though you're given some kind of special jurisdiction in the matter.

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