$3 Trillion Infrastructure and Jobs Plan Coming

Because President Biden wanted to include Education infrastructure in his bill. There isn't any thing yet. Save it for when the bill comes out.

He's trying to hide education dollars in this bill because everyone wants their roads fixed. It's the same smoke and mirror game every administration plays.
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Sure. He's just another cog in the money wasting machine.

If he really wanted to work on transportation infrastructure, infrastructure that would be a benefit to the country and not just the contractor conies. He would be leading and effort to reduce the regulations dealing with building road, rail and other means of transportation. It now takes an average of 5 years between funding a road project and turning the first shovel of dirt, in those 5 years costs rise which means more funds are needed to build that road.

We need to be investing in and fast tracking light rail for both passengers and cargo. We seriously need to take a look at DOT regulations on truck transportation, as they are they do more harm than good in both safety and road maintenance. I don't hear Pete mentioning any of that. Other than he did mention rail.
He has started talking about it long before you mentioned it. Bare with me, it is possible to do both.
He has started talking about it long before you mentioned it. Bare with me, it is possible to do both.

Got anything to show he's talking about speeding up road/rail building and taking a look at DOT regulations?
his record in South Bend with roads was abysmal.

sounds like he's envisioning a fantasy world - if it was simply leaving options to locals then he should be saying our plan is to funnel money to local governments to allow them how to best use the money. Instead (if you listen to his talk) he's suggesting a re-imagination of transportation.

do you have any support for the claim that he's "actively shaping the department to respond to what folks need in their area"?
Hopefully we'll see something like what they've done in downtown Chattanooga, spent $1M narrowing the roads to add bike lanes just for 3 people to use them a day. It's hilarious to go downtown and watch tourists ride their rental bikes on the sidewalk right beside the bike lane.
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Got anything to show he's talking about speeding up road/rail building and taking a look at DOT regulations?
Woo, it may be possible, to do both! Pete!! I know you know this, but Pete can only do so much. Can't do much without Congress.
Not sure where you are getting the "abysmal" record for his infrastructure plan in South Bend that has been pretty much universally praised, but okay.

If you actually listen to what he's said (and I have, probably a lot more than anyone on here I can guarantee lol), he wants to fix the backlog of infrastructure projects, which means funneling money to local governments to fix what needs to be fixed. That is on them. On top of that, he is talking about a revamp of transportation for future funding. And why is this a bad thing honestly? Fix what we need to fix, and build for the future in new and innovative ways. Bring on high speed rail and public transport.

I must say that for something "universally praised" I have never heard anything about it. While I, admittedly, watched little of the dem debates, I never recall it being mentioned. Was it "universally praised" at that time?

Not saying it was not, mind you, but for something "universally praised " I regret not knowing one single thing about this "universally praised " program that a TV intern, ensign in naval intelligence in Afghanistan and political hack came up with.
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“Jobs Plan” reminds of the story that Milton Friedman once told. He was visiting a foreign country where he saw men digging a canal. He asked the government bureaucrat overseeing the construction why wasn’t there any heavy machinery, only men with shovels. The bureaucrat remarked that they were using shovels because it was a “jobs program” to which Friedman replied, “if it’s a jobs program, why don’t they have spoons instead of shovels?”
Trump was the worst president for the debt ever. Not defensible. Biden may surpass Trump to become the worst, only time will tell. Digging out of this quagmire requires spending. I don't think he spent the money wisely, but no matter who was in office the stimulus package was coming.
You don't see the pattern. Ever since GWB, each president has increased the debt more and more. 2 GOP presidents. 2 DNC presidents.

If you are still playing the two party politics game and saying one party is better than the other, you are don't have a clue.
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You don't see the pattern. Every since GWB, each president has increased the debt more and more. 2 GOP presidents. 2 DNC presidents.

If you are still playing the two party politics game and saying one party is better than the other, you are don't have a clue.
Bush had 9/11, Obama had the great depression and Trump had the China Flu. Each admin has a crisis that they feel the need to fix or they are worried that the surf's would rise up and take them out of power. Apparently they are more worried about power than the deficit.
One of you math gurus figure out what 3.9 trillion breaks down to per person in the USA.... roughly 300 million citizens... I’m too lazy

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