4-20 de facto Pot observance day

If I want to bump some blow off a hooker's butt, who I am hurting? what wrong am I doing? why should I be stopped from doing that?

In your own home? Fine. But making it legal means it can be sold in the public. If you cannot see the problems associated with hard drugs being made even easier to attain then you have issues.
That sounds silly to say, if you are addicted to a drug it prevents you from being addicted to other drugs...you don't HAVE to take any drugs.

I agree that medical THC has many positive uses as Nurse stated above, but it's not some "cureall medical wonder" and it has a lot of side effects that wreak damage on the body and brain and causes cancer if you smoke it.

The reason that marijuana isn't legal is because of the still negative side effects of it but mostly because there is no "test" one can do to see how high someone is on it and it affects everyone differently unlike say heroin. I don't care if marijuana was ever made legal or not, but businesses will still fire potheads all day long and police will still arrest them for DUIs
As they should.
If I want to bump some blow off a hooker's butt, who I am hurting? what wrong am I doing? why should I be stopped from doing that?
Ever wonder if your dad's done a bump off your mom's ass?

Enjoy the imagery.
Additionally, I feel like I am one of about 37 people in the country who has never tried the devil's lettuce.

Any other nerds in the house???
I'm right there with you man. Never had any drug not prescribed to me. We don't need these stoners to have a good time, we can enjoy our Bar Nones without being high on jazz cigarettes.
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I'm right there with you man. Never had any drug not prescribed to me. We don't need these stoners to have a good time, we can enjoy our Bar Nones without being high on jazz cigarettes.
Addiction runs in my family tree. I can't even control myself with donuts. I figure I have no hope against the good drugs.
Ya know, my lungs were like my only "healthy" organ, and right now, COVID has even screwed those up. Anyone who's had COVID know how long it takes for your lungs to get back to normal? I'm still getting short of breath really easy.
I think you will for a while hon. Try some purse lipped breathing with long exhalation, you can Google it. It took away my shortness of breath after covid.
Ya know, my lungs were like my only "healthy" organ, and right now, COVID has even screwed those up. Anyone who's had COVID know how long it takes for your lungs to get back to normal? I'm still getting short of breath really easy.
Last night I came across something and thought of you. There is a post covid "lung rehab" program that uses songs and singing to help with lung function. Might be worth checking into.
Last night I came across something and thought of you. There is a post covid "lung rehab" program that uses songs and singing to help with lung function. Might be worth checking into.
We are trying to save people McDad. They don't need to hear Weezers off pitch version of Bonnie Taylor's Holding Out for a Hero
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We are trying to save people McDad. They don't need to hear Weezers off pitch version of Bonnie Taylor's Holding Out for a Hero
I am trying to keep Weezer from becoming chronically wheezy.
We are trying to save people McDad. They don't need to hear Weezers off pitch version of Bonnie Taylor's Holding Out for a Hero
Someone is still apparently jealous that I refused to serenade them. Get over it!
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In your own home? Fine. But making it legal means it can be sold in the public. If you cannot see the problems associated with hard drugs being made even easier to attain then you have issues.
Yes. Legal means people get to make their own choices and be responsible for them.

Much safer if I can go down to the local Line & Supply store and pick up what i want, than to fund the underground drug market.

You are just worried about people making bad choices, which they are capable of doing even without drugs.
Yes. Legal means people get to make their own choices and be responsible for them.

Much safer if I can go down to the local Line & Supply store and pick up what i want, than to fund the underground drug market.

You are just worried about people making bad choices, which they are capable of doing even without drugs.
I don't know if I am right on this or not, but I don't think there is any evidence which proves more people use or abuse "vices" when they are made legal.
I don't know if I am right on this or not, but I don't think there is any evidence which proves more people use or abuse "vices" when they are made legal.

Use might go up a little bit but not much. I don't know of anyone that doesn't use because it's illegal. The reason I've heard the most is they didn't want to lose their job.
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Use might go up a little bit but not much. I don't know of anyone that doesn't use because it's illegal. The reason I've heard the most is they didn't want to lose their job.

It is common sense that usage would increase.

If its legal its more accessible. Usage will obviously go up. If you can buy it in the store next to Target with your credit card you are more likely to try it than if you have to meet some sketchy guy in an alley behind a bar at night with exact cash in your pocket. A lot of folks don't (rightfully) wanna bother with that.

when it comes to weed, the discussion about legality is - do we really care if more people are smoking pot? And the answer is not really
It is common sense that usage would increase.

If its legal its more accessible. Usage will obviously go up. If you can buy it in the store next to Target with your credit card you are more likely to try it than if you have to meet some sketchy guy in an alley behind a bar at night with exact cash in your pocket.
A lot of folks don't (rightfully) wanna bother with that
The data doesn't really support your position. When gambling came to Tunica, Miss there were a lot of dire predictions about the horrible impact on the region. Turns out, only people interested in gambling went there to play.
Same is true when liquor by the drink is up for a vote. Or, in Tennessee recently, selling wine in grocery stores.
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It is common sense that usage would increase.

If its legal its more accessible. Usage will obviously go up. If you can buy it in the store next to Target with your credit card you are more likely to try it than if you have to meet some sketchy guy in an alley behind a bar at night with exact cash in your pocket. A lot of folks don't (rightfully) wanna bother with that.

when it comes to weed, the discussion about legality is - do we really care if more people are smoking pot? And the answer is not really

I don't think usage would go up much. Have there been any studies done in states where recreational pot has been legalized>
The data doesn't really support your position. When gambling came to Tunica, Miss there were a lot of dire predictions about the horrible impact on the region. Turns out, only people interested in gambling went there to play.
Same is true when liquor by the drink is up for a vote. Or, in Tennessee recently, selling wine in grocery stores.

I still remember the debate over LBTD here in Gallatin. Listening to the opponents you'd have thought the whole town was going to turn into alcoholics and there would be death and destruction on the streets.
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Use might go up a little bit but not much. I don't know of anyone that doesn't use because it's illegal. The reason I've heard the most is they didn't want to lose their job.
That's my reasoning. Likely that wouldn't change for me even if it was legal
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That's my reasoning. Likely that wouldn't change for me even if it was legal

Alcohol is a good case study. Think usage and abuse is fairly constant (possibly waning over decades) even though it is legal and everywhere.

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