32-hour workweek bill reintroduced in Congress

You're a college professor and are probably teaching 15 hrs a week.

I'm sure he was on top of any changes with parabolas, even when he was close to retirement. They have admins to help you stay on top of that. That's what my brother in law does now, after 15 years of teaching (Spanish) for 35 hrs a week.

Yeah, but remember math is racist and things change. Seems like an integral is an anti-derivative these days (for example). Who knows what else the idiots in charge have screwed with. I've been incredibly amazed over the years how people can take a relatively straight forward subject as math and screw around with it. Anybody remember the "new math" debacle? What does amaze me is why experienced teachers don't revolt and tell the administrative goons "Hell, no; we aren't doing that."
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It's just that 95% of the best jobs are salaried, or contract.
There is a huge difference between salary and contract work. I would bet that teachers are one of the few professions that would do better without a union.
Since I never listened to talk radio much, what exactly were the complaints about education in the 80's?
Hasn't changed much in 40 years. That they were government funded "godless" anti-American indoctrination centers.
Pretty asinine. But so many people believe what they hear. I've got multiple anecdotal examples.
Yeah, but remember math is racist and things change. Seems like an integral is an anti-derivative these days (for example). Who knows what else the idiots in charge have screwed with. I've been incredibly amazed over the years how people can take a relatively straight forward subject as math and screw around with it. Anybody remember the "new math" debacle? What does amaze me is why experienced teachers don't revolt and tell the administrative goons "Hell, no; we aren't doing that."

Debacle? You mean common core? Is it actually a debacle? I hear a lot of complaints about it but I've never actually seen people explain how it's failing.

Edit: looks like scores stayed flat. Not exactly a "debacle"
Debacle? You mean common core? Is it actually a debacle? I hear a lot of complaints about it but I've never actually seen people explain how it's failing.

Edit: looks like scores stayed flat. Not exactly a "debacle"

Well here's what the .gov has to say:
NAEP Mathematics: Mathematics Highlights 2022
In 2022, the average fourth-grade mathematics score decreased by 5 points and was lower than all previous assessment years going back to 2005

NAEP Reading: Reading Highlights 2022
In 2022, the average reading score at both fourth and eighth grade decreased by 3 points compared to 2019.

Yep, looks like we're doing just fine.
Debacle? You mean common core? Is it actually a debacle? I hear a lot of complaints about it but I've never actually seen people explain how it's failing.

Edit: looks like scores stayed flat. Not exactly a "debacle"

No, I'm talking the fetish or fad that decided sets and intersections were more important than discrete math. Fortunately people did eventually come to their senses and it was erased - except as a joke. "New math" actually made less sense than teaching reading of our English language by phonics - considering little things like reed, read, read (past tense), and red as an example. One of the other more insane teaching concepts that have come along. As far as "common core", no clue. My youngest son graduated from HS a few years before the turn of this century. It's still my belief that a lot of stupidity in the world comes from the "publish or perish" nonsense found in "higher education" - the rush to publish leads to nonsensical meanderings as long as it fills a page.
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Well here's what the .gov has to say:
NAEP Mathematics: Mathematics Highlights 2022
In 2022, the average fourth-grade mathematics score decreased by 5 points and was lower than all previous assessment years going back to 2005

NAEP Reading: Reading Highlights 2022
In 2022, the average reading score at both fourth and eighth grade decreased by 3 points compared to 2019.

Yep, looks like we're doing just fine.

I also seem to recall that tests like the SAT were revised over the years to cover up constantly falling scores.
Did he ever tell you that he only put in 35 hours a week, and did nothing else? Or are you just assuming that’s what he did based on your observation?

Observation. I remember he was pretty busy when he started but he was also a soccer coach and it's hard to say if he was busy just because of that or all his teaching duties. The guy has 5 kids and he's an attentive Father, has lots of hobbies, like ultra marathon running, and he has church callings. I have never heard the words, "I can't because work is too demanding." come out of his mouth, or anything like that. I just asked his sister if she thinks he worked 50 hrs and she laughed.

Again, this may be an exception to the rule. It's a really successful school district in the Dallas area. The amenities are nuts. Every kid gets a tablet.

My wife said her friend in Austin can exercise during her free period. Maybe another exception @luthervol
Eh, its not lazyness. Several studies have shown that production stays up, and down time goes down. Ends up saving the company money. the 5/40 has never been based on anything solid that says "this is best".

I am against forcing it, but wouldn't mind the government offering some type of tax incentive for it.


Yeah, compared to the rest of the world, we are kicking ass.
Our educational ranking is better than our life expectancy ranking. I guess we have crappy healthcare.
What other conclusion could one possibly draw?
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Observation. I remember he was pretty busy when he started but he was also a soccer coach and it's hard to say if he was busy just because of that or all his teaching duties. The guy has 5 kids and he's an attentive Father, has lots of hobbies, like ultra marathon running, and he has church callings. I have never heard the words, "I can't because work is too demanding." come out of his mouth, or anything like that. I just asked his sister if she thinks he worked 50 hrs and she laughed.

Again, this may be an exception to the rule. It's a really successful school district in the Dallas area. The amenities are nuts. Every kid gets a tablet.

My wife said her friend in Austin can exercise during her free period. Maybe another exception @luthervol
Not a huge exception. If she has no meeting and meets the rest of her responsibilities at other times, I'm sure she is free to use that time as she wishes. She may prefer to exercise then and work at home, who knows?

If you are sticking with your point that the vast majority of teachers do not work more than 40 hours a week, so be it.
I know it is not the case from my experiences, which you must admit, gives me a little better perspective.
Not a huge exception. If she has no meeting and meets the rest of her responsibilities at other times, I'm sure she is free to use that time as she wishes. She may prefer to exercise then and work at home, who knows?

If you are sticking with your point that the vast majority of teachers do not work more than 40 hours a week, so be it.
I know it is not the case from my experiences, which you must admit, gives me a little better perspective.

I never made that point at all. For the love

The only thing I implied was that I was skeptical about teachers' inability to scale down to 32 hrs and I shared my personal experiences about teachers working normal schedules. Sounds like a lot of bureaucracy is in the way, nationally.
Hasn't changed much in 40 years. That they were government funded "godless" anti-American indoctrination centers.
Pretty asinine. But so many people believe what they hear. I've got multiple anecdotal examples.

You need to be way more specific than that. Give me actual examples please.
Good luck getting teachers to just 32 hours per week.
Is this sarcasm? My HS teachers were at school from 7:30 to 3:15 with lunches and free periods.
I guess your implication is open to interpretation.

Once again, I can assure you that teachers can not cut 8-18 hours of work per week and do the job they are currently asked to do.
Now if they are asked to do 32 hours of work in 32 hours, then obviously there is no problem.
You need to be way more specific than that. Give me actual examples please.
Now have two generations whose minds have been totally perverted, polluted, and destroyed by the American public education system, and, in particular, the history curriculum. Breitbart has a story on how this has happened. As the left appeases Muslims, public schools are teaching students to hate America.

The communists have tried to corrupt our education system. They've tried to corrupt any number of institutions. Why wouldn't they try to corrupt the Catholic Church? It is a big enemy.

One thing is for sure. The Drive-By Media is populated with people who are not just biased and bigoted and prejudicial. It's obvious that they are also the victims of an absolutely pathetic education system.

[T]his is another reason why the children of illegals are sought for public schools: They'll put up with it. The children of illegals will put up with these dilapidated schools because for them, it is a huge step up. And these schools become little indoctrination centers for the children of illegal immigrants, as they are brainwashed and programmed to become Democrats as adults.

It pains me, it really does, to learn that there are people that hate America. I wish there was something I could do about it. I don't want young people to be taken down the wrong path and taught to feel guilty or ashamed of their country, which is happening in way too many public schools.

Ever since Marx, leftists have known that the simplest way to controlling a country is via education, the news industry, and health care. If you, as a leader or as a member of a leadership organization can succeed in taking over those three things where only kids, young people, only learn what you want them to learn, they learn how horrible freedom is, how unfair capitalism is, how mean-spirited, all of this, how wonderful equality and egalitarian is. Whenever there is a communist invasion or revolution, the news outlets are the first things seized and then the schools and then health care.

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