3 Football players arrested

When the cops asked him to turn the music down they did, but as the police were pulling away they turned it up louder than it was before. The cops came back and AJ and Sapp both told them they weren't doing that because it was their party and they were going to do what they wanted. The coops didn't like that too much and said they could arrest them for refusing. Once they said this, is when AJ and Sapp started pushing the cops.

It wouldn't surprise me if CBJ sent O'Brien packing.

For a fake ID? Seriously? He's a stupid college kid. You make all involved in this mess work an azz load of community service and stress to them it will never happen again. Ever.
For a fake ID? Seriously? He's a stupid college kid. You make all involved in this mess work an azz load of community service and stress to them it will never happen again. Ever.

These guys will miss a single game at the most. This is NOT a big deal. It's a teachable moment. Butch can run their asses off and use them as an example to others.
I really don't see this as a big deal. Give them one game each and call it a day. Make them run/do extra drills/whatever behind closed doors. But just doll out the punishment and move on.
I don't think so

Probably not but still it wouldn't surprise me. Fake id and being combative with officers isn't going to go over well with CBJ. With this being the first player arrest as head coach I'm sure CBJ will put the hammer down and it will likely fall harder on O'Brien then AJ.
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I'm not condoning what happened, but KPD are d****.1 reason I try not to go to Knoxville to party.Except for games.
I really don't see this as a big deal. Give them one game each and call it a day. Make them run/do extra drills/whatever behind closed doors. But just doll out the punishment and move on.

I agree. 1 game suspension. Sucks it will probably be the Utah st. game.They ain't gonna be a pushover.
Isn't/wasn't Butch's dad a chief of police in Michigan? This won't set well with coach! Punishment may be a little stiffer, but it is not a major concern.
A fake ID? for the love of God, what will we ever do? What a thug! I'm glad that menace is taken off the streets.

Seriously, never been arrested but definitely do not miss Knoxville's finest.
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Isn't/wasn't Butch's dad a chief of police in Michigan? This won't set well with coach! Punishment may be a little stiffer, but it is not a major concern.

Yeah, bUTch's dad has been Chief of Police
in the resort town of Saugatuck Michigan for many years. KNS had a series on Jones when he was hired.

And no I don't think players getting in an officer's face will go over well with him. On the other hand, in his younger years bUTch worked as a bartender in one of the resorts restaurants so he's going to know all about fake ID's for kids under age, and what to do. Such as feed em dead frogs for breakfast an make em run til they puke, live in study hall, run til they puke, community service, run til they puke, and did i mention run til they puke.

But, as far as I'm concerned...getting in an officer's face is worse than th ID crap. I know some really good straight A kids over there right now who are sooo proud they are seniors & 21 now.
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