4-20 de facto Pot observance day

Eh, that would probably go against the whole Hippocratic oath thing.
Some cardiothorasic physicians use THC in pill form to get their open heart pts to eat. That’s a side effect of open heart, lack of appetite.
It has other benefits also, anxiety reduction, relief of depression and sleeping well. I suggest it when I think it’s needed.
Some cardiothorasic physicians use THC in pill form to get their open heart pts to eat. That’s a side effect of open heart, lack of appetite.
It has other benefits also, anxiety reduction, relief of depression and sleeping well. I suggest it when I think it’s needed.
Weed is cool, the good Nurse said so!
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I would hope that a person would have enough decency and kindness to help someone, regardless of what is going on with the other dude.

We aren't talking about pot but doesn't an od fall under the play stupid games win stupid prizes rule?
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We aren't talking about pot but doesn't an od fall under the play stupid games win stupid prizes rule?
It most definitely does but I see it as inhumane to let a person die or at least not try to save them for making a mistake. Another poor side affect of the WOD is that people are getting substances from the black market so there is no assurance of quality control.
We aren't talking about pot but doesn't an od fall under the play stupid games win stupid prizes rule?
That works for booze too. I think we should let the healthcare workers do their thing, then the social workers/therapists/etc. do their thing.
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It most definitely does but I see it as inhumane to let a person die or at least not try to save them for making a mistake. Another poor side affect of the WOD is that people are getting substances from the black market so there is no assurance of quality control.
I used to watch the Drugs show which aired on national geographic or discovery channel. one of the dealers said if their heroin kills a junkie demand for that stuff goes up.

Is it tainted, black market drugs leading to ods or junkies wanting the strongest stuff they can find?
That works for booze too. I think we should let the healthcare workers do their thing, then the social workers/therapists/etc. do their thing.
It does. Lost a brother due to alcoholism. Painful way to die.

A quick od in a drug induced sleep would be preferred imo.
I used to watch the Drugs show which aired on national geographic or discovery channel. one of the dealers said if their heroin kills a junkie demand for that stuff goes up.

Is it tainted, black market drugs leading to ods or junkies wanting the strongest stuff they can find?
I can’t answer that. I’m sure it would make an interesting Venn diagram. I would think that quality control would reduce od, not eliminate it.
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Weed is cool, the good Nurse said so!
We have surgeons on the other side saying absolutely not. They would rather give 4 other pills that have horrible side effects to counter these issues. Makes sense to just give them the thc and bypass all the other side effects. They are happier, require less pain meds and they eat. Had a daughter tell me “so basically your going to get my dad stoned” yup... medically.
I can’t answer that. I’m sure it would make an interesting Venn diagram. I would think that quality control would reduce od, not eliminate it.
Some scandinavian country implemented a program to provide pure, clean heroin to addicts in a clean, safe environment. Supposedly, they have a great track record of keeping people employed, alive, and eventually cessation.
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Aren't you concerned about the massive spike in over doses coming into the hospital ED?
Whatever you believe about marijuana this myth that it is somehow contrary to the opioid crisis is just that....the great majority of people who abuse opioids, meth and heroin also started with and still use marijuana as well
Some scandinavian country implemented a program to provide pure, clean heroin to addicts in a clean, safe environment. Supposedly, they have a great track record of keeping people employed, alive, and eventually cessation.
Portugal has also had great success with a similar legalization program.
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It does. Lost a brother due to alcoholism. Painful way to die.

A quick od in a drug induced sleep would be preferred imo.
I lost a friend due to alcoholism as well. It was the bullet he put in his head that really killed him, but.... tomato/tomahto
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Whatever you believe about marijuana this myth that it is somehow contrary to the opioid crisis is just that....the great majority of people who abuse opioids, meth and heroin also started with and still use marijuana as well
I bet those addicts also chewed gum, ate pizza, drank beer.

You gotta come better than that, Ricky. Correlation won't cut it. Causation is not proven.
Whatever you believe about marijuana this myth that it is somehow contrary to the opioid crisis is just that....the great majority of people who abuse opioids, meth and heroin also started with and still use marijuana as well
While true, the illegality of weed is not about the health aspect. The government doesn't give a rat's ass about the health of the people. It is about $$$. When it has gotten to the point where government weed is a good product, or they can control private production via licensing and taxation, it will become legal... overnight.

Change my mind.
I used to watch the Drugs show which aired on national geographic or discovery channel. one of the dealers said if their heroin kills a junkie demand for that stuff goes up.

Is it tainted, black market drugs leading to ods or junkies wanting the strongest stuff they can find?
Their tolerance builds until they eventually die from it every single time..

starts with smoking weed or maybe a few pills

then it becomes stronger with more pills including pain meds and other narcotics

then the tolerance causes the user to need more and more and eventually the 2nd level of crushing and snorting it directly

then the IV drug use and heroin and meth shooting into veins directly

then the user is 95% likely to be stuck being a drug addict, and will either die from OD or their hearts/organs will shut down from infections and other issues and they will die young
I've seen it too. Which is why I said it ain't our call. You can't help someone that won't help themselves.
But you want first responders helping those who won't help themselves, right?

The drug "problem" is self limiting when addicts are allowed to expire on their own terms.
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I bet those addicts also chewed gum, ate pizza, drank beer.

You gotta come better than that, Ricky. Correlation won't cut it. Causation is not proven.
Addiction is both a disease and a choice....some people can smoke weed, cigs, drink beer a few times and never have an issue.

Some prone to addiction will do the same things and spiral into hardcore drug addiction....but the fact remains, the vast majority of hardcore drug users started with weed and still continue to use it
Additionally, I feel like I am one of about 37 people in the country who has never tried the devil's lettuce.

Any other nerds in the house???

Not nerdy at all. You should feel fortunate. As an "ex-stoner" I wish I never discovered it like you
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