$3 Trillion Infrastructure and Jobs Plan Coming

Published 52 mins ago

Biden spending bill: Hoyer puts House on alert to be ready to return within an hour's notice

Democratic leaders scrambling to complete last-minute negotiations with progressive and moderate holdouts

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said Thursday that lawmakers will receive one hour’s notice prior to any vote later this evening on President Biden’s spending and infrastructure bills.

Biden spending bill: Hoyer puts House on alert to be ready to return within an hour's notice
Published 52 mins ago

Biden spending bill: Hoyer puts House on alert to be ready to return within an hour's notice

Democratic leaders scrambling to complete last-minute negotiations with progressive and moderate holdouts

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said Thursday that lawmakers will receive one hour’s notice prior to any vote later this evening on President Biden’s spending and infrastructure bills.

Biden spending bill: Hoyer puts House on alert to be ready to return within an hour's notice
Hoyer and Pelosi seem to have a reading comprehension problem.

From the previously linked article:

"Specifically, the members asked for 72 hours to review the final bill text before any vote, official scoring to reveal the "true cost of the legislation," and an agreement with the Senate on the content of the bill before any vote."

Geraldo Rivera: There's 'no way' Manchin will vote for Biden's infrastructure plan

Nov. 04, 2021 - 9:10 - 'The Five' react to the Democratic Party being at odds on how to move forward following election losses
Manchin will get last word, even as House races to pass megabill

House Democratic leaders and progressives want to speed toward passage of a bill that won't have a smooth ride through the Senate.


Sens. Joe Manchin and Mitt Romney walk together on Capitol Hill on Thursday. | Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo

House Democrats are fighting to coalesce around their party’s $1.75 trillion social spending plan — all for Sen. Joe Manchin to change it anyway.

As Speaker Nancy Pelosi furiously worked to unite her caucus around a centerpiece of the party’s domestic agenda, Manchin is making it clear that he’s not paying much attention to what the House is crafting, memorably saying Wednesday that he has “no idea” what they are doing.

Manchin will get last word, even as House races to pass megabill
Radicals swarm Dem's luxe car in expletive-laced tirade over his refusal to back socialist spending bill

Joe Manchin blockaded in his car by climate protesters who claim he tried to run them over

Manchin was seen behind the wheel of a car surrounded by climate change protesters

A group of climate change protesters boasted about blockading Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin's car on Thursday, accusing the moderate lawmaker of trying to run them over in his attempt to drive through a parking garage.

Joe Manchin blockaded in his car by climate protesters who claim he tried to run them over
Conor Lamb acknowledges middle-class tax hike would be needed to fund Democrats’ ‘adventurous' programs

Pennsylvania Rep. Conor Lamb acknowledged that enacting all of the Democrats' sweeping policy visions would require Democrats to raise taxes on the middle class rather than relying on tax increases on the rich.

"If we want to propose a lot of new spending and adventurous new government programs in our party, we have to have the confidence to ask ... the middle class and people like that to contribute to it. And I think that's ... what we're missing right now," Lamb, a Democrat representing a swing district northwest of Pittsburgh, said last week.

Conor Lamb acknowledges middle-class tax hike would be needed to fund Democrats’ ‘adventurous' programs
House sets up Friday votes for Biden agenda


House Democrats are now planning to vote Friday on their long-sought social spending package as well as the bipartisan infrastructure bill as they rush to deliver on President Biden's agenda after disappointing state election results earlier this week.

The House Rules Committee is convening late Thursday night to advance the final text of the social spending legislation, according to Democratic sources familiar with the plan.

Then the House will convene at 8 a.m. Friday to debate and vote on the package, titled the Build Back Better Act. A vote to clear the bipartisan infrastructure bill — which has stalled in the House since its Senate passage in August due to progressive resistance — will follow.

House sets up Friday votes for Biden agenda
Radicals swarm Dem's luxe car in expletive-laced tirade over his refusal to back socialist spending bill

Joe Manchin blockaded in his car by climate protesters who claim he tried to run them over

Manchin was seen behind the wheel of a car surrounded by climate change protesters

A group of climate change protesters boasted about blockading Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin's car on Thursday, accusing the moderate lawmaker of trying to run them over in his attempt to drive through a parking garage.

Joe Manchin blockaded in his car by climate protesters who claim he tried to run them over

Sounds a lot like insurrection and plans to overthrow (at least interfere with the process of) government. Dems are getting right on that ... right?
They sure aren't chanting "We want a Job!"

Wait a minute didn't the MSM say that Conservatives who protest & harass people are domestic terrorists? So waiting for them to chime in here.

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This may have been already discussed. Article from Huff Post. I haven't relied on them in years.

Millionaires Could Get A Tax Cut From Build Back Better

Millionaires Could Get A Tax Cut From Build Back Better
This is a cold, hard fact. They've added SALT back in at an $80K annual cap. That means that the rest of the nation, not the local residents, pays for the liberal largesse showered on New York and California by the socialists. It's nothing more than appropriating federal tax dollars to pay for liberal pet projects and corruption.
White House, Media Hide ‘Largest Update to Our Immigration System in 30 Years’

Democrats and business allies are hiding two huge changes to legal immigration law under their media-magnified demands for the amnesty of illegal migrants.

But the rising GOP opposition is forcing the advocates to defend their power-grab as the Democrats’ “Build Back Better” spending bill faces a vote on Friday, November 5: “These provisions would be largest update to our immigration system in 30 years,” tweeted the Niskanen Center, which supports the expansion of legal immigration.

The bill offers fast-track green cards for just $5,000 to at least one million foreign temporary contract workers already in the United States. Those green cards would let them permanently work in the United States and also become U.S. voters in five years.

The green card giveaway would drain wealth and political power from the 800,000 Americans who graduate each year with technology-intensive degrees in healthcare, business, math, science, and engineering.

Those green cards also would not count against the nation’s roughly one million annual cap on legal immigrants.
Once the existing workers get their green cards, they will be quickly augmented by the next wave of low-wage, mid-skill foreign graduates who are recruited by the Fortune 500’s dangled promises of more fast-track green cards.

The green-cards-for-cash law will establish structural discrimination against millions of American graduates, said Rob Law at the Center for Immigration Studies. It will be “inherently impossible [for U.S. graduates] to compete [for jobs because] the foreign workers will always accept less pay because they also get the incredibly lucrative benefit of permanency in the United States,” he said.

White House, Media Hide 'Largest Update to Our Immigration System in 30 Years'

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