4-20 de facto Pot observance day

Their tolerance builds until they eventually die from it every single time..

starts with smoking weed or maybe a few pills

then it becomes stronger with more pills including pain meds and other narcotics

then the tolerance causes the user to need more and more and eventually the 2nd level of crushing and snorting it directly

then the IV drug use and heroin and meth shooting into veins directly

then the user is 95% likely to be stuck being a drug addict, and will either die from OD or their hearts/organs will shut down from infections and other issues and they will die young

Same is true, can be true, for beer and liquor.

Without pot, there would still be as many people addicted to powerful drugs. It's the first rung on the ladder for many but it isn't the gateway.
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But you want first responders helping those who won't help themselves, right?

The drug "problem" is self limiting when addicts are allowed to expire on their own terms.
Yes, I do. I would hope first responders would not make a value judgement about any situation.
While true, the illegality of weed is not about the health aspect. The government doesn't give a rat's ass about the health of the people. It is about $$$. When it has gotten to the point where government weed is a good product, or they can control private production via licensing and taxation, it will become legal... overnight.

Change my mind.
Weed is illegal for the same reason moonshining or gambling is illegal. The government isn't going to say "the reason XYZ is illegal is because we don't have an efficient way to ensure we get our cut." So they come up with some reason that sounds better that is more likely to get public support, like "marijuana is bad for your health" or "we can't have people gambling away entire paychecks and hurting their families."

It's common sense and takes 2 seconds to figure out, but people are dumb and can't see it. There are a ton of states where casino gambling or placing a sports bet are illegal, but they have a state lottery run and operated by the state government. That tells you everything you need to know.
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Same is true, can be true, for beer and liquor.

Without pot, there would still be as many people addicted to powerful drugs. It's the first rung on the ladder for many but it isn't the gateway.
That sounds silly to say, if you are addicted to a drug it prevents you from being addicted to other drugs...you don't HAVE to take any drugs.

I agree that medical THC has many positive uses as Nurse stated above, but it's not some "cureall medical wonder" and it has a lot of side effects that wreak damage on the body and brain and causes cancer if you smoke it.

The reason that marijuana isn't legal is because of the still negative side effects of it but mostly because there is no "test" one can do to see how high someone is on it and it affects everyone differently unlike say heroin. I don't care if marijuana was ever made legal or not, but businesses will still fire potheads all day long and police will still arrest them for DUIs
...Oh, and in before all you tax-phobic, small government Rs (oxymoron) chime in to say legalize it and tax it; why would you advocate for the very thing you claim to be against?

Drugs should be regulated, taxed and sold exactly the same as booze.
Yes, I do. I would hope first responders would not make a value judgement about any situation.
You haven't been around of lot of first responders...i once saw EMS do "fake compressions" on an active shooter suspect that had killed one of their friends until they were called out on it...of course the guy was going to die anyway because he had been shot like 13 times in the chest
Weed is illegal for the same reason moonshining or gambling is illegal. The government isn't going to say "the reason XYZ is illegal is because we don't have an efficient way to ensure we get our cut." So they come up with some reason that sounds better that is more likely to get public support, like "marijuana is bad for your health" or "we can't have people gambling away entire paychecks and hurting their families."

It's common sense and takes 2 seconds to figure out, but people are dumb and can't see it. There are a ton of states where casino gambling or placing a sports bet are illegal, but they have a state lottery run and operated by the state government. That tells you everything you need to know.

yeah but in the states where its legal it is stupid too. You can go to the store and buy enough to fill your entire cupboard but you can't grow it yourself, even though its a plant, because the government doesn't get any $$ off that
I got some THC gummies from Fluent.

Good stuff.

Although, watching the news after eating one was a poor choice. They were talking about the UFO's and how the government isn't even trying to deny it anymore.

On a side note, how is there not a thread on this and why aren't people way more interested in the fact that it's pretty much undeniable that we're being visited by off earth technology?
Good job pimping out the Fed.

I'd prefer that it all be deregulated but this isn't lutherland and reality has to be recognized. If drugs were treated the same as booze it would cut the black market out (well 90% of it) but if punitive taxes and regulations were placed on legal drugs it would spur the growth.
I got some THC gummies from Fluent.

Good stuff.

Although, watching the news after eating one was a poor choice. They were talking about the UFO's and how the government isn't even trying to deny it anymore.

On a side note, how is there not a thread on this and why aren't people way more interested in the fact that it's pretty much undeniable that we're being visited by off earth technology?
I'm mixed on UFOs, i loved reading all that stuff as a kid.

Do I believe there is life outside of our Earth? Absolutely, there is NO way the universe as big as it is, and as diverse planets (water, warm, ice, etc.) doesn't have microbes or insect like creatures, fish like creatures etc.

Do I believe there are intelligent species out in the universe? definitely possible

Do I believe there are species who have mastered interplanetary travel? ehhh possible

Do I believe our government is smart enough and can keep a secret that big and these aliens happened to visit our planet? I just don't know about this one...although there is a lot of interesting things (simplex computer models, the CIA, etc) that were created in the months following the Roswell incident.
I got some THC gummies from Fluent.

Good stuff.

Although, watching the news after eating one was a poor choice. They were talking about the UFO's and how the government isn't even trying to deny it anymore.

On a side note, how is there not a thread on this and why aren't people way more interested in the fact that it's pretty much undeniable that we're being visited by off earth technology?
Aliens and UFO's- Is the truth out there?
You haven't been around of lot of first responders...i once saw EMS do "fake compressions" on an active shooter suspect that had killed one of their friends until they were called out on it...of course the guy was going to die anyway because he had been shot like 13 times in the chest
You haven't been around of lot of first responders...i once saw EMS do "fake compressions" on an active shooter suspect that had killed one of their friends until they were called out on it...of course the guy was going to die anyway because he had been shot like 13 times in the chest
Not sure how this is supposed to change my mind that folks should help each other, as opposed to hanging back and watching them die.
I'd prefer that it all be deregulated but this isn't lutherland and reality has to be recognized. If drugs were treated the same as booze it would cut the black market out (well 90% of it) but if punitive taxes and regulations were placed on legal drugs it would spur the growth.
I can't get behind any suggestion which asserts taxation makes something better.

Legalize and decriminalize. Let's see where that gets us in a few decades.
Also, another big reason (in addition to the government not getting their cut aspect) marijuana is illegal is because at various times throughout history it has been associated with various demographics deemed undesirable. It's not necessarily what the drug in question does, but the group(s) of people use of the drug is associated with. Look into why the substance itself is today primarily called "marijuana" and not "cannabis." Then it got associated with hippies in the 60s and 70s, another undesirable.

IMO, a big part of the softening of the public's stance on keeping it illegal, particularly with the older generation, is that there isn't a strong association anymore with a particular "bad" group. It is a drug that lots of different groups of people use now.

If alcohol or tobacco was strongly associated with some "undesirable" group of people, say, biker gangs, there would be some kind of push to make them illegal.
I'd prefer that it all be deregulated but this isn't lutherland and reality has to be recognized. If drugs were treated the same as booze it would cut the black market out (well 90% of it) but if punitive taxes and regulations were placed on legal drugs it would spur the growth.
it wouldn't cut the black market, because drug dealers would lace it and sell it cheaper for addicts to get "more high"
I can't get behind any suggestion which asserts taxation makes something better.

Legalize and decriminalize. Let's see where that gets us in a few decades.

That ain't happening and you know it. Damn .gov has to get their piece of the pie.
I got some THC gummies from Fluent.

Good stuff.

Although, watching the news after eating one was a poor choice. They were talking about the UFO's and how the government isn't even trying to deny it anymore.

On a side note, how is there not a thread on this and why aren't people way more interested in the fact that it's pretty much undeniable that we're being visited by off earth technology?
Ricky shot all the witnesses.
Also, another big reason (in addition to the government not getting their cut aspect) marijuana is illegal is because at various times throughout history it has been associated with various demographics deemed undesirable. It's not necessarily what the drug in question does, but the group(s) of people use of the drug is associated with. Look into why the substance itself is today primarily called "marijuana" and not "cannabis." Then it got associated with hippies in the 60s and 70s, another undesirable.

IMO, a big part of the softening of the public's stance on keeping it illegal, particularly with the older generation, is that there isn't a strong association anymore with a particular "bad" group. It is a drug that lots of different groups of people use now.

If alcohol or tobacco was strongly associated with some "undesirable" group of people, say, biker gangs, there would be some kind of push to make them illegal.

Smoking cigarettes is heading that way... sad. could see them being illegal soon

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