8.30.20 Powerful FoxNews night programming...

I don't think that Donna Brazile goes on Hannity. I really don't care, but a black pundit knows that they will get considerably more exposure for announcing that they support Trump... then they will for supporting Biden. Blacks in support of Biden are a dime a dozen on cable news.... but they are given their own platform by Fox News if they will announce support for Trump. In most cases, it's a matter of wanting some attention. Just like that black sheriff in Milwaukee who continued to wear his uniform on his televised appearances, even though he had left office.

Greg Gutfield is a barking clown. Hypocrite deluxe
Greg Gutfeld had five persistent criticisms of Barack Obama from 2009-2017, and they were all legitimate:

1) Obama played golf and took vacations on a regular basis. Even in times of crisis, such as the H1N1 pandemic, Obama couldn't skip his rounds of golf.
2) Obama implemented public policy, not by way of bi-partisan legislation passed through Congress, but instead by circumventing Congress through the use of executive orders.
3) Obama was a deficit spender, who never addressed the debt.
4) Obama signed too many pardons, effectively circumventing our system of justice.
5) Obama was racially divisive, particularly on social issues. He took sides.

Every single one of these criticisms can also be applied to Trump... but they never have been by anyone at Fox News. They have effectively been ignored.
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Greg Gutfeld had five persistent criticisms of Barack Obama from 2009-2017, and they were all legitimate:

1) Obama played golf and took vacations on a regular basis. Even in times of crisis, such as the H1N1 pandemic, Obama couldn't skip his rounds of golf.
2) Obama implemented public policy, not by way of bi-partisan legislation passed through Congress, but instead by circumventing Congress through the use of executive orders.
3) Obama was a deficit spender, who never addressed the debt.
4) Obama signed too many pardons, effectively circumventing our system of justice.
5) Obama was racially divisive, particularly on social issues. He took sides.

Every single one of these criticisms can also be applied to Trump... but they never have been by anyone at Fox News. They have effectively been ignored.

MSNBC and CNN ignore stuff all the time. Do not act like Fox is the only one to do such a thing.
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MSNBC and CNN ignore stuff all the time. Do not act like Fox is the only one to do such a thing.
His point was that FoxNews panders to Trump, with the exception of a few like Chris Wallace, who doesn't give a damn and calls out POTUS all the time
His point was that FoxNews panders to Trump, with the exception of a few like Chris Wallace, who doesn't give a damn and calls out POTUS all the time
So, MSNBC and CNN are anti anything GOP/Republican and pander to Democrats. You think MSNBC or CNN would ask Biden/Harris a tough question or call him/her out.
So, MSNBC and CNN are anti anything GOP/Republican and pander to Democrats. You think MSNBC or CNN would ask Biden/Harris a tough question or call him/her out.
Didn't make that claim. No one at Fox ever calls out Trump on his lies or false claims. I've heard Chris Cuomo criticize both Biden and Harris. Hannity hasn't got the balls or the backbone to call out Trump
Didn't make that claim. No one at Fox ever calls out Trump on his lies or false claims. I've heard Chris Cuomo criticize both Biden and Harris. Hannity hasn't got the balls or the backbone to call out Trump

Whoopity doo. I'm sure it's when the poll numbers started to tighten. It's not like either has done anything beneficial for America.
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Donna Brazile tries to act like she is objective but she is a hack. I still think Fox should've hired her for even handedness but let's not forget she was passing Hillary Clinton questions against Bernie Sanders.
Didn't make that claim. No one at Fox ever calls out Trump on his lies or false claims. I've heard Chris Cuomo criticize both Biden and Harris. Hannity hasn't got the balls or the backbone to call out Trump
That Jackass needs to call himself out for lying about having the Coronavirus and having his stupid brother on CNN talking about it.

Link to Cuomo criticizing Biden and Harris?
His point was that FoxNews panders to Trump, with the exception of a few like Chris Wallace, who doesn't give a damn and calls out POTUS all the time

No one is claiming that Fox doesn't lean right. Of course they do but they serve a necessary purpose in balancing out what the left wing media is pouring at us 24/7 every day. You're correct that Hannity won't report on any bad stories on Trump but he does report on positive stories that won't be mentioned on the network news. If you want the full story, you've got to go beyond the MSM.
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