4-20 de facto Pot observance day

I am not a smoker. Have never even tried it. Thought we might like to have a discussion about this country's ridiculous marijuana laws. It is inevitable pot will be legalized or decriminalized in every state eventually. There are a lot of people in jail for growing, selling, and using and more will be added until every state succumbs to the push. It's a waste of government resources to get in the way of a relatively safe drug.

Anybody got any Cheetos? Somebody made off with barrel of red apples.
it wouldn't cut the black market, because drug dealers would lace it and sell it cheaper for addicts to get "more high"
Oh Ricky, please tell us how repealing prohibition didn't cut bootlegging. Why isn't untaxed liquor a national scourge?

Pot is to hard drugs as bicycles are to motorcycles. True or False?
A more accurate depiction is that drinking a bottle of Michelob Ultra 10 times a day causes less damage to your body than drinking a bottle of Spirytus Vodka 10 times a day.

They both are bad for your body and cause damage, but the Spirytus will cause significantly more damage
Also, another big reason (in addition to the government not getting their cut aspect) marijuana is illegal is because at various times throughout history it has been associated with various demographics deemed undesirable. It's not necessarily what the drug in question does, but the group(s) of people use of the drug is associated with. Look into why the substance itself is today primarily called "marijuana" and not "cannabis." Then it got associated with hippies in the 60s and 70s, another undesirable.

IMO, a big part of the softening of the public's stance on keeping it illegal, particularly with the older generation, is that there isn't a strong association anymore with a particular "bad" group. It is a drug that lots of different groups of people use now.

If alcohol or tobacco was strongly associated with some "undesirable" group of people, say, biker gangs, there would be some kind of push to make them illegal.
I agree with this as well
A more accurate depiction is that drinking a bottle of Michelob Ultra 10 times a day causes less damage to your body than drinking a bottle of Spirytus Vodka 10 times a day.

They both are bad for your body and cause damage, but the Spirytus will cause significantly more damage
You missed the exercise.

Does every motorcyclist start off with a bicycle as a kid?
A more accurate depiction is that drinking a bottle of Michelob Ultra 10 times a day causes less damage to your body than drinking a bottle of Spirytus Vodka 10 times a day.

They both are bad for your body and cause damage, but the Spirytus will cause significantly more damage

That's not a more accurate depiction. When Mich Ultra can be cited for a long list of medicinal uses and benefits then you'll have a point.

Ricky, I'm gonna guess that, for you, this thread ain't it. Best quit while you're not so ahead.
Oh Ricky, please tell us how repealing prohibition didn't cut bootlegging. Why isn't untaxed liquor a national scourge?
I could care less whats taxed or not, people still made illegal and dangerous moonshine and stuff, it just became regionalized because the Mafia which controlled bootlegging moved onto other criminal activity, because it was so widespread there was no way for even them to control it.

Narcotics are different, heroin and meth and cocaine aren't just gonna be in every corner drug store and house and easily available to everyone even if made legal. Gangs have NOTHING else to fall back on other than regular extortions, robberies, smuggling, etc so they will continue to try to undercut "legal" weed and promote it as weak and inefficient candy to drug addicts.. And it will work as addicts' tolerance grows and the amount of THC or other drugs does not.
Ricky just wants to throw as many people as possible in jail. It's that simple.
Smoking cigarettes is heading that way... sad. could see them being illegal soon
It already kind of is, to an extent. Cigarettes aren't illegal themselves, but there are restrictions such as not being able to smoke within a certain distance of buildings, if a restaurant/bar wants to allow smoking it has to be a 21 and over only, etc.

And you're right - I think part of the reasoning for that is because cigarette uses is associated with a certain "type" of person, at least in the United States.
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That's not a more accurate depiction. When Mich Ultra can be cited for a long list of medicinal uses and benefits then you'll have a point.

Ricky, I'm gonna guess that, for you, this thread ain't it. Best quit while you're not so ahead.
Heroin and cocaine had medicinal uses too...oxycontin and suboxone do too....Still doesn't mean it doesn't have negative effects as well...

Pot heads always want to overlook the negatives to justify why they think it's "awesome" to smoke it, but in reality, much like cigarettes it's just pointless and stupid

I agree that THC has medicinal purposes in limited usage and am ok with that
Heroin and cocaine had medicinal uses too...oxycontin and suboxone do too....Still doesn't mean it doesn't have negative effects as well...

Pot heads always want to overlook the negatives to justify why they think it's "awesome" to smoke it, but in reality, much like cigarettes it's just pointless and stupid

I agree that THC has medicinal purposes in limited usage and am ok with that

See, you're assuming it's being smoked.

Go home.
It already kind of is, to an extent. Cigarettes aren't illegal themselves, but there are restrictions such as not being able to smoke within a certain distance of buildings, if a restaurant/bar wants to allow smoking it has to be a 21 and over only, etc.

And you're right - I think part of the reasoning for that is because cigarette uses is associated with a certain "type" of person, at least in the United States.

yeah... it sucks :(
I could care less whats taxed or not, people still made illegal and dangerous moonshine and stuff, it just became regionalized because the Mafia which controlled bootlegging moved onto other criminal activity, because it was so widespread there was no way for even them to control it.

Narcotics are different, heroin and meth and cocaine aren't just gonna be in every corner drug store and house and easily available to everyone even if made legal. Gangs have NOTHING else to fall back on other than regular extortions, robberies, smuggling, etc so they will continue to try to undercut "legal" weed and promote it as weak and inefficient candy to drug addicts.. And it will work as addicts' tolerance grows and the amount of THC or other drugs does not.

If drugs were sold in the local liquor store just like Jack it would be easily available, cheapish, and of better quality so 90% of users would probably go that route instead of the street dealer. People don't buy untaxed whiskey now to save money, they buy it for the "experience" or because they live in dry counties. It's mostly a boutique industry now.

Today gangs, cartels the mob have power because they have vast amounts of money to spread around and that money comes from drugs. If that revenue source was reduced by even 70% their ability to operate goes away.
I don't know....do they? I am sure there are motorcyclists who have never ridden a bicycle
I think you do know. The sheer number of kids who ride a bike at some point growing up means that 99% of motorcyclists started with bikes. But bikes don't CAUSE motorcycling.

I see pot in the same way. Over 50% of Americans have tried it. About 12% smoke on the regular. Most of those never gravitate to and stay with something harder.

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