40% of San Francisco residents plan to leave due to quality of life

Why San Francisco Is In Trouble – 19,000 Highly Compensated City Employees Earned $150,000+ In Pay & Perks


But the city is in trouble. Whenever we open the books, San Francisco consistently ranks among the worst tax-and-spend offenders.

In fact, the city’s $1.5 billion budget deficit isn’t stopping 18,759 highly compensated employees from each bringing home pay packages worth $150,000 (or more) annually.

We found truck drivers loaded up with $262,898; city painters making $270,190; firefighters earning $316,306; and plumbing supervisors cleaning up $348,291 every year. One deputy sheriff earned $574,595 last year – including $315,896 in overtime.

Mayor’s Office – San Francisco Mayor London Breed cost taxpayers $452,421 – the highest paid mayor in the country. Breed enjoys a $342,974 salary and an additional $109,447 in benefit perks. Incredibly, there are another thirty-one staffers in her office with total comp exceeding $200,000 annually.

Why San Francisco Is In Trouble – 19,000 Highly Compensated City Employees Earned $150,000+ In Pay & Perks
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Why San Francisco Is In Trouble – 19,000 Highly Compensated City Employees Earned $150,000+ In Pay & Perks


But the city is in trouble. Whenever we open the books, San Francisco consistently ranks among the worst tax-and-spend offenders.

In fact, the city’s $1.5 billion budget deficit isn’t stopping 18,759 highly compensated employees from each bringing home pay packages worth $150,000 (or more) annually.

We found truck drivers loaded up with $262,898; city painters making $270,190; firefighters earning $316,306; and plumbing supervisors cleaning up $348,291 every year. One deputy sheriff earned $574,595 last year – including $315,896 in overtime.

Mayor’s Office – San Francisco Mayor London Breed cost taxpayers $452,421 – the highest paid mayor in the country. Breed enjoys a $342,974 salary and an additional $109,447 in benefit perks. Incredibly, there are another thirty-one staffers in her office with total comp exceeding $200,000 annually.

Why San Francisco Is In Trouble – 19,000 Highly Compensated City Employees Earned $150,000+ In Pay & Perks
They will just play a shell game with federal funding
San Francisco Declares Water Emergency, 5% Surcharge on Users

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission voted Tuesday to declare a water shortage emergency amid a crushing drought in the state that threatens water supplies throughout the region, slapping a 5% surcharge on water users in the city.

California is in the midst of one of the worst droughts in its history. The drought from 2011- 2017 was so intense that rainy seasons in 2017 and 2018 barely reversed the damage. Mountain snow in 2020 was not enough to fill the state’s reservoirs.

San Francisco Declares Water Emergency, 5% Surcharge on Users
It was supposed to be a facility to put addicts in touch with rehab facilities but we reveal how drug-swamped San Francisco is in reality operating a secret and ILLEGAL drug use site, write MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER and LEIGHTONWOODHOUSE

San Francisco Mayor London Breed generated national news media coverage last December when she announced a sweeping crackdown on open air drug use and drug dealing in the downtown Tenderloin neighborhood.

Shortly after, she announced a 'linkage center' aimed at connecting homeless street addicts with drug rehab facilities.

Breed's announcement came in the midst of a local, state, and national debate over whether the city should open a 'supervised drug consumption' site as a tactic for reducing drug overdose deaths.

In fact, the illicit drug consumption site has been up and running since Tuesday inside the linkage center, which is located at 1172 Market Street.

The linkage center is located in the United Nations Plaza, the city's largest open air drug market. The supervised drug consumption area is an outdoor fenced section of the linkage center.

There is an on-going national debate over the efficacy of supervised drug consumption sites, which are prohibited by state and federal laws, and a continuing local debate over whether and where to open one in San Francisco.

San Francisco is secretly, illegally operating illicit drug use site: SHELLENBERGER and WOODHOUSE | Daily Mail Online
'The city of San Francisco has risen up!' Three woke school board members are BOOTED OUT in recall election funded by Silicon Valley billionaires after they focused on renaming 44 schools instead of reopening them during pandemic

  • San Francisco voters approved recall of school board President Gabriela López, Vice President Faauuga Moliga and Commissioner Alison Collins
Three woke San Francisco school board members who invested more time on social justice issues - like the botched renaming of 44 schools - instead of reopening them during the pandemic have been ousted in a rare recall election funded largely in part by Silicon Valley billionaires and millionaires.

In a hot-button election, 70% of parents in the liberal city voted to recall the board members on Tuesday, according to the San Francisco Department of Elections.

Three woke San Francisco school board members ousted in rare recall election | Daily Mail Online
'The city of San Francisco has risen up!' Three woke school board members are BOOTED OUT in recall election funded by Silicon Valley billionaires after they focused on renaming 44 schools instead of reopening them during pandemic

  • San Francisco voters approved recall of school board President Gabriela López, Vice President Faauuga Moliga and Commissioner Alison Collins
Three woke San Francisco school board members who invested more time on social justice issues - like the botched renaming of 44 schools - instead of reopening them during the pandemic have been ousted in a rare recall election funded largely in part by Silicon Valley billionaires and millionaires.

In a hot-button election, 70% of parents in the liberal city voted to recall the board members on Tuesday, according to the San Francisco Department of Elections.

Three woke San Francisco school board members ousted in rare recall election | Daily Mail Online
Uh oh… @AshG would not like this -

Committee members allegedly used references from Wikipedia and other non-scholarly sources to determine which personalities were racist and problematic.

Several of those citations has now been proven to be factually incorrect:

1. One committee member urged that the name of acclaimed American poet James Russell Lowell should be stripped off a high school because a Wikipedia citation stated that he did 'not want black people to vote'.

However, that claim is false - and scholarly articles assert that Lowell 'unequivocally advocated giving the ballot to the recently freed slave'.

2. The committee concluded that Paul Revere's name should be removed from a middle school after citing an article from the History Channel website.

Members alleged that Revere's military activities were tied to 'the conquest of the Penobscot Indians', which was untrue

ps - come back soon @AshG
Defeated San Francisco school board member says voters who ousted her are 'aligned with' White supremacists

Three quarters of voters ousted San Francisco school board president in recall this week

San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education President Gabriela López, who lost a recall election this week, said Thursday those who supported her recall are "aligned" with White supremacists.

López and two fellow board members — Vice President Faauuga Moliga and Commissioner Alison Collins — were all voted out Tuesday in a landslide, with more than 72% of voters opting to recall each of them.

"So if you fight for racial justice, this is the consequence," López tweeted along with a photo of a Washington Post headline that said she and the two other recalled board members were "seen as too focused on racial justice."

"Don’t be mistaken, white supremacists are enjoying this. And the support of the recall is aligned with this," López added.

Defeated San Francisco school board member says voters who ousted her are 'aligned with' White supremacists
Defeated San Francisco school board member says voters who ousted her are 'aligned with' White supremacists

Three quarters of voters ousted San Francisco school board president in recall this week

San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education President Gabriela López, who lost a recall election this week, said Thursday those who supported her recall are "aligned" with White supremacists.

López and two fellow board members — Vice President Faauuga Moliga and Commissioner Alison Collins — were all voted out Tuesday in a landslide, with more than 72% of voters opting to recall each of them.

"So if you fight for racial justice, this is the consequence," López tweeted along with a photo of a Washington Post headline that said she and the two other recalled board members were "seen as too focused on racial justice."

"Don’t be mistaken, white supremacists are enjoying this. And the support of the recall is aligned with this," López added.

Defeated San Francisco school board member says voters who ousted her are 'aligned with' White supremacists

Good, at least white supremacists are doing productive things.
I love it when people predict the demise of San Francisco. Was stationed there for four years. Loved it in the sense that its beautiful, there is always something to do and because of the large population of gay men, being a straight decent looking male made you the most popular guy in town with straight women. They came at you in waves.

Wife and I go to SF almost annually to stay up on Nob Hill and eat great food on our way to Napa.

Anyway, I digress into some great memories.

It's easy for us East Coasters to forget but SF has a huge presence in Asian trade, not as a port but as a legal and transactional center. The deals on the goods sitting on ships off LA are the probable result of contracts cut in SF.

When you have such a beautiful place that is perfectly located for the Asian trade and which is still the center of the tech industry, there are always going to be very wealthy people that want to live and work there and businesses that want to be there.

And I will concede one point, for me to have the same lifestyle in SF that I have here, I would have to almost triple my income. But there are a lot of people making that kind of money.

For every person leaving the Bay Area, there's another one coming in.
I love it when people predict the demise of San Francisco. Was stationed there for four years. Loved it in the sense that its beautiful, there is always something to do and because of the large population of gay men, being a straight decent looking male made you the most popular guy in town with straight women. They came at you in waves.

Wife and I go to SF almost annually to stay up on Nob Hill and eat great food on our way to Napa.

Anyway, I digress into some great memories.

It's easy for us East Coasters to forget but SF has a huge presence in Asian trade, not as a port but as a legal and transactional center. The deals on the goods sitting on ships off LA are the probable result of contracts cut in SF.

When you have such a beautiful place that is perfectly located for the Asian trade and which is still the center of the tech industry, there are always going to be very wealthy people that want to live and work there and businesses that want to be there.

And I will concede one point, for me to have the same lifestyle in SF that I have here, I would have to almost triple my income. But there are a lot of people making that kind of money.

For every person leaving the Bay Area, there's another one coming in.

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Defeated San Francisco school board member says voters who ousted her are 'aligned with' White supremacists

Three quarters of voters ousted San Francisco school board president in recall this week

San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education President Gabriela López, who lost a recall election this week, said Thursday those who supported her recall are "aligned" with White supremacists.

López and two fellow board members — Vice President Faauuga Moliga and Commissioner Alison Collins — were all voted out Tuesday in a landslide, with more than 72% of voters opting to recall each of them.

"So if you fight for racial justice, this is the consequence," López tweeted along with a photo of a Washington Post headline that said she and the two other recalled board members were "seen as too focused on racial justice."

"Don’t be mistaken, white supremacists are enjoying this. And the support of the recall is aligned with this," López added.

Defeated San Francisco school board member says voters who ousted her are 'aligned with' White supremacists

As a liberal, I thought these three were nut cases and so did the Democratic mayor who actively supported the recall. What got them killed was they wanted to diversify several high performing magnet schools by eliminating their testing and performance requirements. Their arguments were that the schools were becoming dominated by Asian students. Uh, duh! Did they think the Asian citizens weren't going to be just a little hostile to the idea? The Asian-Americans in California dominate because their culture is so focused on excellence no matter the effort it takes. It's the ultimate fusion of the American opportunity and the drive to succeed.

Asian students now so dominate UCLA and Cal-Berkley that wealthier California families send their kids to Colorado and Texas for college because they can't beat out the kids applying with 1600 SATs, 4.3 grade points out of HS with 35 AP course credits and have cultural extra-curriculars.

But I digress.

Then the stupid names changes on the schools. OK I understand taking Strom Thurmund's name off a school, but George Washington? Abraham Lincoln? These are people completely ungrounded in reality.

Rt wing has its nut cases and left wing has theirs. I just think rt wing is more dangerous.
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No wonder California taxes are so high! LA spends up to $837,000 on a single homeless person as part of $1.2billion program: Rough sleeping population climbs to 41,000

The city of Los Angeles is spending up to $837,000 per person as part of a $1.2billion project to home the region's sprawling homeless population.

Proposition HHH, which is intended to build housing for the estimated 41,000 homeless people in the city, has seen about 1,200 units, most of which are studio or one-bedroom apartments, completed since voters approved the spending in 2016.
Now, an audit has found 14 per cent of the units built exceeded $700,000 each, and one project in pre-development is estimated to cost almost $837,000 per unit.


The city of Los Angeles is spending up to $837,000 to build each housing unit as part of Proposition HHH. Pictured: Los Angeles city council members Paul Krekorian walks past tents where people are living this month

LA is spending up to $837,000 on a single housing unit as part of $1.2billion project | Daily Mail Online
No wonder California taxes are so high! LA spends up to $837,000 on a single homeless person as part of $1.2billion program: Rough sleeping population climbs to 41,000

The city of Los Angeles is spending up to $837,000 per person as part of a $1.2billion project to home the region's sprawling homeless population.

Proposition HHH, which is intended to build housing for the estimated 41,000 homeless people in the city, has seen about 1,200 units, most of which are studio or one-bedroom apartments, completed since voters approved the spending in 2016.
Now, an audit has found 14 per cent of the units built exceeded $700,000 each, and one project in pre-development is estimated to cost almost $837,000 per unit.


The city of Los Angeles is spending up to $837,000 to build each housing unit as part of Proposition HHH. Pictured: Los Angeles city council members Paul Krekorian walks past tents where people are living this month

LA is spending up to $837,000 on a single housing unit as part of $1.2billion project | Daily Mail Online

and the units will be trashed within one year.
As a liberal, I thought these three were nut cases and so did the Democratic mayor who actively supported the recall. What got them killed was they wanted to diversify several high performing magnet schools by eliminating their testing and performance requirements. Their arguments were that the schools were becoming dominated by Asian students. Uh, duh! Did they think the Asian citizens weren't going to be just a little hostile to the idea? The Asian-Americans in California dominate because their culture is so focused on excellence no matter the effort it takes. It's the ultimate fusion of the American opportunity and the drive to succeed.

Asian students now so dominate UCLA and Cal-Berkley that wealthier California families send their kids to Colorado and Texas for college because they can't beat out the kids applying with 1600 SATs, 4.3 grade points out of HS with 35 AP course credits and have cultural extra-curriculars.

But I digress.

Then the stupid names changes on the schools. OK I understand taking Strom Thurmund's name off a school, but George Washington? Abraham Lincoln? These are people completely ungrounded in reality.

Rt wing has its nut cases and left wing has theirs. I just think rt wing is more dangerous.
Look at the winter olympics, unless the US athlete was over 35, they were probably of asian descent. It appears to be the largest demographic that still thinks winning and losing matters...outside video games......
No wonder California taxes are so high! LA spends up to $837,000 on a single homeless person as part of $1.2billion program: Rough sleeping population climbs to 41,000

The city of Los Angeles is spending up to $837,000 per person as part of a $1.2billion project to home the region's sprawling homeless population.

Proposition HHH, which is intended to build housing for the estimated 41,000 homeless people in the city, has seen about 1,200 units, most of which are studio or one-bedroom apartments, completed since voters approved the spending in 2016.
Now, an audit has found 14 per cent of the units built exceeded $700,000 each, and one project in pre-development is estimated to cost almost $837,000 per unit.


The city of Los Angeles is spending up to $837,000 to build each housing unit as part of Proposition HHH. Pictured: Los Angeles city council members Paul Krekorian walks past tents where people are living this month

LA is spending up to $837,000 on a single housing unit as part of $1.2billion project | Daily Mail Online
Homeless people living in close proximity to "Trendy" retail and restaurants, do they plan to provide them with "Will Work for Food" signs and "cash" boxes too to make panhandling easier?

Wife and I were looking for a potential home where my parents could live with us and everyone could be on the same floor. My mom said condo and I thought yeah with the kids leaving soon a condo might work, so my wife had her realtor friend look for 3 bedroom condos so I could start planning potentially.

Sent over a nice 3 bedroom 2.5 bath condo by fox land that is 2,862 sq feet for us to schedule a walk through. It was pretty and I was like this could be an option and still big enough to give us all some room.

How much?

$1,760,000 f’n million. My wife called her back to see if it’s a typo, like maybe by a million, and she said no but it’s already sold to an out of state buyer who paid cash.

Our kids are literally screwed. I have went beyond shock to just being pissed and wanting it to stop. But forecast says we go up another 15 to 20 percent this year.

Abs just like u said? You sell and take all that equity u now have and where in the hell do you go to? You are just going right back in bidding against stupid Californians.
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Wife and I were looking for a potential home where my parents could live with us and everyone could be on the same floor. My mom said condo and I thought yeah with the kids leaving soon a condo might work, so my wife had her realtor friend look for 3 bedroom condos so I could start planning potentially.

Sent over a nice 3 bedroom 2.5 bath condo by fox land that is 2,862 sq feet for us to schedule a walk through. It was pretty and I was like this could be an option and still big enough to give us all some room.

How much?

$1,760,000 f’n million. My wife called her back to see if it’s a typo, like maybe by a million, and she said no but it’s already sold to an out of state buyer who paid cash.

Our kids are literally screwed. I have went beyond shock to just being pissed and wanting it to stop. But forecast says we go up another 15 to 20 percent this year.

Abs just like u said? You sell and take all that equity u now have and where in the hell do you go to? You are just going right back in bidding against stupid Californians.

Was that one of the new ones that are lakefront? The white ones?

You're right, if you don't already own a house around here, you're screwed.
Was that one of the new ones that are lakefront? The white ones?

You're right, if you don't already own a house around here, you're screwed.

Yes. Lakefront. Totally overpriced.

They are pretty and I could see 700k to 800k in this current climate but 1.76? Whatever.

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