$3 Trillion Infrastructure and Jobs Plan Coming

Democrats are ready to sting up Manchin and Sinema, but they probably just saved the party from a complete bloodbath in the midterms.

Manchin is safe in WV and they can’t touch him.

It’s why he has so much power even though his state has hardly any real power or pull.
actually this may kill 2 bills. The real infrastructure that already passed the Senate is set for vote today but the progressives are against it without the 3.5 "human" infrastructure bill. Manchin's comments put that one in jeopardy which puts the real infrastructure bill in peril today.

markets are tanking as a result

Market is over inflated by atleast 10k.

There will be some sort of massive correction soon and a lot of people are going to lose their shirts again.
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Democrats are ready to sting up Manchin and Sinema, but they probably just saved the party from a complete bloodbath in the midterms.
They also keep saving the Democrats from the absolute stupidity of trying to eliminate the filibuster which, believe me, the Democrats will be VERY glad to still have when they find themselves in the minority in about 15 months.
dropping 10K would be almost at 30% correction


We will see a drop to 25k before 2030 I think.

I think we are about to see major inflation, major defaults, and I think the car companies are going to collapse in 2 years. The silicone shortage has completely crushed new car sales and multiple businesses are shuttering due to lack of employees.

This has a 2006 feel to it.
dropping 10K would be almost at 30% correction
Well, I have bad news for you all. I finally got around to starting a Roth IRA last week. So expect a market drop.

I kept trying to time the market 2 years ago before I started a retirement investment account with a financial advisor. 2018/2019 I kept waiting to see if there would be a recession that people had been talking about. Jan 2020 I said screw it and started it. 3 weeks later Covid appeared and I was wishing I'd waited another month. I would have held out into the Covid market drop and bought in when it was in the teens last spring/summer. I imagine my retirement account would be worth at least double/triple what it is now? It's made money, but not going from 16k to 35k stock market money.

So I may be bad luck when it comes to putting money in.
Well, I have bad news for you all. I finally got around to starting a Roth IRA last week. So expect a market drop.

I kept trying to time the market 2 years ago before I started a retirement investment account with a financial advisor. 2018/2019 I kept waiting to see if there would be a recession that people had been talking about. Jan 2020 I said screw it and started it. 3 weeks later Covid appeared and I was wishing I'd waited another month. I would have held out into the Covid market drop and bought in when it was in the teens last spring/summer. I imagine my retirement account would be worth at least double/triple what it is now? It's made money, but not going from 16k to 35k stock market money.

So I may be bad luck when it comes to putting money in.
20 years from now, you'll only remember the great investments you made. Just stick with it.
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20 years from now, you'll only remember the great investments you made. Just stick with it.
Oh yea. I'm one of those weirdos that doesn't have an expensive lifestyle and saves. So I figured I might as well put it to work instead of sitting in a savings account drawing like .5% interest. Hopefully 25 years from now we're still a functioning economy.
Manchin just went live and publicly said he isn’t going past 1.5 and if they want more then campaign on it and get more libs to pass it.

Bill is dead, thank God.

For now. Never underestimate the powers of political persuasion.

I'm sure Pelosi and Schumer are in a bunker somewhere simultaneously turning a key to gain access to a vault that holds a trove of clandestine blackmail material.
For now. Never underestimate the powers of political persuasion.

I'm sure Pelosi and Schumer are in a bunker somewhere simultaneously turning a key to gain access to a vault that holds a trove of clandestine blackmail material.
Yep, and they want access to your money! Thanks buddy!
Yep, and they want access to your money! Thanks buddy!

You're welcome?

Well, I have bad news for you all. I finally got around to starting a Roth IRA last week. So expect a market drop.

I kept trying to time the market 2 years ago before I started a retirement investment account with a financial advisor. 2018/2019 I kept waiting to see if there would be a recession that people had been talking about. Jan 2020 I said screw it and started it. 3 weeks later Covid appeared and I was wishing I'd waited another month. I would have held out into the Covid market drop and bought in when it was in the teens last spring/summer. I imagine my retirement account would be worth at least double/triple what it is now? It's made money, but not going from 16k to 35k stock market money.

So I may be bad luck when it comes to putting money in.
I know a sure fire way to predict the future,

@lawgator1, what's your prediction of the markets over the next few years?
Oh yea. I'm one of those weirdos that doesn't have an expensive lifestyle and saves. So I figured I might as well put it to work instead of sitting in a savings account drawing like .5% interest. Hopefully 25 years from now we're still a functioning economy.

I am similar. I wonder why interest rates or prime rate have not risen. Thought it would be affected by inflation. It is ridiculous what little intertest is earned on bank accounts. In effect, savers are penalized.
I know a sure fire way to predict the future,

@lawgator1, what's your prediction of the markets over the next few years?

The next few years? Even I would be reluctant to predict that far out !!

As to short term, I think we are in for a bumpy ride. Most likely a pull back overall but soon corrected back upward as labor shortages and supply chain disruptions work themselves out.

I do think inflation is here to stay for longer and deeper (that's what she said) than a lot of the experts seem to think. That's because of chip shortages and the Asian manufacturers of all sorts of widgets taking time to ramp back up. Some (myself included) would argue that if moderated and eventually curtailed, a little mild inflation might not be a bad thing.

The debt has to be addressed. But I have zero confidence that will ever happen.
I am similar. I wonder why interest rates or prime rate have not risen. Thought it would be affected by inflation. It is ridiculous what little intertest is earned on bank accounts. In effect, savers are penalized.
The Federal Reserve sets the prime rate and it’s been considered one of their tools to either stimulate the economy by lowering rates or fight inflation by raising them. The mammoth national debt has thrown a monkey wrench into it now because if the Fed were to return rates to a more traditional norm of 4-6% then the government would be paying 30-50% of all current taxes collected to service the interest on the national debt. Will be interesting to see how the Fed tries to address increasing inflation going forward.
The Federal Reserve sets the prime rate and it’s been considered one of their tools to either stimulate the economy by lowering rates or fight inflation by raising them. The mammoth national debt has thrown a monkey wrench into it now because if the Fed were to return rates to a more traditional norm of 4-6% then the government would be paying 30-50% of all current taxes collected to service the interest on the national debt. Will be interesting to see how the Fed tries to address increasing inflation going forward.

It is bizarre. Not sure we have faced this before. Like bending a chicken wing.
Maybe part of some plan. Like I said penalize savers in the name of massive gov expenditures. Look at some EU nations, going negative rates to encourage personal spending
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actually this may kill 2 bills. The real infrastructure that already passed the Senate is set for vote today but the progressives are against it without the 3.5 "human" infrastructure bill. Manchin's comments put that one in jeopardy which puts the real infrastructure bill in peril today.

markets are tanking as a result
The stock market is incredibly overpriced right now. However, killing these two bills will be a net positive for the stock market once people get over their tantrum over the free money spigot being temporarily turned off. The increases to corporate and personal income rates in these bills (with an absolute certainty of more tax increases in the future to fund these ridiculous spending monstrosities) would have been a long-term train wreck for the stock market.
From a macro level it would appear investment dollars will continue to flow into the markets. Fed can’t raise rates because the government owes too much. Savers have no interest bearing opportunities and either bury cash in the back yard or try to grow it in the markets or find alternative options like rental property but most folks are after passive type investments.
The next few years? Even I would be reluctant to predict that far out !!

As to short term, I think we are in for a bumpy ride. Most likely a pull back overall but soon corrected back upward as labor shortages and supply chain disruptions work themselves out.

I do think inflation is here to stay for longer and deeper (that's what she said) than a lot of the experts seem to think. That's because of chip shortages and the Asian manufacturers of all sorts of widgets taking time to ramp back up. Some (myself included) would argue that if moderated and eventually curtailed, a little mild inflation might not be a bad thing.

The debt has to be addressed. But I have zero confidence that will ever happen.
China is now having government ordered blackouts due to power shortages (mainly related to coal) with their factories being notified that their power will be shut-off for 3-6 days increments of time. Asia is NOT catching up with demand anytime soon.
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China is now having government ordered blackouts due to power shortages (mainly related to coal) with their factories being notified that their power will be shut-off for 3-6 days increments of time. Asia is NOT catching up with demand anytime soon.
...and I imagine this problem will only get worse in the winter.
China is now having government ordered blackouts due to power shortages (mainly related to coal) with their factories being notified that their power will be shut-off for 3-6 days increments of time. Asia is NOT catching up with demand anytime soon.

Ergo my thinking that supply disruptions will lead to longer period of inflation than we see now.

A side benefit is that those disruptions in Asia create opportunities for manufacturers to fill the void. Labor costs are higher so that will itself add to inflation, but it does at least temporarily improve our competitiveness.

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