$3 Trillion Infrastructure and Jobs Plan Coming

If the republicans who voted for this nonsense were centrists, they wouldn't be voting for this kind of garbage. One thing about it is that you will almost certainly be paying more and longer for it than I will, so have fun.
They voted for this "garbage" for one simple reason : This legislation was popular among their constituents.

They probably didn't want to vote for it. I'm sure they were well aware of the backlash they would be getting from within their own party. They cast the vote which will best serve their re-election bids.

I will say it one more time : You can't vote straight down the party line in every district and keep your seat. If Republicans genuinely do want to hold as many seats in the House of Representatives as possible, then the public attacks against these people are misguided.

Which would you rather have occupying those seats in the House of Representatives? A Republican who will vote down the party line 75% of the time, or a Democrat who will vote down the party line 75% of the time?

Neither party will get the vote they want 100% of the time from their representative in every district, if they are achieving their full potential representation in the House chamber.
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They voted for this "garbage" for one simple reason : This legislation was popular among their constituents.

They probably didn't want to vote for it. I'm sure they were well aware of the backlash they would be getting from within their own party. They cast the vote which will best serve their re-election bids.

I will say it one more time : You can't vote straight down the party line in every district and keep your seat. If Republicans genuinely do want to hold as many seats in the House of Representatives as possible, then the public attacks against these people are misguided.

Which would you rather have occupying those seats in the House of Representatives? A Republican who will vote down the party line 75% of the time, or a Democrat who will vote down the party line 75% of the time?

Neither party will get the vote they want 100% of the time from their representative in every district, if they are achieving their full potential representation in the House chamber.

I'll agree with you that some of it was popular with all constituents; however, dems made sure to keep a lot of poison pill stuff buried. When "representatives" started selling votes for legislative handouts, all semblance of fiscal responsibility died. Alexander Tytler was correct in how democracies ... and by extension representative republics fail. There will always be those who want national wealth redistributed to them, and there will always be those who watching the distribution of the spoils demand some of their own. Fiscal irresponsibility in the US government is no different from a hopeless alcoholic with an endless supply of booze and nothing to stop him.
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Chuck U. Schumer sez there will be a Senate delay in considering the social spending bill. The squad not gonna like that.
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Those people will be retired or dead before any projects are done….. They take years and years to complete.
Ahem ...

GOP lawmaker takes credit for infrastructure funding after voting against it

This is a House Republican from a red state, not a Senator from a purple state, as I predicted in the post that you replied to, but it sure didn't take very long for an example of what I was talking about to emerge did it?

Rep. Gary Palmer (R - Alabama 6th District) wants credit for a provision in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (the Birmingham Northern Beltline) ... which is a bill that he voted against.
“How do I cross the bridge in a snowstorm?” Biden asked. “No, really — think about it. What happens when the bridge collapses and there’s a fire on the other side? It’s going to take 10 miles longer to get to the fire. What does it mean if a school bus or logging truck can’t cross? I mean, this is real stuff, folks.”
Meghan Markle takes her Political Lobbying campaign to TV as she uses her interview with Ellen to renew her calls for Mandatory Paid Family Leave in US (but doesn't forget to plug her children's book The Bench)

Meghan takes political lobbying campaign to TV as she calls for mandatory paid family leave in US | Daily Mail Online

If Meghan has a book she needs to get on Fox News if she wants it publicized because apparently everyone that gets on their shows is pushing some dumb ass lame book.
House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, has been speaking on the House floor since 7:38 PM central time. The House is expected to vote on the Marxist spending bill tonight.
House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, has been speaking on the House floor since 7:38 PM central time. The House is expected to vote on the Marxist spending bill tonight.
Were the spending bills that Donald Trump signed into law as President, which Rep. Kevin McCarthy voted in favor of, also "Marxist" in nature, or were they just necessary stimuli to Capitalism?

Trump signs massive omnibus spending, coronavirus relief package - Roll Call

President Trump has Signed $4.7 Trillion of Debt into Law

The hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness from the right, when it comes to the subject of federal spending, will never cease to amaze. You really do believe that Republicans are different / better, don't you? Incredible.
Were the spending bills that Donald Trump signed into law as President, which Rep. Kevin McCarthy voted in favor of, also "Marxist" in nature, or were they just necessary stimuli to Capitalism?

Trump signs massive omnibus spending, coronavirus relief package - Roll Call

President Trump has Signed $4.7 Trillion of Debt into Law

The hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness from the right, when it comes to the subject of federal spending, will never cease to amaze. You really do believe that Republicans are different / better, don't you? Incredible.

Yes they were Marxist in nature.
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“How do I cross the bridge in a snowstorm?” Biden asked. “No, really — think about it. What happens when the bridge collapses and there’s a fire on the other side? It’s going to take 10 miles longer to get to the fire. What does it mean if a school bus or logging truck can’t cross? I mean, this is real stuff, folks.”
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The Bolsheviks will try to pass anything right now because their poll numbers are consistently a trash heap. The only problem is most Americans believe they are focused on the wrong issues. Manchin and Sinema will stop the suicide, but they still will get bludgeoned to death during the mid-terms.
  1. Nicotine Tax: The bill would add back language imposing a new tax on nicotine, which is a clear violation of President Biden’s pledge not to tax people that make under $400k. (page 1973)
6. Tax Credit for Journalists: The bill would add back in language creating a tax credit applied against Medicare employer taxes for wages paid to journalists (page 1957).​
  1. 21st Century Segregation: The bill would add back $500 million for schools of medicine prioritizing funding based on racial demographics, and requiring faculty to be hired and students to be recruited based on prioritizing racial and demographic characteristics. (page 658)

8. Left-wing divisive race-baiting. The bill would add back language that continues the left’s divisive and race-baiting attempts to portray everyday Americans as racist and oppressive, claiming all minorities are ‘denied a full opportunity’ to participate in American life. (page 1157)

  1. Billions for “Tree Equity”: The bill would include a $2.5 billion slush fund that would send taxpayer dollars to radical environmental groups to plant trees and advance “tree equity.” (page 18)
House Passes Behemoth Build Back Better Act
  1. Public Health Indoctrination: The bill uses funding for maternal mortality as a tool to advance critical race theory, climate change, and SOGI language. Specifically, it promotes funding for racism and discrimination training curriculum (page 682), funding for health care risks training to promote the left’s climate change agenda (page 689), and refers to pregnant women as pregnant “individuals.” (page 676)
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- Those who entered the United States prior to Jan. 2, 2011, and have continuously resided there since would be eligible for renewable parole grants for five years after paying an administrative fee and completing security and background checks. The parole status gives recipients authorization to travel and work in the U.S. and deems them eligible for a Real ID-compliant driver's license or a state identification card.

What's inside Biden's $1.75T social and climate measure | Daily Mail Online
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- Those who entered the United States prior to Jan. 2, 2011, and have continuously resided there since would be eligible for renewable parole grants for five years after paying an administrative fee and completing security and background checks. The parole status gives recipients authorization to travel and work in the U.S. and deems them eligible for a Real ID-compliant driver's license or a state identification card.

What's inside Biden's $1.75T social and climate measure | Daily Mail Online

This apparently won't work in the Senate as it falls outside the scope of use for reconciliation bills.

- Those who entered the United States prior to Jan. 2, 2011, and have continuously resided there since would be eligible for renewable parole grants for five years after paying an administrative fee and completing security and background checks. The parole status gives recipients authorization to travel and work in the U.S. and deems them eligible for a Real ID-compliant driver's license or a state identification card.

What's inside Biden's $1.75T social and climate measure | Daily Mail Online

The ability to vote democrat.
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  • Public Health Indoctrination: The bill uses funding for maternal mortality as a tool to advance critical race theory, climate change, and SOGI language. Specifically, it promotes funding for racism and discrimination training curriculum (page 682), funding for health care risks training to promote the left’s climate change agenda (page 689), and refers to pregnant women as pregnant “individuals.” (page 676)
I'm perfectly fine with this change in language as soon as the liberals manage to birth a full-term baby through a penis. As his signature will ultimately end up on whatever abomination the Democrats end up passing, I nominate Joe Biden as the guinea pig to accomplish this simple task.
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