4-20 de facto Pot observance day

If you are 30 years old without medical issues and still feel the need to smoke pot everyday, you have issues...
Does chronic pain count as a medical issue? That's why many older people use it.
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Does chronic pain count as a medical issue? That's why many older people use it.
When word got out my dad had cancer he turned down so much pot. People in their 20s to people his age 70+ offered.
Thc doesn't complicate any of your pre existing health concerns?

Everything complicates my pre-existing health concerns, but the question is, do the risks outweigh the benefits? Like I said, I haven't used in a couple of years, but I've been putting serious consideration into trying CBD oil.
I don't smoke anymore but still have some home made edibles from timeto time. If Fl ever gets their head out of their ass and legalizes it here, I might pick up some bud for old times sake. I reckon it wpuld be pretty easy to get a medical card in the meantime but I guess I just don't care that much these days. Unfortunately Papa Joe still seems to be inhaling the old DARE propaganda fumes regarding legalization.
I’ve used it a handful of times, can’t now because of drug tests through work (even though I qualify for a script and my state has legal medical pot). It’s about as harmless as any recreational drug.
Their tolerance builds until they eventually die from it every single time..

starts with smoking weed or maybe a few pills

then it becomes stronger with more pills including pain meds and other narcotics

then the tolerance causes the user to need more and more and eventually the 2nd level of crushing and snorting it directly

then the IV drug use and heroin and meth shooting into veins directly

then the user is 95% likely to be stuck being a drug addict, and will either die from OD or their hearts/organs will shut down from infections and other issues and they will die young
I’ve known many people as well as pts who only smoke pot. It’s very common. They have no interest in taking any further drugs.
The ones who mix with things like meth, cocaine and other stimulants are always the ones who come in as hot messes.
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You'd be shocked at the number of "legit" businesses that have done away with their drug testing policies. And I'm talking about fortune 500 "legit" businesses.

because its costly and stupid. if someone is too messed up to do their jobs their coworkers/bosses will notice. It is not necessary to test them
Thc doesn't complicate any of your pre existing health concerns?
Ya know, my lungs were like my only "healthy" organ, and right now, COVID has even screwed those up. Anyone who's had COVID know how long it takes for your lungs to get back to normal? I'm still getting short of breath really easy.
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because its costly and stupid. if someone is too messed up to do their jobs their coworkers/bosses will notice. It is not necessary to test them

It's much easier for self insured companies to have a liberal drug policy, small and medium sized companies have to make the decision on whether the WC insurance discount is worth it or not. Plus it depends on the industry.
While true, the illegality of weed is not about the health aspect. The government doesn't give a rat's ass about the health of the people. It is about $$$. When it has gotten to the point where government weed is a good product, or they can control private production via licensing and taxation, it will become legal... overnight.

Change my mind.

I think this is correct....can't believe it has gone this long....prohibition only lasted about 10 years or so before they realized that there's gold in them bottles....I mean heck, the only reason they care about moonshiners is because they aren't getting their cut of the proceeds
All of these things are true to some degree, but it's none of my business:

If you are 30 years old without medical issues and still feel the need to smoke pot everyday, you have issues...

If you feel the need to have a drink everyday, you have issues...

If you feel the need to drink coffee every morning, you have issues...

If you feel the need to try and control other people's personal lives, you have issues...
LOL yea nothing says party like 35 yr old druggies passing out at 2pm in their moms basement
See, it's wildly inaccurate presumptions like these that lend to tarnishing your opinions when it comes to anything on this subject. You just sound like a bleating cop.
All of these things are true to some degree, but it's none of my business:

If you are 30 years old without medical issues and still feel the need to smoke pot everyday, you have issues...

If you feel the need to have a drink everyday, you have issues...

If you feel the need to drink coffee every morning, you have issues...

If you feel the need to try and control other people's personal lives, you have issues...

we all have issues

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