98 NC'ship team

How did being sodomized by Nebraska make the Gators tougher? The National Championship you won the next year had just as much to with Texas doing what you couldn't, i.e. beating Nebraska, as it did with anything the Gators did. The team you played in the Sugar Bowl had already beaten you. Ohio State was probably more deserving of the Sugar Bowl berth. Really, that may be the least impressive resume for a National Championship since GA Tech's fraudulent share of the '90 title. I love that we're being lectured on current greatness by a fan of a team that hasn't competed for an SEC title since 2000. Enjoy your short window of opportunity in the Sunshine State. Ears will be gone soon and the Canes will hire a coach who gets them back to using the Gators as their personal pinatas.

I am not lecturing you on current greatness. If you look back at this thread, I was just saying quit living in the past glory years. Step up and be harsh about the state of current affairs and focus on winning now and in the near future, not how great it was when you won a lot 8 years ago.

You mean the kind of superiority that comes with only having one coach who has ever won anything? The kind of superiority that comes from being the third best program in your own state for the better part of the last 25 years? The kind of superiority that comes with a football tradition that starts in 1990? Florida is, was, and always will be the low rent, nothing happening, johnny come latelies on the SEC block. Call us when you win an SEC title under someone other than Spurrier. Until then, just keep your trap shut about greatness and superiority. It sound silly, even for a Florida fan.

This is your response to my request that the guy back-up his claim that Florida, and I quote, cheated its backside off for 30 years.... Come on, what does your rant here have to do with my question? Again, I was calling out the guy who claimed that Florida cheated for 30 years to win the 1996 national championship. I remember Pell and 1981-ish. But that's all I remember.

Your going off on this utterly immaterial tangent sort of proves my point, though, which is that if I ask a valid question of the guy who claims we cheated for 30 years, rather than come back on and admit he axaggerated, someone else jumps on Florida about having no tradition. Which of course has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

Tennessee has had more success 2000-2006 than Florida has. Not really close, either.

Living in the past again. Tsk, tsk. This is what is getting FSU in trouble. "Hey, so what if our coach is taking us down the drain with his antiquated approach to the game. He won a lot seven years ago!"
And hat, incidentally, are you still trying to figure out a way that the Miami Hurricanes aren't in grave danger of being the next Kansas? "They used to be good ... I think."
How did being sodomized by Nebraska make the Gators tougher? The National Championship you won the next year had just as much to with Texas doing what you couldn't, i.e. beating Nebraska, as it did with anything the Gators did. The team you played in the Sugar Bowl had already beaten you. Ohio State was probably more deserving of the Sugar Bowl berth.

If John Cooper could have beaten Michigan, OSU would have a few more national championships to brag about.

OSU had to go to the Rose Bowl, same with Arizona State, who was unbeaten and ahead of both Florida and OSU, so if the BCS was there, no championship for the Gators.
here's an idea for a Florida fan reading an posting on a Tennessee message board. quit complaining, don't read it, or quit coming here all together.

i read a lot of other teams boards myself, but you don't hear me crying about the fact their fans want to talk about glory years from the past.
And hat, incidentally, are you still trying to figure out a way that the Miami Hurricanes aren't in grave danger of being the next Kansas? "They used to be good ... I think."
That's the delusional dream all the Gatorites have. It was voiced in '84, '89, during the probation years, etc. However, unlike the Cesspool to the North, the Canes have proven to be a resilient program not built on the power of personality of a single coach. The Canes will be back soon enough. Then they can play Cesspool U in some more bowl games. How did those turn out Gator fan?
That's the delusional dream all the Gatorites have. It was voiced in '84, '89, during the probation years, etc. However, unlike the Cesspool to the North, the Canes have proven to be a resilient program not built on the power of personality of a single coach. The Canes will be back soon enough. Then they can play Cesspool U in some more bowl games. How did those turn out Gator fan?

I agree with your comments about the superiority of UF -- I mean, why deny the obvious, right?
My essay revealing that Florida has roughly the same amount of football history as Georgia Tech or Clemson was in response to that tremendous example of UF brilliance.
That's the delusional dream all the Gatorites have. It was voiced in '84, '89, during the probation years, etc. However, unlike the Cesspool to the North, the Canes have proven to be a resilient program not built on the power of personality of a single coach. The Canes will be back soon enough. Then they can play Cesspool U in some more bowl games. How did those turn out Gator fan?

No, it wasn't Schellenberger and Johnson. They've been right there under .... Oh, wait a minute, that's right. THEY HAVEN'T been there latelty at all, have they? And going backwards every day, to boot.

My essay revealing that Florida has roughly the same amount of football history as Georgia Tech or Clemson was in response to that tremendous example of UF brilliance.

So you admit it had nothing to do with my question of the guy who claimed Florida cheated for 30 years to win in 1996? I note that the guy still hasn't come back to validate his statement. I'd really appreciate it if he just came on and said he exaggerated. That would be the right thing to do.
No, it wasn't Schellenberger and Johnson. They've been right there under .... Oh, wait a minute, that's right. THEY HAVEN'T been there latelty at all, have they? And going backwards every day, to boot.

So you admit it had nothing to do with my question of the guy who claimed Florida cheated for 30 years to win in 1996? I note that the guy still hasn't come back to validate his statement. I'd really appreciate it if he just came on and said he exaggerated. That would be the right thing to do.
Well, Dennis Erickson and Larry Coker combined for three National Titles, which is exactly three times the number won by UF in their rather mediocre history. Miami played for the title in '02. When was the last time the University of Serial Killer/Carpet Cleaners played a meaningful postseason game?

As to the comment by the poster that UF has a history of improper recruiting, I would say there isn't really anything to support that. The fallout of the Charlie Pell/Galen Hall years speaks for itself. Aside from that, the Gators run as respectable a recruiting operation as anyone.
The right thing to do would be if you would just apologize for crapping all over this thread.


Because I had the nerve to hold some guy accountable for the absurd statement that Florida cheated for 30 years to win the N/C in 1996 I should apologize?

I think not and don't hold your breath.

Now, if you mean that I crapped all over it for pointing out that you are slapping yourselves on the back for how great you were 8 years ago, well, then if you need me to back off of that so be it. Its just that a lot of loyal UT fans on here I imagine are similarly disheartened when people get dreamy eyed about 1998 rather than talking about how to get better and win for 2006 and 2007.
Well, Dennis Erickson and Larry Coker combined for three National Titles, which is exactly three times the number won by UF in their rather mediocre history. Miami played for the title in '02. When was the last time the University of Serial Killer/Carpet Cleaners played a meaningful postseason game?

As to the comment by the poster that UF has a history of improper recruiting, I would say there isn't really anything to support that. The fallout of the Charlie Pell/Galen Hall years speaks for itself. Aside from that, the Gators run as respectable a recruiting operation as anyone.[/quote]

That's all I was after.
The right thing to do would be if you would just apologize for crapping all over this thread.
It's amazing how much courage some fans gain from a half season of football. However, given their meager history, I guess Gator fans take what they can get.
Well, Dennis Erickson and Larry Coker combined for three National Titles, which is exactly three times the number won by UF in their rather mediocre history. Miami played for the title in '02. When was the last time the University of Serial Killer/Carpet Cleaners played a meaningful postseason game?

As to the comment by the poster that UF has a history of improper recruiting, I would say there isn't really anything to support that. The fallout of the Charlie Pell/Galen Hall years speaks for itself. Aside from that, the Gators run as respectable a recruiting operation as anyone.[/quote]

That's all I was after.
No response to the first part of the post? Oh, that's right. Even Gators aren't silly enough to argue with irrefutable facts.

Because I had the nerve to hold some guy accountable for the absurd statement that Florida cheated for 30 years to win the N/C in 1996 I should apologize?

I think not and don't hold your breath.

Now, if you mean that I crapped all over it for pointing out that you are slapping yourselves on the back for how great you were 8 years ago, well, then if you need me to back off of that so be it. Its just that a lot of loyal UT fans on here I imagine are similarly disheartened when people get dreamy eyed about 1998 rather than talking about how to get better and win for 2006 and 2007.

No gator, it's called having a history of winning and a TRADITION. You may need to look that up in webster.
If the gators ever do earn a tradition then you may start to understand what happens. You gain true pride.
wow, lawgator had actually won some of my respect despite being a florida fan by making good posts. he's screwed it with this one. isn't reliving glory days the whole point of being a sports fan. nobody wins the championship every year or every decade, so you have to celebrate the ones you do get. and yes florida fans talk about 96 and the glory days of spurrier too, just like every other sports fan talks about the glory days of so and so when we won it all. i think we can all admit that as fans of high ranking teams that are expected to win each week the pain of losses outweighs the joy of wins in the present. looking back on previous big wins is the only way to make up for that discrepancy.

oh and whats the point of saying we need to do a, b, and c to get back to where we were unless you are on the coaching staff? remember most of us are just fans with little influence on the team. its our job to watch, cheer, and reminisce.

thanks, now i can hate all gator fans in peace.
I don't think he was on the team in 2001. He was a JUCO transfer a year later, I believe. He got his chance to start in 2003, after Julian Battle left.

Gibril Wilson started in 2002-2003. He nows starts for the NY Giants.
It's a good year, not a great year. No championships.

That team was upset twice by inferior competition.

Just a few players of mention of the NFL:

Dante Stallworth
Kelly Washington
Jason Witten
John Henderson
Al Haynesworth
Will Overstreet
Eddie Moore
Julian Battle
Rashad Baker
Jabari Greer
Andre Lott
Dominique Stevenson
Fred Weary
Scott Wells
Aubrayo Franklin
Demtrin Veal
Keyon Whiteside
Reggie Coleman
Rashad Moore

That's not a bad list.

This was a great group of guys !
No response to the first part of the post? Oh, that's right. Even Gators aren't silly enough to argue with irrefutable facts.

How we got onto talking about UM football is beyond me at this point. But let's just agree that I think UM is about the worst example of a b.s. commuter school masquerading as a university or college and that you like them for whatever reason you have.

wow, lawgator had actually won some of my respect despite being a florida fan by making good posts. he's screwed it with this one. isn't reliving glory days the whole point of being a sports fan. nobody wins the championship every year or every decade, so you have to celebrate the ones you do get. and yes florida fans talk about 96 and the glory days of spurrier too, just like every other sports fan talks about the glory days of so and so when we won it all. i think we can all admit that as fans of high ranking teams that are expected to win each week the pain of losses outweighs the joy of wins in the present. looking back on previous big wins is the only way to make up for that discrepancy.

oh and whats the point of saying we need to do a, b, and c to get back to where we were unless you are on the coaching staff? remember most of us are just fans with little influence on the team. its our job to watch, cheer, and reminisce.

thanks, now i can hate all gator fans in peace.

Well now, you know what? I read this post and thought about it and you are absolutely right. I'm not kidding or being sarcastic. It is an excellent post and I admit that I was WRONG and should not have rained on the parade so much.

My apologies to all I offended.:hi:

Except hatvol, who for some inconceivable reason has taken it upon himself to defend the University of Miami.

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