3 Football players arrested

But, as far as I'm concerned...getting in an officer's face is worse than th ID crap. I know some really good straight A kids over there right now who are sooo proud they are seniors & 21 now.

So as long as people take the fetal position or otherwise bow down to the authority figure even if that authority figure is being abusive or disrespectful? You do realize a lot of times 'getting in a cop's face' is no more than asking them a question?
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Where is that info from?

Evan Woodberry's Twitter:

The following players were cited for underage consumption: Dontavius Blair, Dimarya Mixon, Justin Coleman, Malik Brown... (1 of 2)

Underage citations: Jalen Reeves-Maybin, Curtis Maggitt, Daniel Sola. Arrested: Danny O'Brien, A.J. Johnson, Isaac Mobley, Dontavis Sapp.

Freshman LB Jakob Johnson was also cited, per KCSO report. So that's 12 arrested or cited -- nine current players, three former.

Report says officers found pipe with marijuana residue in apartment (shared by Johnson and Sapp) but they could not determine ownership.
Evan Woodbery ‏@TennesseeBeat 3m
Upon closer look at report: Police say A.J. Johnson, Jakob Johnson, D. Sapp, J. Reeves-Maybin and Curt Maggitt all lived at same apartment.

Say what now?
So far, as I understand, there were college students at a party on a Saturday night that included music, alcohol, and at least some presence of marijuana (which is now actually legal in multiple states).

While I would like for our student-athletes to make better decisions and think more of their future and/or their higher-calling, it would be awfully hard for most of us to throw stones. I guess we will learn more about details of any altercation that may have occurred with the police, but this just looks (on the surface) like a random night on any college campus in the country. I don't see this having much impact, aside from an opportunity to learn a valuable life lesson via some stairs, sweat, and a little puking.
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KPD once gave me an underage consumption citation, while I was driving ( I had no drinks that night and was up late studying for a test so I was going to the Pilot on the strip to get some caffeine) and they refused to give me a breathalyzer or field sobriety test to prove my innocence.

Screw them.
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It wouldn't surprise me if CBJ sent O'Brien packing.

It would surprise me. $1,500 bond denotes it wasn't anything where the officers felt like he was potentially going to put anyone in harm's way. Kicking anyone off the team for misdemeanor charges that will possibly be expunged before the season starts would be overkill. Run them into the ground and make AJ and Danny O miss the spring game.
Losing AJ or Danny would be a giant blow

If Danny didn't show the fake ID he wouldn't be in that much jeopardy. A lot of hear say between everything that's actually been documented. I don't see anyone getting kicked off the team. 1 game suspension, Yea.
So far, as I understand, there were college students at a party on a Saturday night that included music, alcohol, and at least some presence of marijuana (which is now actually legal in multiple states).

While I would like for our student-athletes to make better decisions and think more of their future and/or their higher-calling, it would be awfully hard for most of us to throw stones. I guess we will learn more about details of any altercation that may have occurred with the police, but this just looks (on the surface) like a random night on any college campus in the country. I don't see this having much impact, aside from an opportunity to learn a valuable life lesson via some stairs, sweat, and a little puking.

Couldn't agree more.
It would surprise me. $1,500 bond denotes it wasn't anything where the officers felt like he was potentially going to put anyone in harm's way. Kicking anyone off the team for misdemeanor charges that will possibly be expunged before the season starts would be overkill. Run them into the ground and make AJ and Danny O miss the spring game.

My first reaction after reading that O'Brien was "combative" with officers was CBJ would not tolerate that under any circumstances. In retrospect if O'Brien had been out of control with police he would have more then a $1500.00 bond. I wasn't suggesting he should be sent packing but I think CBJ will send the team a clear message with the punishment.

I know to most it's "just a fake ID" but I have a feeling CBJ will look at this differently then what most of us do.
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I know to most it's "just a fake ID" but I have a feeling CBJ will look at this differently then what most of us do.

Yeah, you have to question someone who pulls out a fake ID to show it to an actual officer. Those things are for gas station clerks and unwitting servers.
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Knox County Sheriff Department has the story and mugshots of AJ, Obrien, and Sapp on the front page. Don't see much need for this from the sheriff's department, seems more and more like they are trying to get as much publicity as they can.
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It would surprise me. $1,500 bond denotes it wasn't anything where the officers felt like he was potentially going to put anyone in harm's way. Kicking anyone off the team for misdemeanor charges that will possibly be expunged before the season starts would be overkill. Run them into the ground and make AJ and Danny O miss the spring game.

Maybe not the spring game, but Jones needs to come up with something along those lines that he can be consistent with. He needs to invoke a standard idiot rule for this sort of thing, whatever the extenuating circumstances. No Da'Rick Rogers skating by with a "just an innocent bystander" story. How did that work out? No weighing who's more culpable. Whatever the story, they pay the same price just for being an idiot.
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Today I learned that VN's solution to most arrest worthy incidents is "running some stairs".
Its just February. Its a long time till fall with this kind of stuff to look forward to. Its like sailors, they don't get in trouble at sea. Football players don't get in trouble during the season (much).
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Today I learned that VN's solution to most arrest worthy incidents is "running some stairs".

Yes, that's exactly what you should take from today's discussions. Also all crimes are the same. Jaywalking and Littering now carry the same punishments as murder and rape. Let's keep the logic moving. What else do you guys have?
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