$3 Trillion Infrastructure and Jobs Plan Coming

good thing we have the best and brightest at Transportation

Buttigieg: Biden plan will usher in a new transportation era

"But I'll add there are some things that need to be reduced ... sometimes roads need to go on a diet."

"The design choices we make, how fast cars move, whether there's bike lanes and sidewalks ... green space even, all of this is part of that view," Buttigieg said. "Sometimes we do need to add a road or widen one. Just as often, I think we need to subtract."

I want a campaign to get the damn bicycle paths off our roads, and grain leavings out of the gas.
I pretty much rail on any spending. Especially when we ship trillions to other countries every year. The federal government is a drunken ho with daddy’s credit card, it doesn’t matter who’s in charge. They are the permanent money pit d or r.
Yea I see that a lot. It was just very quiet for most when Trump was fing us over.
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Oh look Trump supporters caring about the debt/deficit again. You should have told Trump to F off too. But you did not.

You’re painting with a broad brush there. My stance has never changed regardless of administration. I know I’m not alone in this forum on that either.
You’re painting with a broad brush there. My stance has never changed regardless of administration. I know I’m not alone in this forum on that either.
There is a group of us who hate the spending. There is a much larger group who are Trump fans who are ok with his crap. That group also biatches about Dem spending. They are idiots. If not applicable to you then you know it.
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good thing we have the best and brightest at Transportation

Buttigieg: Biden plan will usher in a new transportation era

"But I'll add there are some things that need to be reduced ... sometimes roads need to go on a diet."

"The design choices we make, how fast cars move, whether there's bike lanes and sidewalks ... green space even, all of this is part of that view," Buttigieg said. "Sometimes we do need to add a road or widen one. Just as often, I think we need to subtract."
Not really sure what he said in your quotes that was wrong. I mean I know why most folks hate on his statements here. But from a policy standpoint, this is pretty normal discussion.
Not really sure what he said in your quotes that was wrong. I mean I know why most folks hate on his statements here. But from a policy standpoint, this is pretty normal discussion.

roads need to go on a diet?

as often as we need to add to a road we need to get rid of roads?

first time I've ever heard of an infrastructure plan be about removing infrastructure.

I know you are on his team but this is not policy - it's platitude; talking points.
roads need to go on a diet?

as often as we need to add to a road we need to get rid of roads?

first time I've ever heard of an infrastructure plan be about removing infrastructure.

I know you are on his team but this is not policy - it's platitude; talking points.
Sounds to me like keeping options open. Sometimes removing a road/reducing lanes is a good idea. Sometimes adding a road/lane is good. Just seems to me he is leaving options open depending on what each state/city/rural area needs. I don't see that as platitude or talking points. He is actively shaping the department to respond to what folks need in their area.
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Sounds to me like keeping options open. Sometimes removing a road/reducing lanes is a good idea. Sometimes adding a road/lane is good. Just seems to me he is leaving options open depending on what each state/city/rural area needs. I don't see that as platitude or talking points. He is actively shaping the department to respond to what folks need in their area.

his record in South Bend with roads was abysmal.

sounds like he's envisioning a fantasy world - if it was simply leaving options to locals then he should be saying our plan is to funnel money to local governments to allow them how to best use the money. Instead (if you listen to his talk) he's suggesting a re-imagination of transportation.

do you have any support for the claim that he's "actively shaping the department to respond to what folks need in their area"?
his record in South Bend with roads was abysmal.

sounds like he's envisioning a fantasy world - if it was simply leaving options to locals then he should be saying our plan is to funnel money to local governments to allow them how to best use the money. Instead (if you listen to his talk) he's suggesting a re-imagination of transportation.

do you have any support for the claim that he's "actively shaping the department to respond to what folks need in their area"?
Not sure where you are getting the "abysmal" record for his infrastructure plan in South Bend that has been pretty much universally praised, but okay.

If you actually listen to what he's said (and I have, probably a lot more than anyone on here I can guarantee lol), he wants to fix the backlog of infrastructure projects, which means funneling money to local governments to fix what needs to be fixed. That is on them. On top of that, he is talking about a revamp of transportation for future funding. And why is this a bad thing honestly? Fix what we need to fix, and build for the future in new and innovative ways. Bring on high speed rail and public transport.
Not sure where you are getting the "abysmal" record for his infrastructure plan in South Bend that has been pretty much universally praised, but okay.

If you actually listen to what he's said (and I have, probably a lot more than anyone on here I can guarantee lol), he wants to fix the backlog of infrastructure projects, which means funneling money to local governments to fix what needs to be fixed. That is on them. On top of that, he is talking about a revamp of transportation for future funding. And why is this a bad thing honestly? Fix what we need to fix, and build for the future in new and innovative ways. Bring on high speed rail and public transport.

Because the government has done such a good job with Amtrak.
Exactly what does pre-K free community college and the climate have to do with bad roads and crumbling bridges?
The minorities have to have free pre-k and community college so they can get jobs and buy sh!tboxes to drive on the roads built by illegal immigrants.
good thing we have the best and brightest at Transportation

Buttigieg: Biden plan will usher in a new transportation era

"But I'll add there are some things that need to be reduced ... sometimes roads need to go on a diet."

"The design choices we make, how fast cars move, whether there's bike lanes and sidewalks ... green space even, all of this is part of that view," Buttigieg said. "Sometimes we do need to add a road or widen one. Just as often, I think we need to subtract."
This is true. Pretty much every study has shown there are sweet spots for roads. Depends on a ton of variables, but my firm has done a number of projects where decreasing lanes and slowing cars actually reduces traffic and accidents.

Usually it's in smaller downtown areas. Going from 4 lanes to 3 is probably the most common.

Look at what the strip did in Knoxville. It's a much better drive even with one less lane.
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Of course Trump has spent more than Biden, he held office for 4 years. Biden is catching up though.

Trump was the worst president for the debt ever. Not defensible. Biden may surpass Trump to become the worst, only time will tell. Digging out of this quagmire requires spending. I don't think he spent the money wisely, but no matter who was in office the stimulus package was coming.
Trump was the worst president for the debt ever. Not defensible. Biden may surpass Trump to become the worst, only time will tell. Digging out of this quagmire requires spending. I don't think he spent the money wisely, but no matter who was in office the stimulus package was coming.

Getting out of this quagmire does not require govt spending. It requires less govt regulation and intervention. Turn the people loose, get out of our way and watch the economy explode. There is a lot of money sitting on the sidelines right now ready to be spent.
Trump was the worst president for the debt ever. Not defensible. Biden may surpass Trump to become the worst, only time will tell. Digging out of this quagmire requires spending. I don't think he spent the money wisely, but no matter who was in office the stimulus package was coming.
No, spending was bot required. That's just the government selling their bs that we broke and now we have to fix it by making it even worse.

Deregulating (no Covid limits) would help at least as much. And it would get the money where it's actually needed, instead of another 90% pork 10% help stimulus.
Trump was the worst president for the debt ever. Not defensible. Biden may surpass Trump to become the worst, only time will tell. Digging out of this quagmire requires spending. I don't think he spent the money wisely, but no matter who was in office the stimulus package was coming.

Lol. Digging out. This would be hysterical if it weren't so pathetically pitiful.
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