A drug free ut

If you take two people of equal ability and education, and one smokes weed on a routine basis and one doesn't, and then follow them both for 10 years, their lives will look very, very, different at the end of that 10 years.

This is so unbelievably wrong it isn't even funny. Go to silicon valley and you will see how wrong you are. There are people that run circles around you in terms of success, that smoke weed regularly, and still lead normal lives.
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Why would that many kids need meds?

Being a full-time student is hard work, managing 17 hrs, studying, and working can take a toll on your body and mind. The meds help keep you focused and aware. 1 out of 4 doesn't sound unrealistic; however, the real number is how many of those students abuse the med.
Really? I thought college kids are our future? Aren't they the leaders of tomorrow? How ever shall we make it with all of these crazy druggies running the country in the next 10-15 years?

I believe the children our are future. If you teach them well and, let them lead the way...

Sexual chocolate!
but to get back on topic... These kids should at least be able to wait the two weeks it takes to clean out their systems to get past the tests. I don't understand jeopardizing your life's work just to party a little harder or "get high".

Two weeks isn't even a guarantee, for some it can take a full 30 days or longer. Depends on what kind you were smoking, how often you smoked, your body type, and how often you exercise. Some of those kids might have thought they could beat the test with techniques that don't work.

I believe the children our are future. If you teach them well and, let them lead the way...

Sexual chocolate!

I miss the days when Eddie Murphy was actually funny.
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Just so sad these kids have their privacy violated in this regard. I smoked in college, still do for that matter, and have had a successful career. Our kids are taught at a young age that alcohol is ok, so long as u don't drive afterward. Yet the reality is alcohol is much more powerful, addictive, and dangerous. Just sad really. I was watching a show last night, wild justice, and the spotted a small pot garden on a hillside. About 15 wardens raided the place. Instead of just apprehending the suspect safely they turned a dog loose on him. The dog tore the guys leg wide open. The had to call in a medivac
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You apparently have no idea how prevalent marijuana use is these days on every college campus in America.

In the early 90's Hess Hall was full of pot. We had those roll windows that faced the courtyard. Smoke would blow out of one room into another...it is what it is lol!
Just so sad these kids have their privacy violated in this regard. I smoked in college, still do for that matter, and have had a successful career. Our kids are taught at a young age that alcohol is ok, so long as u don't drive afterward. Yet the reality is alcohol is much more powerful, addictive, and dangerous. Just sad really. I was watching a show last night, wild justice, and they spotted a small pot garden on a hillside. About 15 wardens raided the place. Instead of just apprehending the suspect safely they turned a dog loose on him. The dog tore the guys leg wide open. The had to call in a medivac hellicoptor to air lift this guy to a hospital. Obviously this guy was going to require multiple surgeries and physical therapy. I got to wondering how much money did the state of California spend to cut down like 10 plants. Isn't the state already having major financial issues? In total, to raid this small garden taxpayers probably spent every bit of 250k! Just dumbfounding!
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I don't think the NCAA, an individual university, or even a pro sport should be testing for anything other than performance enhancers -- period.

I also think it's insane that we test people for jobs, even those operating heavy machinery. All a job seeker has to do is test clean on hiring and they're fine. Americans should never, ever, have given employers the right to violate their privacy like this and those very same urine tests can be used to screen other things too (like medical issues). The only time drug testing in the workplace makes sense is directly after an accident where the accident is suspect and those can be performed instantly nowadays. After a few weeks on a job where drug usage matters to performance most employees can tell you whether or not someone is using at work.

I don't use illegal drugs but I don't give a crap what someone does on their days off or evenings off. It's not my business and if it's problematic abuse it shows up fast at work even when they're not using during work hours (doesn't matter if the abuse is pot or alcohol - if it's reached problem status and they only use/drink when the clock strike 5 you'll usually know it).

If they have a real substance abuse problem and can hide it at work, and some can, they can carry on their merry way. That's for them and their family to sort out.

And for the record drug use/alcohol use does not = abuse.

We're making a whole lot of people rich while wasting a whole lot of money buying into what the piss test industry is selling - an industry that has grown exponentially since the late 80's and early 90s.
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Again...just say no. its that easy.

The funny thing is and I could be wrong, in the real world, teachers are not drug screened but subs that work for the agencies that hire for the schools, are.:crazy:
In my experience, I've only seen testing in jobs wherein its employees are either operating heavy machinery or are prone to accidents/injury.

I work for TVA, they require drug tests and random drug test to everyone. To the head operator to the guy pushing the broom.
I don't think the NCAA, an individual university, or even a pro sport should be testing for anything other than performance enhancers -- period.

I also think it's insane that we test people for jobs, even those operating heavy machinery. All a job seeker has to do is test clean on hiring and they're fine. Americans should never, ever, have given employers the right to violate their privacy like this and those very same urine tests can be used to screen other things too (like medical issues). The only time drug testing in the workplace makes sense is directly after an accident where the accident is suspect and those can be performed instantly nowadays. After a few weeks on a job where drug usage matters to performance most employees can tell you whether or not someone is using at work.

I don't use illegal drugs but I don't give a crap what someone does on their days off or evenings off. It's not my business and if it's problematic abuse it shows up fast at work even when they're not using during work hours (doesn't matter if the abuse is pot or alcohol - if it's reached problem status and they only use/drink when the clock strike 5 you'll usually know it).

If they have a real substance abuse problem and can hide it at work, and some can, they can carry on their merry way. That's for them and their family to sort out.

And for the record drug use/alcohol use does not = abuse.

We're making a whole lot of people rich while wasting a whole lot of money buying into what the piss test industry is selling - an industry that has grown exponentially since the late 80's and early 90s.

Spoken like a Union worker. Dude, have you ever worked with someone who was high in a job that was a little more dangerous than a paper cut?

Really sad that someone actually "liked" that garbage.
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I don't think the NCAA, an individual university, or even a pro sport should be testing for anything other than performance enhancers -- period.


I also think it's insane that we test people for jobs, even those operating heavy machinery. All a job seeker has to do is test clean on hiring and they're fine. Americans should never, ever, have given employers the right to violate their privacy like this and those very same urine tests can be used to screen other things too (like medical issues). The only time drug testing in the workplace makes sense is directly after an accident where the accident is suspect and those can be performed instantly nowadays. After a few weeks on a job where drug usage matters to performance most employees can tell you whether or not someone is using at work.

These are the liberties that are lost in a dysfunctional, employer-biased job market.

We're making a whole lot of people rich while wasting a whole lot of money buying into what the piss test industry is selling - an industry that has grown exponentially since the late 80's and early 90s.
It's consolidating into mini-monopolies as we type.
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Spoken like a Union worker. Dude, have you ever worked with someone who was high in a job that was a little more dangerous than a paper cut?

Really sad that someone actually "liked" that garbage.

My family business dealt with a young man who was high as a kite at work. Everyone knew it. He got pulled from the machines and still couldn't manage. One day after using he collapsed. His father was called to come get him. The young man was sent to rehab.

Piss testing wouldn't have stopped that since he didn't start work with a drug problem but for some reason developed one that was obviously problematic and he had to be fired. What piss testing would've been for is if that young man wrecked one of the machines - then he wouldn't get worker's comp, medical costs, etc. due to his own responsibility in any accident.

But he was so easy to spot when his problem got bad that he was moved away from operating any machines. When he still couldn't manage after all people were doing to help, he was let go. That's as it should be.

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