40% of San Francisco residents plan to leave due to quality of life

Virginia sucks.
It didn't use to. I was born there in the 50's and lived there off and on until we moved to Tennessee in the early 70's. I still have 2 brothers that live there and they have progressively moved further and further away from the NN Hampton area until they live in the sticks. When I was a kid in the early 60's Wally Schirra and Gus Grissom lived within a block of my house during the height of the space program.
As all things related to the government, it turned to ****.
It didn't use to. I was born there in the 50's and lived there off and on until we moved to Tennessee in the early 70's. I still have 2 brothers that live there and they have progressively moved further and further away from the NN Hampton area until they live in the sticks. When I was a kid in the early 60's Wally Schirra and Gus Grissom lived within a block of my house during the height of the space program.
As all things related to the government, it turned to ****.
I’ll correct that to Norfolk sucks.
I’ll correct that to Norfolk sucks.
Well it sucked when I lived there, so I can imagine what it's like now. Va Beach used to be a nice coastal community back in my day as well, but the last time I was there the beach was nothing but high rise condos, I couldn't believe it. No way I could live there again, I think the entire Tidewater area is garbage.
Los Angeles Ends Citizenship Requirement for Government Jobs

People in the United States illegally can now work for Los Angeles County with no requirement to provide proof of citizenship.

Last week, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to allow non-citizens to work in government positions provided the position does not conflict with state or federal law.

Los Angeles Ends Citizenship Requirement for Government Jobs
Of course, if you had read your own link it states that "Over one-third of San Francisco's population were born outside the country" with the massive influx of illegals looking for free crap, I guess SF is a great place to go and set up shop.

So what? IDK as long as they are here legally. I still don't see this 40% exodus the thread speaks of. BTW the large majority of foreign residents of SF are Asian not Hispanic surprisingly. Actually I wish some of them would move here where there is a huge shortage of workers. If you need a decent carpenter, painter or even a handy man good luck in finding one without a months long waiting time.
So what? IDK as long as they are here legally. I still don't see this 40% exodus the thread speaks of. BTW the large majority of foreign residents of SF are Asian not Hispanic surprisingly. Actually I wish some of them would move here where there is a huge shortage of workers. If you need a decent carpenter, painter or even a handy man good luck in finding one without a months long waiting time.
So it's all about your need for cheap labor then?
No, but it is partly about the need for labor in this area cheap or otherwise.
Quit paying for people to sit on their asses, and they'll gladly go to work for food. That's what I did when I was young and needed money for food.
So what? IDK as long as they are here legally. I still don't see this 40% exodus the thread speaks of. BTW the large majority of foreign residents of SF are Asian not Hispanic surprisingly. Actually I wish some of them would move here where there is a huge shortage of workers. If you need a decent carpenter, painter or even a handy man good luck in finding one without a months long waiting time.

When you say "here", I hope you live in Washington, Oregon, Illinois or New York. If so, I agree. They will fit in with the other nut bags.

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