A drug free ut

In addition, hopefully CBJ can get my team turned around before these Bammers cause me to start smoking.
Good thing Clinton, W and Obama never really reached their potential
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Smoking a little weed isn't going to hurt anyone period. People that are susceptible to addiction may have problems with it just like they will any other mind altering substance. A glass/joint of wine/weed a night is good for you but a bottle/lb a night isn't. Since there wasn't a good way to tax cannabis it was deemed a devastating mind eating drug by the GOV which it's not. Funny now that there is a system in place to tax the hell out of "medical marijuana" it is suddenly being legalized in state after state.

I'm not in any way advocating our players should smoke cannabis but if one does I won't consider him to be low life punk thug like some on here have suggested. I would guess a good 25%+ of UT students smoke so the players are around it on a regular basis.
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I usually stay away from this topic as I really can see both perspectives.

As far as smoking weed, some of the smartest people I know are regular smokers. Chemical Engineer for a major company, a computer programmer for microsoft, two physicians, multiple attorneys, a federal judge (I know...the horror), a US Representative, and a US Senator. People quite frankly have no idea how prevalent the use of MJ is and it is finally being recognized by state governments and legislators.

IMO, the bottom line is the drug is used in a recreational manner similar to how others use anti-anxiety/anti-depressants medications for stress. In numerous conversations about the mechanism for continued use with these people it seems this is a common denominator that I hear when I ask why said person risks the liability being either personal, fiduciary, or otherwise.

"Reefer Madness" is over and it is finally being recognized as being qualitatively different from it's current classification. Even the gateway affect is being discounted to some degree.

We have wasted so much money as a country on the war on drugs such as these when demand is intrinsically engrained in our society that it makes zero sense to continue upon the same path that possesses inherent failure. Legalize, tax, and move on as we certainly could use the money.

For the record, I am not a current smoker and have not been for almost two decades.

Furthermore, whoever made the comment about college kids not running the country have never been to D.C., believe me as I lobby and aides run the show and yes I was shocked.

I wish it were all legal, but taxing it would be a grave, grave mistake. You would then STILL have to police people selling it under the table to avoid paying taxes. Just make it totally legal to do drugs, grow it, sell it, all of that.
I can't believe that's what you took from my post. I thought it was pretty obvious I was talking about not relying on college kids WHILE THEY'RE IN COLLEGE. Most people grow up considerably when they get into the real world and realize if they want to have a good job and raise a family they will have to tap the brakes a bit on their pot use.

It wasn't clear that that's what you meant. You'll note that I wasn't the only one in this thread who took it that way.

The anti-college attitude is prevalent enough on this board that it's easy to jump right to that assumption. My apologies.
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I usually stay away from this topic as I really can see both perspectives.

As far as smoking weed, some of the smartest people I know are regular smokers. Chemical Engineer for a major company, a computer programmer for microsoft, two physicians, multiple attorneys, a federal judge (I know...the horror), a US Representative, and a US Senator. People quite frankly have no idea how prevalent the use of MJ is and it is finally being recognized by state governments and legislators.

IMO, the bottom line is the drug is used in a recreational manner similar to how others use anti-anxiety/anti-depressants medications for stress. In numerous conversations about the mechanism for continued use with these people it seems this is a common denominator that I hear when I ask why said person risks the liability being either personal, fiduciary, or otherwise.

"Reefer Madness" is over and it is finally being recognized as being qualitatively different from it's current classification. Even the gateway affect is being discounted to some degree.

We have wasted so much money as a country on the war on drugs such as these when demand is intrinsically engrained in our society that it makes zero sense to continue upon the same path that possesses inherent failure. Legalize, tax, and move on as we certainly could use the money.

For the record, I am not a current smoker and have not been for almost two decades.

Furthermore, whoever made the comment about college kids not running the country have never been to D.C., believe me as I lobby and aides run the show and yes I was shocked.

it's easy to be "smart" and smoke...treat it like alcohol (with moderation) and it will not hinder you

there's a lot of marijuana on campus, and campuses across the country...and it's finding it's way into post-grad homes

honestly it's hilarious when i hear the gateway argument...i smoke and ive never even thought about doing any other drugs
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It wasn't clear that that's what you meant. You'll note that I wasn't the only one in this thread who took it that way.

The anti-college attitude is prevalent enough on this board that it's easy to jump right to that assumption. My apologies.

No worries, it's been a good discussion. And let me be very clear about one thing. The effects of weed on one's life that I'm referring to are not those that use casually, on weekends, etc. That's totally different - I'm talking about habitual, everyday use over long periods of time. Hope everyone sees the difference.
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I wish it were all legal, but taxing it would be a grave, grave mistake. You would then STILL have to police people selling it under the table to avoid paying taxes. Just make it totally legal to do drugs, grow it, sell it, all of that.

There is no way the GOV will EVER make cannabis "legal" without taxation. Some states have made possession of small amounts a "fine only" offense similar to a speeding ticket which is a step in the right direction. Within a few years "medical marijuana" will be legal in virtually every state and will be almost as mainstream as alcohol. The American people now favor legalization by over 50% which will make the politicians looking for votes and funds for their pet projects take notice.
Well yes, I was a substance abuse counselor at one time in my life so I know exactly what I'm talking about. Weed does not have the dramatic, acute effects on one's life like meth or crack does. But over a period time, it slowly kills your drive, incentive, and ambition.

I work in substance abuse clinics as well, and if you are a substance abuse counselor, you should already know that:

1. Correlation does not mean causation.
2. People who already lack ambition have a tendency to turn to drugs such as weed and alcohol.

I've meet plenty of people who smoke weed and sadly waste their lives away. I also know plenty of people who smoke and are some of the most ambitious, driven, well-organized, and productive people I know.

Don't let personal judgement cloud facts. Every person is different, and react differently to substances.

With that being said, I do hope the team stays off smoking weed. With the opportunity to play football, there are certain responsibilities that come with it. Staying off drugs is one of them.
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I work in substance abuse clinics as well, and if you are a substance abuse counselor, you should already know that:

1. Correlation does not mean causation.
2. People who already lack ambition have a tendency to turn to drugs such as weed and alcohol.

I've meet plenty of people who smoke weed and sadly waste their lives away. I also know plenty of people who smoke and are some of the most ambitious, driven, well-organized, and productive people I know.

Don't let personal judgement cloud facts. Every person is different, and react differently to substances.

With that being said, I do hope the team stays off smoking weed. With the opportunity to play football, there are certain responsibilities that come with it. Staying off drugs is one of them.

I agree with your points and all of my arguments were meant in general terms, not applying to every individual. Of course there are exceptions.
Will we have the drug test claim another player this year? The drug test I'm speaking of happens around the same time every year. The event I think of is a barbeque or something. You guys will have to help me out with what the actual name is? It is around and during fall camp right before the season starts. This is when Janzen and David Ricky got plucked. This has happened the past two years.

I hope team 117 will man up and do what is best for the team instead of failing the drug test.

It just blows my mind that the players know random testing is coming around that time yet we have it happen two years in a row. Im praying it is not for a 3rd.

I hope these young men make a choice this summer to man up and put down drugs forever not just to benefit the team but there personal lives.

I would say we start a countdown letting the players know they random drug test during this time every year , but no one is going to be there to hold their hands for the rest of there life.

CBJ, Roger "Chap" Woods, and Antone Davis! Keep them in check.
That why you call them kids, but some adults know it is coming and run down to local drug store and grab a bottle of water pills and pe pe pe pe all night sometimes it works sometime it doesnt.:unsure:
I agree with your points and all of my arguments were meant in general terms, not applying to every individual. Of course there are exceptions.

Ok, that's good to hear. I just hate hearing the "weed kills ambition" argument. Sure, if someone is already lacking ambition, weed probably isn't going to help. But to say it directly weakens motivation is like throwing a blanket over the issue.
Why do you suppose nearly every company in America requires potential employees to pass a drug test? Would love to hear your insightful answer.

the real question is why do these same companies not prohibit their employees from consuming alcohol. Alcohol is a drug, the same as marijuana (CNS depressant v. cannibas, but similar nonetheless). The answer is stigmatization, nothing more.
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I would be more concerned that 1 out 6 Americans are on an antidepressants and 1 out of 4 kids on ADD medications...
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Being a substance abuse counselor once, puts you in the know? What kind of degree comes with that?

Not saying this pertains to you, but I know a lot of rehab facilities that have been shutdown in recent years for having "Substance Abuse Counselors" that just take a class online and print off a certificate.

Getting your information from only 1 source doesn't make you an expert. And I think that your evaluation of the effects of weed is a little off base. Those three words are basically synonyms so I'll just use "drive" to make my point. Drive is something that you either have or you don't. Some ppl are just born with drive. Your opinion of how much drive someone is losing by smoking weed might be skewed bc that person didn't have a lot of drive to start with.

Willy Nelson smokes weed and he's got enough drive to have become pretty successful.

I thought the head coach was responsible for everything like that? The kids show up to play and the coach teaches them drive, guts, personal responsibility, etc.

In my experience, I've only seen testing in jobs wherein its employees are either operating heavy machinery or are prone to accidents/injury.

Dinkin, most jobs now days required at least a pee check to hire. They don't necessarily carry the employee in a random screen pool, but they do a hiring check.

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