A drug free ut

Education and Marriage and Family Counseling.

And that makes you an expert on the effects of drugs on the human body???

I would have been more easily convinced, had you said Pharmacology or Pharmacodynamics. But Education and Marriage and Family Counseling? Congrats on your hard work, but I have to disagree that these make you the expert on the longterm effects of THC intake.
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It means you've generally seen the worst side of it, as well.

I don't hang out with slackers. However, I hang out with productive potheads as well as productive non-smokers. To even say most smokers are losers is just incorrect.

I didn't say they were losers and didn't mean to imply it. I meant that most people who smoke weed on a regular basis over a period of years are probably not reaching their full potential in a number of areas in their lives.
You apparently have no idea how prevalent marijuana use is these days on every college campus in America.

Friend of mine is a vice president of a bank. Used to own her own company. She's almost 50. She smokes almost every day.

I don't think he ever said you can't be successful if you smoke pot, at least that isn't how I took it. Of course you can be a successful pot smoker, but just like with alcohol some people can drink casually and never have it become an issue in their life, and some people become severely dependant and it literally becomes the pillar of their entire life.

Like I said earlier, people should be allowed to do whatever it is they want, but this idea that pot is somehow harmless, in my opinion, is very misguided.
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I didn't say they were losers and didn't mean to imply it. I meant that most people who smoke weed on a regular basis over a period of years are probably not reaching their full potential in a number of areas in their lives.

That depends on their personal goals. Potential is perception. And while most will say, "Well, perception is reality," potential is what you think that person is capable of. I know A LOT of ppl who aren't living up to their potential and it has nothing to do with them using marijuana.

It goes back to what I was saying earlier, drive is something you either have or you don't. Regardless of whether a person smokes weed or not, if they have goals and drive, they will accomplish them.
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And that makes you an expert on the effects of drugs on the human body???

I would have been more easily convinced, had you said Pharmacology or Pharmacodynamics. But Education and Marriage and Family Counseling? Congrats on your hard work, but I have to disagree that these make you the expert on the longterm effects of THC intake.

Currently working in pharma/biotech for what its worth. Look, if you want to dissect my resume as a way to justify your own position, be my guest. But neither of us are going to win the other over so lets just let it lie.
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I don't think he ever said you can't be successful if you smoke pot, at least that isn't how I took it.

No, he did. see below. He's saying the successful person is the exception but that MOST ppl who use marijuana are doomed to fail in most areas of their lives.

I meant that most people who smoke weed on a regular basis over a period of years are probably not reaching their full potential in a number of areas in their lives.
No, he did. see below. He's saying the successful person is the exception but that MOST ppl who use marijuana are doomed to fail in most areas of their lives.

not reaching potential and doomed to fail are different things. Someone can be the vice president of a bank and own a business and not have reached their full potential.
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Currently working in pharma/biotech for what its worth. Look, if you want to dissect my resume as a way to justify your own position, be my guest. But neither of us are going to win the other over so lets just let it lie.

I can agree to that. I just like to debate. For what it's worth, I was never mad or angry at you. We just take different positions on a topic and I enjoy the banter.

Sorry if I offended you by attacking your credentials.

I simply think that personal accomplishment and drive come from somewhere that isn't and can't be affected by THC. It's the person, not the drug, that lacks the motivation. The drug is just the excuse.

It would be like banning recliners bc there are too many fat ppl in the world. It's not the armchair's fault that fatty won't go run.
I can agree to that. I just like to debate. For what it's worth, I was never mad or angry at you. We just take different positions on a topic and I enjoy the banter.

Sorry if I offended you by attacking your credentials.

I simply think that personal accomplishment and drive come from somewhere that isn't and can't be affected by THC. It's the person, not the drug, that lacks the motivation. The drug is just the excuse.

It would be like banning recliners bc there are too many fat ppl in the world. It's not the armchair's fault that fatty won't go run.

It comes from your brain, which is the same thing THC affects to get you high.
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not reaching potential and doomed to fail are different things. Someone can be the vice president of a bank and own a business and not have reached their full potential.

But as I said above, Potential is only the perception of others. Just bc you think I could be the President doesn't mean I believe that.

So, am I not reaching my actual potential or the potential that you have chosen for me?
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It comes from your brain, which is the same thing THC affects to get you high.

Wow, thanks for the enlightening addition to the conversation. Keep it up!

So, someone who uses THC can't use their brain at all while they are high? Come on, now, you are starting to lose me.
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But as I said above, Potential is only the perception of others. Just bc you think I could be the President doesn't mean I believe that.

So, am I not reaching my actual potential or the potential that you have chosen for me?

Are we smoking right now? That was deep.
You mean you can't have a conversation with someone who's confident in what they believe?

No, it means that I try not to bother getting into conversation with any whose primary allegiance is to a particular worldview, not the truth. The idea that college-educated people aren't critical to the economic future of this country is such sheer, deliberately wrongheaded nonsense that it's clear any opinions you hold are going to be aimed primarily at defending whatever your underlying ideology is. Congratulations on how confident you are in your beliefs, but that "confidence" probably makes it a waste of time trying to discuss with you any particular issue on its merits.
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But as I said above, Potential is only the perception of others. Just bc you think I could be the President doesn't mean I believe that.

So, am I not reaching my actual potential or the potential that you have chosen for me?

Wow, thanks for the enlightening addition to the conversation. Keep it up!

So, someone who uses THC can't use their brain at all while they are high? Come on, now, you are starting to lose me.

1st one - Potential is relative. Look at it this way. If you took all habitual pot smokers in the USA and compared them in any scenario of success that you choose such as finances or IQ do you think it would be even?

2nd one - I was just making fun of your vague assertion about where ambition might come from, thought it was funny myself. Still not sure how you could take that as THC makes your brain stop functioning, just was pointing out that the relation should be pretty obvious. Just like I assume that my porch has water damage for 2 reasons, first being rain, second being that I didn't properly water proof my porch.

That analogy I made is actually pretty deep, try finding all the subtle relations there.
I don't think he ever said you can't be successful if you smoke pot, at least that isn't how I took it. Of course you can be a successful pot smoker, but just like with alcohol some people can drink casually and never have it become an issue in their life, and some people become severely dependant and it literally becomes the pillar of their entire life.

Like I said earlier, people should be allowed to do whatever it is they want, but this idea that pot is somehow harmless, in my opinion, is very misguided.

I never said it was harmless. I said it's everywhere, like alcohol. Like alcohol, it's easy to abuse, and some people ruin and/or derail their lives with it. It's certainly not harmless, but it's no worse (and probably less harmful) than the ethyl alcohol which most people in this country happily ingest all the time.
Good thing Clinton, W and Obama never really reached their potential

Also basically every financial institution does not test. Guys literally managing billions never have and never will be tested
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1st one - Potential is relative. Look at it this way. If you took all habitual pot smokers in the USA and compared them in any scenario of success that you choose such as finances or IQ do you think it would be even?

2nd one - I was just making fun of your vague assertion about where ambition might come from, thought it was funny myself. Still not sure how you could take that as THC makes your brain stop functioning, just was pointing out that the relation should be pretty obvious. Just like I assume that my porch has water damage for 2 reasons, first being rain, second being that I didn't properly water proof my porch.

That analogy I made is actually pretty deep, try finding all the subtle relations there.

Could also be the gutters
I never said it was harmless. I said it's everywhere, like alcohol. Like alcohol, it's easy to abuse, and some people ruin and/or derail their lives with it. It's certainly not harmless, but it's no worse (and probably less harmful) than the ethyl alcohol which most people in this country happily ingest all the time.

I didn't mean to imply that is what you might think, I actually thought about that while making my post, but neglected to include it.

but I agree with that statement.
No, it means that I try not to bother getting into conversation with any whose primary allegiance is to a particular worldview, not the truth. The idea that college-educated people aren't critical to the economic future of this country is such sheer, deliberately wrongheaded nonsense that it's clear any opinions you hold are going to be aimed primarily at defending whatever your underlying ideology is. Congratulations on how confident you are in your beliefs, but that "confidence" probably makes it a waste of time trying to discuss with you any particular issue on its merits.

I can't believe that's what you took from my post. I thought it was pretty obvious I was talking about not relying on college kids WHILE THEY'RE IN COLLEGE. Most people grow up considerably when they get into the real world and realize if they want to have a good job and raise a family they will have to tap the brakes a bit on their pot use.
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Well yes, I was a substance abuse counselor at one time in my life so I know exactly what I'm talking about. Weed does not have the dramatic, acute effects on one's life like meth or crack does. But over a period time, it slowly kills your drive, incentive, and ambition.
Person 1: "I'm serious, you smoke too much of that :censored:. That :censored: robs you of your ambition."

Person 2: "Not if your ambition is to get high and watch T.V."

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I usually stay away from this topic as I really can see both perspectives.

As far as smoking weed, some of the smartest people I know are regular smokers. Chemical Engineer for a major company, a computer programmer for microsoft, two physicians, multiple attorneys, a federal judge (I know...the horror), a US Representative, and a US Senator. People quite frankly have no idea how prevalent the use of MJ is and it is finally being recognized by state governments and legislators.

IMO, the bottom line is the drug is used in a recreational manner similar to how others use anti-anxiety/anti-depressants medications for stress. In numerous conversations about the mechanism for continued use with these people it seems this is a common denominator that I hear when I ask why said person risks the liability being either personal, fiduciary, or otherwise.

"Reefer Madness" is over and it is finally being recognized as being qualitatively different from it's current classification. Even the gateway affect is being discounted to some degree.

We have wasted so much money as a country on the war on drugs such as these when demand is intrinsically engrained in our society that it makes zero sense to continue upon the same path that possesses inherent failure. Legalize, tax, and move on as we certainly could use the money.

For the record, I am not a current smoker and have not been for almost two decades.

Furthermore, whoever made the comment about college kids not running the country have never been to D.C., believe me as I lobby and aides run the show and yes I was shocked.
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When this happened with Janzen, I remember Jason Swain tweeting something like, "Everyone is told that this test will happen. If you know, and you still piss dirty, you deserve what you get."

Here's to hoping all our guys are doing the right thing.

coaches don't normally care if you are "partying" so to speak...but they do care if you don't try to cover it up

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