7.8 Earthquake - Turkey

Ten thousand feared dead after mega earthquake as race against time begins to save victims who could FREEZE to death beneath rubble: Trapped survivors beg to be rescued on Facebook live after tremor rocks Turkey and Syria







Ten thousand feared dead after mega earthquake in Turkey and Syria | Daily Mail Online
I remember the earthquake that postponed the World Series. That was a bad one.
That earthquake was a 6.9. Both of the larger quakes in Turkey today were significantly stronger than that quake in San Francisco (the Loma Prieta earthquake).
And Memphis and Charleston.
Large earthquakes in Charleston, SC are likely only an issue for future generations. The last large earthquake in Charleston was in 1886, and large earthquakes in that area supposedly occur every 500-600 years.
Death Toll Now past 5000 and there was a 4th quake about 5.9

Saw one expert saying the toll could rise 8 fold, unsure about that but if it's 5000 this early in the rescue, and the weather issues they are having this is going to get much much worse.
Tell her to stay on base as much as possible...
From family experience my suggestion would be never leave base if possible.

The tourist areas are safe enough but anything beyond that isn't safe, especially for Americans.
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