A.D. Danny White; discussion thread

not sure it was Danny who pulled the plug on Kellie,,he had another assistant AD in charge of women's BB.

But I am fully behind the call to fire Kellie. After the 11.1 fiasco, her abilities under pressure would have been under a microscope continually,, by fans of this forum, other soc-medias, by other coaches and most probably by her elite players...to me, she had to go.

And this is where Earl and I had our own tiff. He felt Kellie would have had a much better potential for elite recruits with the addition of NIL funds and I felt that her rep was too far damaged even if she had the means to get top players.

In coaching,,,,respect lost, is impossibly hard to get back,,,from all entities
Agree on your stance, Kellie showed she couldn’t win with less so why reward with more.
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This shows how PETTY the regulars in this forum are. Not ONE has posted congratulations to BASEBALL team for winning National Championship.

You know who you are!!!!!
You know who’s genuinely happy and who’s bitter at the same time by how they react to success. As they are both obvious at the same time.
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For some,,,ME!,,,it's not about being petty, it's about my commitment is to basketball,,,exclusively! And, especially not to the sport women don't get to play professionally. . . I applauded the TN baseball team's accomplishment and retweeted on another media, but to go further,,,yawn.

The serious girls I work with I won't let them play base/softball, volleyball, soccer or any other sport that teaches mechanics adverse to basketball. So I guess I never became a fan of it,,,in fact if I want to take a nap I can turn on baseball or golf and hit slumber in minutes.

Yes, for the university and that program,,,BIG TIME YAY!
But for myself,,,big time yawn,,,getting sleepy just thinking about baseball.
Safe to say we can file you under bitter.
Not at all. I'm thrilled for them. Watched every game. But this thread stopped being about the baseball team's success and flipped to in your face followed by slavish devotion a while ago. But certainly your right to do so.

This regional dominance is unbelievable! And we thought the south was football country:
Shouldn't need an explanation. Scroll above through this thread. Nanny nanny boo boo done gone crazy. DW as AD God.

Not denying, obviously he's been successful. But dang!
The title of this specific thread on the LV forum is 'AD Danny White discussion thread'. Since he is fast becoming, if not already, the most successful AD in UT history, what were you expecting?
Who are these Danny White "haters"? This thread has been taken over by people who simply can't comprehend the "nuanced" view that Danny White is a really good AD who is capable of making a mistake.

This discussion began when some questioned the hiring of Kim Caldwell.

However, some quickly morphed that discussion into being expression of "hate" for Danny White and desire for all Vol athletics to collapse into the sea.

In this dichotomous world, you must either believe that Danny White is the 2nd coming or you are "a hater" of Danny White and all that is holy

It is comical but I guess acolytes are gonna acolyte.
Who are these Danny White "haters"? This thread has been taken over by people who simply can't comprehend the "nuanced" view that Danny White is a really good AD who is capable of making a mistake.

This discussion began when some questioned the hiring of Kim Caldwell.

However, some quickly morphed that discussion into being expression of "hate" for Danny White and desire for all Vol athletics to collapse into the sea.

In this dichotomous world, you must either believe that Danny White is the 2nd coming or you are "a hater" of Danny White and all that is holy

It is comical but I guess acolytes are gonna acolyte.
It STARTED when some outright stated that his job should be in question for firing Kellie Harper. Canonization and North Korean dictator talk is from the same actors. 😏
Who are these Danny White "haters"? This thread has been taken over by people who simply can't comprehend the "nuanced" view that Danny White is a really good AD who is capable of making a mistake.

This discussion began when some questioned the hiring of Kim Caldwell.

However, some quickly morphed that discussion into being expression of "hate" for Danny White and desire for all Vol athletics to collapse into the sea.

In this dichotomous world, you must either believe that Danny White is the 2nd coming or you are "a hater" of Danny White and all that is holy

It is comical but I guess acolytes are gonna acolyte.
Sorry for some that like to live in misery. It was time to move forward with a new AD. We have not had a decent AD since DD.
Look at what happen to the Athletic programs since DD left. None of these guys would have challenged the NCAA or called them out. DW did. Firing Harper was a mistake, NO. It was inevitable that it was going to happen at some point so why drag it out.

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