6-6 or 7-5?

I don't know about you all but, I can't helput think this up tempo our offence is running can go a long way to helping our defense against Oregon. Not saying we are gonna win but with Chip Kelly gone and our defense used to playing fast makes this game a little closer,
Most of you are assuming you have to be the most talented team to win. You don't. You have to be the best team to win. The two aren't always one in the same. When UT finds the "right guy", he will beat more talented teams and NOT lose to less talented teams or many equally talented teams. He will get the most out of what he has. Jones either is or is not that guy... but we will almost certainly know that this fall barring a ton of injuries.

i think you need to find that decade of dominance video and get to watchin'.

there were teams with 4 or 5 running backs (literally) that went on to play in the nfl. not have a cup of coffee either, but play a significant number of years.

superior talent is vital and was certainly the key behind tennessee's success in the 90's
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I'm thinking more 4 and 8. I realize that the offense wasn't able to show much Saturday but jeez. I like Jones a lot and I think he is a hard worker but I just don't see UT competing with Bama and LSU anytime soon. I wouldn't mind losing to them in a close one but the Bama game is going to be another 41-10 type game I'm afraid. BAMA, LSU, UF, and Sackalina's speed is gonna kill us unless we are much improved come September. I hope I'm dead wrong believe me but I took off my Orange colored glasses after Dooley's second season.
I'm thinking more 4 and 8. I realize that the offense wasn't able to show much Saturday but jeez. I like Jones a lot and I think he is a hard worker but I just don't see UT competing with Bama and LSU anytime soon. I wouldn't mind losing to them in a close one but the Bama game is going to be another 41-10 type game I'm afraid. BAMA, LSU, UF, and Sackalina's speed is gonna kill us unless we are much improved come September. I hope I'm dead wrong believe me but I took off my Orange colored glasses after Dooley's second season.

Again, we have never lost 8 games in a year, and we didn't manage to pull that off with the worst Tennessee coach in history and with equally as brutal schedules. Get some actual perspective.
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Not saying that recruting rankings are the tell all but UT is more talented than Oregon all over the D and on the OL according to the recruiting sites. I know it is a transition to an assistant but they will have a new HC and OC this year. Barner is gone as well. They're ripe if Jones is as good of a coach as we all hope.

There are no "definite" losses but Bama would be a pretty incredible win. UT "can" beat anyone else on their schedule if things fall together right... which is largely a measure of how good your coaching staff is.

Many want to write this season off. I think it is a very critical test of Jones and his staff. He has tremendous OL talent. He has talent with experience at every position except receiver if he can get the best out of it.

So UTs more talented that Oregon huh? Try telling that to every other human, other than OskieVolum in the country. You're in the slight minority there chief.

See you're still repping Dooley there. "Talent with experience at every position except receiver.....?" Are you serious?

We have an excellent offensive line, average to below average RBs, an inexperienced/unproven QB, no playmaking WRs as of yet, no tightend, virtually the same personnel on our historically bad defense from a year ago and a very inconsistent, unreliable place kicker. Yeah, no certain losses vs one of the toughest schedules in the country.

I got full faith in Butch and I believe he'll coach this team waaaaaayyyyyy better than Dooley could ever imagine. But we are low in talent, way low on depth and have a long way to go in building this into winning team from where Dooley left us...a broken program with no idea how to win. No reason to predict an 8-9 win season in an effort to set this team up to fail. Butch is getting this thing turned ...but I think we dont challenge for championships for 3 years.....
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7-5 is my realistic finish, but 8-4 is also reasonably achievable. Either finish would be excellent for Jones in his first year in the SEC with our brutal schedule! Recruiting will skyrocket even further than where we are now. As long as we show improvement, I believe we have a staff that could pull off a top 5 recruiting staff. Jones and his staff are relentless when it comes to recruiting. The man has a passion for the game of football, and the Tennessee football program like no other. We've been through some tough times, but it feels as if it's all lead up to this. I believe Jones will be the one to lead Tennessee back to prominence!
The toss up game is Oregon, not Auburn. Auburn is vastly more talented than us, but had similar coaching problems. Oregon, on the other hand, is similarly talented than us and going through a similar transition. I expect, and I could very well be wrong, that Chip Kelly was the glue there, like Petrino was at Arkansas. Last year, Arkansas performed exactly as their talent averages would predict.

In other words, expect UT to look drastically better. Yes the offense will be less productive at first, but the defense should show a drastic improvement. Oregon, conversely, as they were severely over performing by their talent evaluations, has nowhere to go but down, even slightly.

If Jones just coaches to his talent, we go 7-4 with a toss-up at Oregon. This yields the most likely prediction as 7-5 or 8-4. Picture those two options as the peak on a bell curve, everything below or above is substantially less probable.

Oregon is much more talented than UT or AU right now. UT and AU are pretty even in talent. AU had offense problems with lack of QB, WR and playmakers. And their D was just a notch better than ours last season.
It all depends on Auburn. That's the swing game this year. Losses over Florida, Oregon, USC, UGA, and of course Bama. Rest are wins with the Tigers being the difference between 6-6 and 7-5. Thoughts?

I've thought the same thing for a while. Auburn still has a ton of talent on the roster, it will depend on Mahlzan how they do. I think UGA and SCAR are in play being home games. Florida is beatable, but on the road following a big road game at Oregon.
That's the thing that baffles me. Yet people keep quoting all this supposed talent that we have. We don't have a pass rushing DE, a disruptive DT, or a CB that can cover my 10yr old. Heck, at this moment we don't even have a clue who the go-to WR's are let alone the starting QB, yet somehow we're gonna outperform our record the last three years and go 8-4?

I suspect these are the folks with unrealistic expectations that will bridge jump if the WKU spread is less than 7pts. Don't misunderstand, I love the optimism but how about tempering it just a bit.

Personally I'm going with 6-6 and will be happy as a pig in mud with 7-5. That being said 5-7 wouldn't surprise me the least bit.

Not sure where you come off telling people to temper their optimism. There isnt a thing wrong with being optimistic. No were not going to win 9 or double digit wins but not a damn thing wrong with being optimistic and wanting it. No were not going 5-7 either. Really 6-8 wins is the most likely we fall around with 7 -8 most likely. Defensively we are not as bad as we showed last year. We didnt have the players to run the 3-4 nor the coaching. Point is we all have the right to be as optimistic or pessimistic as we want. I think 7-8 wins is realistic but if not then its ok as long as we show improvement and players fight for their Coach's and each other.
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4-8 or 5-7. Hope they prove me wrong, but we've got a lot of catching up to do still and the SEC has a way of magnifying that.
I think if we have some luck to bounce our way this next season we will be lucky to go 6-6 w/all the inexperience of some that have not played in an SEC conference game. They will have to learn on the go. There will be players that will be missing assignments & running the wrong routes. QB's over throwing & under throwing. It will be a long, long season for our struggling beloved Vols. But it will take time & brick by brick.
I really want to see the product on the field. I really don't know how we will do. If CBJ can coach, i think we might steal some wins we weren't supposed to. I am very cautiously optimistic.
An 8 loss season has also never happened in our history, so I'm not sure why anyone thinks it will happen now, with a competent coach.

Schedule is also eerily similar to 2010, a little easier even. Oregon being the common opponent, but no LSU this time around. Although we will all remember that game for years to come, and not very fondly.
Auburn, Mizzou, and dare I say it, Vanderbilt are our toss up games. I think we get Vandy and Mizzou. Auburn should be interesting. I think 6-6 is a safe bet.
Brutal schedule next year, but I think Butch pulls off an upset or two. And at this point, as sad as it is, beating Vandy is probably considered an "upset".

Wouldn't be shocked if we surprise South Carolina or Georgia. Also wouldn't be totally shocked if Western Kentucky gives us a hard time, or if Mizzou beats us.

I'm going to guess 6-6, and I'd be pretty delighted with 7-5.

It's rare for a new coach to take such a bad situation and turn it around within one year. Saban took over a better situation at Alabama and only went 7-6 in Year 1. I have faith in Butch, but I think it's going to take till Year 2 or Year 3 to start seeing the results in the W-L columns.
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It all depends on Auburn. That's the swing game this year. Losses over Florida, Oregon, USC, UGA, and of course Bama. Rest are wins with the Tigers being the difference between 6-6 and 7-5. Thoughts?

Remember 1982 Bama was suppose to crush us.
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Hope and Optimism are wonderful things it keeps you warm and fuzzy at night...But the truth is ...you 8,9 win fantasizers are gonna have nightmares quite regular come Fall...

I love the Vols, I think CBJ was a good hire... but guys I'm gonna say it til ya get it...this is one of the worst rosters in 2 decades at a minimum for the big orange bank it..

I hate Vanderbilt with a passion and I agree with some you should never lose to them. But if you think UT has more depth then them right now..you know very little about college football....

6 wins with this team is great coaching
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Hope and Optimism are wonderful things it keeps you warm and fuzzy at night...But the truth is ...you 8,9 win fantasizers are gonna have nightmares quite regular come Fall...

I love the Vols, I think CBJ was a good hire... but guys I'm gonna say it til ya get it...this is one of the worst rosters in 2 decades at a minimum for the big orange bank it..

I hate Vanderbilt with a passion and I agree with some you should never lose to them. But if you think UT has more depth then them right now..you know very little about college football....

6 wins with this team is great coaching


We had that in Dooley's first year.
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