$3 Trillion Infrastructure and Jobs Plan Coming

Trump was the worst president for the debt ever. Not defensible. Biden may surpass Trump to become the worst, only time will tell. Digging out of this quagmire requires spending. I don't think he spent the money wisely, but no matter who was in office the stimulus package was coming.
Digging in a quagmire is about as effective as bailing water out of a boat that has a screen door for a hull.
Joe makin' those US mint printing presses go brrr.

White House prepares massive infrastructure bill with universal pre-k, free community college, climate measures
By Jeff Stein and Tyler Pager

Infrastructure is a yuge problem. The problem is most work is bid at the state and local level.

Right now the Fed hasn’t even dispersed all the monies from their first stimulus. The 2nd is passed and now we want another pork laden Bill??
Trump was the worst president for the debt ever. Not defensible. Biden may surpass Trump to become the worst, only time will tell. Digging out of this quagmire requires spending. I don't think he spent the money wisely, but no matter who was in office the stimulus package was coming.

We really do need to divide the country up and form 2 separate countries. All the centralized big government proponents in one country. All the centralized minimalist government folks in the other. The federal government is now seen as default rescuer, the knight on the horse, who must save the damsel in distress.
We really do need to divide the country up and form 2 separate countries. All the centralized big government proponents in one country. All the centralized minimalist government folks in the other. The federal government is now seen as default rescuer, the knight on the horse, who must save the damsel in distress.
We'll need 4-5 based on geography
I was laughed at 5 years ago saying we should just default on the debt.

We absolutely will. Or inflate it away, which is pretty much one in the same at this point. Writing has been on the wall for all to see. We will be no better than Argentina.
Getting out of this quagmire does not require govt spending. It requires less govt regulation and intervention. Turn the people loose, get out of our way and watch the economy explode. There is a lot of money sitting on the sidelines right now ready to be spent.

So if you were to personally have a significant decrease in income, your response would be to borrow enormous amounts of money and piss it away?

Yeah, banks are looking for people like that all day long.
We really do need to divide the country up and form 2 separate countries. All the centralized big government proponents in one country. All the centralized minimalist government folks in the other. The federal government is now seen as default rescuer, the knight on the horse, who must save the damsel in distress.
Lol you thinking either side would be equal.
So if you were to personally have a significant decrease in income, your response would be to borrow enormous amounts of money and piss it away?

Yeah, banks are looking for people like that all day long.

You just described this administration to a “T”.
Not sure where you are getting the "abysmal" record for his infrastructure plan in South Bend that has been pretty much universally praised, but okay.

If you actually listen to what he's said (and I have, probably a lot more than anyone on here I can guarantee lol), he wants to fix the backlog of infrastructure projects, which means funneling money to local governments to fix what needs to be fixed. That is on them. On top of that, he is talking about a revamp of transportation for future funding. And why is this a bad thing honestly? Fix what we need to fix, and build for the future in new and innovative ways. Bring on high speed rail and public transport.

Then why in the hell is education even mentioned in an infrastructure bill?
He is no better than any other politician.
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As long as the government runs Amtrack it will continue to be a failure and I haven't heard him mention anything about fixing it.
Dude is doing his best to move us past Amtrak. Backlog, then move on in the future. Sigh.
Then why in the hell is education even mentioned in an infrastructure bill?
He is no better than any other politician.
Because President Biden wanted to include Education infrastructure in his bill. There isn't any thing yet. Save it for when the bill comes out.
Dude is doing his best to move us past Amtrak. Backlog, then move on in the future. Sigh.

Sure. He's just another cog in the money wasting machine.

If he really wanted to work on transportation infrastructure, infrastructure that would be a benefit to the country and not just the contractor conies. He would be leading and effort to reduce the regulations dealing with building road, rail and other means of transportation. It now takes an average of 5 years between funding a road project and turning the first shovel of dirt, in those 5 years costs rise which means more funds are needed to build that road.

We need to be investing in and fast tracking light rail for both passengers and cargo. We seriously need to take a look at DOT regulations on truck transportation, as they are they do more harm than good in both safety and road maintenance. I don't hear Pete mentioning any of that. Other than he did mention rail.
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