Thank you so much!! Your post perfectly illustrates the extreme either- or-ism I have noted and that you, without irony, are denying exists.
Here is the mind blowing proposition -- someone can simultaneously believe that Danny White is doing a great job as AD and still question one of his specific hiring decisions. These actions are not mutually exclusive and doing the latter does not make one a "White hater."
And, echoing your challenge, find one post from me, where I said Kellie was "unfairly treated." I did post, not too long ago, in reference to former EarlVol, that he believed Kellie had been unfairly treated. However, i have been quite clear in stating (multiple times) that the door was opened for Kellie to be fired when she failed to make the S16 and orchestrated a general regression in the program from the 2022-23 to 2023-24 seasons.
Heck, I have not even questioned White's decision to hire Kim Caldwell. I have just said that I can understood why some on this board did and, for that act of heresy, you accuse me of being in a "Kellie cult".