A drug free ut

To me the bigger issue is that the failed drug test policy varies greatly from school to school. Some schools 2 test and your suspended 3 your gone, some schools 3 and 4 and some schools as much as 5 and 7. Coaches dont use this to recruit with but to retain players. I am told of one very well known SEC coach who when he negotiated his contract extension had them add another failed test before discipline. And who can forget the Fla player 2 years ago who was dismissed saying "If Coach Meyer was still here this wouldnt be happening"... Bottom line is it needs to be the same everywhere across the board.
Did you obtain this from a study that you coordinated or is this just like a lot of crap you say, bs?

Their lives might be different for a lot of reasons. Hell, you take two ppl, same education, equal ability, and follow them for 10 years their lives will be very different regardless.

I am not preaching legal drugs or anything, but come on, don't think that everyone can ride on your moral high horse.

Well yes, I was a substance abuse counselor at one time in my life so I know exactly what I'm talking about. Weed does not have the dramatic, acute effects on one's life like meth or crack does. But over a period time, it slowly kills your drive, incentive, and ambition.
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Just like you and many like you have blindly convinced yourselves that smoking "drugs" is wrong simply bc your preacher or the cop told you so.

Do you drink alcohol? Do you know how many negative effects have actually been studied and recorded that come from the consumption of that drug?

I don't think it is wrong, I think all drugs should be legal and free. If you are dumb enough to do it that is your thing, just don't drive or anything else stupid that endangers people other than yourself.

Do I drink alcohol? No. Do I make that decision based on preachers and cops and other people? No, I make that decision because I have seen first hand growing up what becoming addicted to substances does to a family.
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but to get back on topic... These kids should at least be able to wait the two weeks it takes to clean out their systems to get past the tests. I don't understand jeopardizing your life's work just to party a little harder or "get high".
I don't think it is wrong, I think all drugs should be legal and free. If you are dumb enough to do it that is your thing, just don't drive or anything else stupid that endangers people other than yourself.

Do I drink alcohol? No. Do I make that decision based on preachers and cops and other people? No, I make that decision because I have seen first hand growing up what becoming addicted to substances does to a family.

Agreed, and as to the latter, so have I, however, my personal outlook on the subject is that a person can do anything in moderation. Too much of anything will hurt you.

And know what's important to you. If you are willing to jeopardize your family or career or personal beliefs to get high, you probably don't deserve those things.
If you take two people of equal ability and education, and one smokes weed on a routine basis and one doesn't, and then follow them both for 10 years, their lives will look very, very, different at the end of that 10 years.

You apparently have no idea how prevalent marijuana use is these days on every college campus in America.
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Well yes, I was a substance abuse counselor at one time in my life so I know exactly what I'm talking about. Weed does not have the dramatic, acute effects on one's life like meth or crack does. But over a period time, it slowly kills your drive, incentive, and ambition.

Being a substance abuse counselor once, puts you in the know? What kind of degree comes with that?

Not saying this pertains to you, but I know a lot of rehab facilities that have been shutdown in recent years for having "Substance Abuse Counselors" that just take a class online and print off a certificate.

Getting your information from only 1 source doesn't make you an expert. And I think that your evaluation of the effects of weed is a little off base. Those three words are basically synonyms so I'll just use "drive" to make my point. Drive is something that you either have or you don't. Some ppl are just born with drive. Your opinion of how much drive someone is losing by smoking weed might be skewed bc that person didn't have a lot of drive to start with.

Willy Nelson smokes weed and he's got enough drive to have become pretty successful.
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Yes I do, and that's why we don't depend on college kids to make the country work.

Really? I thought college kids are our future? Aren't they the leaders of tomorrow? How ever shall we make it with all of these crazy druggies running the country in the next 10-15 years?
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Being a substance abuse counselor once, puts you in the know? What kind of degree comes with that?

Not saying this pertains to you, but I know a lot of rehab facilities that have been shutdown in recent years for having "Substance Abuse Counselors" that just take a class online and print off a certificate.

Getting your information from only 1 source doesn't make you an expert. And I think that your evaluation of the effects of weed is a little off base. Those three words are basically synonyms so I'll just use "drive" to make my point. Drive is something that you either have or you don't. Some ppl are just born with drive. Your opinion of how much drive someone is losing by smoking weed might be skewed bc that person didn't have a lot of drive to start with.

Willy Nelson smokes weed and he's got enough drive to have become pretty successful.

You're right, being a licensed counselor at one time with 2 masters degrees means I know nothing about substance abuse.
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Really? I thought college kids are our future? Aren't they the leaders of tomorrow? How ever shall we make it with all of these crazy druggies running the country in the next 10-15 years?

Why do you suppose nearly every company in America requires potential employees to pass a drug test? Would love to hear your insightful answer.
You're right, being a licensed counselor at one time with 2 masters degrees means I know nothing about substance abuse.

It means you've generally seen the worst side of it, as well.

I don't hang out with slackers. However, I hang out with productive potheads as well as productive non-smokers. To even say most smokers are losers is just incorrect.
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Why do you suppose nearly every company in America requires potential employees to pass a drug test? Would love to hear your insightful answer.

In my experience, I've only seen testing in jobs wherein its employees are either operating heavy machinery or are prone to accidents/injury.
Why do you suppose nearly every company in America requires potential employees to pass a drug test? Would love to hear your insightful answer.

Because companies have to protect themselves legally.

And nearly every company? Really? And how many of those companies retest those employees regularly and without notice?

Almost none. The intial screen is about it. Unless you happen to be involved in an accident or in a situation that could hold the company liable. Then they will test you again. Even on construction sites, random screens are almost never done. Bc they dont want to know as long as you do your job, show up on time and dont hurt yourself or anyone else.

I work in testing employees for drugs, and while I disagree with the policies I stated above, that's the facts, jack.

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