A Vandy Fan Opines On Tennessee Game This Year

I'm guessing U were not at the game?

I was there. If vandy outnumbered Vol fans, it wasn't by much. I think it was around 53% vandy 47% Vols. The numbers were so close that it was hard to tell. Any other stadium and that is considered a take over by hostile fans.
I was there. If vandy outnumbered Vol fans, it wasn't by much. I think it was around 53% vandy 47% Vols. The numbers were so close that it was hard to tell. Any other stadium and that is considered a take over by hostile fans.

The %s were all about game results. If UT had have won, lots of "Vandy" fans would have turned their shirts inside-out, left in orange, and been celebrating on the way out.

Vandy has a shaky bandwagon.
As a native Middle Tennessean, in rare times such as this, candy fans try to go ahead and get a good 20 years worth of smack talked before they reclaim their rightful dwelling at the bottom of the barrel. These idiots can say what they want, that little b!t34 franklin and his band of pansies are done before this year even gets started.

I'd give Vandy better than a 50/50 chance of making it 2-in-a-row.
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Vandy fans amuse me.....they think we have there depth. Guess what if a 4 star player at UT leaves we Have another one behind him.
This past year I wouldn't doubt it. By that point very few UT fans gave a crap whether they won or not, with some openly wanting to see them get beat in order to seal Dooley's fate. Couple that with Vandy being in the midst of their best season in most people's memory and there probably were more Vandy fans at last season's game.

It was their best season in 100 years...and they won 9 games, but by estimating the reaction from VU fans, you'd think they're about to contend for a National Title.

9 wins is a solid year but for VU fans to all of a sudden put themselves on a pedestal and even entertain the thought of having more to offer student-athletes is ridiculous. Sure, it's as good an education as you can find in the SEC but if that was the biggest factor with blue-chip high school athletes, then please explain the previous century's worth of decisions made by the same group of high school seniors....

The fact is, VU is at an all-time high but whether they have the greatest salesman or the greatest head coach remains to be seen. Beating a bunch of teams with loosing records and three with records barely above .500 over two years then proclaiming yourself on the same level as all-time great SEC programs seems A LOT like putting the cart before the horse.

And though it may seem I'm diminishing VU's accomplishments, that's not the case. They beat the piss out of us last year and deserve a year's worth of bragging....but just know this; I've asked every elder UT fan that I know and/or have come in contact with this question: "In all your years of watching football on the Hill, was 2012 the worst coached team you've ever seen?"

EVERY SINGLE ONE either was an emphatic "Yes" or "Well, if it wasn't I can't think of another" or some variation of the two.

So for the VU fan in this forum talking all high and mighty about VU and.....MTSU (really, by the way?!?)....just realize this: while you brag about 9 wins, back-to-back bowls, being the best football team in Tennessee last season, and a beat down of UT last year......its all short-lived.

Live it up while you can though......but don't cry foul when UT fans lay it on thicker than ever when we return to our former glory---which by the way, in contrast to all the "glory" you've experienced over the last two years, would be an average, at best, year for UT.
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and head to head recruiting in state.

Fact or Fiction?

Tomorrow, all of the countries in this world can finally repay the money that the United States of America has loaned them, then we will satisfy our national debt and he country will start to recover economically.

Sounds good, huh?

Could it happen? Yes!!

Is it likely to happen? No!!!!!!

However; I will give this much to you!! In seasons past, there have been many,many Vandy vs. UT games that UT won due soley because UT had more depth.

So, I will admit that Vandy is likely to have more depth this season than U.T. So, Vandy very well could beat U.T. but I am not sure if they will run away with the score this time.

I have seen games in one season that team "A" was beaten by team "B" real badly. The following season, we all thought the same result would happen again but the second time around team "A" barely beat team "B"

Also, if U.T. can win just one game that they are not favored to win next season, then this will give the players, fans and potential recruits reason to believe that a true turn around is soon to come. Then our recruiting will be better. Also, we can sell immediate playing time at almost every position but Vandy can't sell that to recruits....

Our recruiting won't hurt but what will be our Achilles heel is that we don't have depth.....
Vandy fans amuse me.....they think we have there depth. Guess what if a 4 star player at UT leaves we Have another one behind him.

This simply isn't true anymore. All through the 90's and early-mid 00's it was. However, we've been lucky to field a first squad of predominately 4+ star players recently, much less fill out a second team with them too.
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:mad: And how does he justify Vandy's loss of players/Quarterback for one.We will see who has the last laugh when they come to K-town.
It was their best season in 100 years...and they won 9 games, but by estimating the reaction from VU fans, you'd think they're about to contend for a National Title.

9 wins is a solid year but for VU fans to all of a sudden put themselves on a pedestal and even entertain the thought of having more to offer student-athletes is ridiculous. Sure, it's as good an education as you can find in the SEC but if that was the biggest factor with blue-chip high school athletes, then please explain the previous century's worth of decisions made by the same group of high school seniors....

The fact is, VU is at an all-time high but whether they have the greatest salesman or the greatest head coach remains to be seen. Beating a bunch of teams with loosing records and three with records barely above .500 over two years then proclaiming yourself on the same level as all-time great SEC programs seems A LOT like putting the cart before the horse.

And though it may seem I'm diminishing VU's accomplishments, that's not the case. They beat the piss out of us last year and deserve a year's worth of bragging....but just know this; I've asked every elder UT fan that I know and/or have come in contact with this question: "In all your years of watching football on the Hill, was 2012 the worst coached team you've ever seen?"

EVERY SINGLE ONE either was an emphatic "Yes" or "Well, if it wasn't I can't think of another" or some variation of the two.

So for the VU fan in this forum talking all high and mighty about VU and.....MTSU (really, by the way?!?)....just realize this: while you brag about 9 wins, back-to-back bowls, being the best football team in Tennessee last season, and a beat down of UT last year......its all short-lived.

Live it up while you can though......but don't cry foul when UT fans lay it on thicker than ever when we return to our former glory---which by the way, in contrast to all the "glory" you've experienced over the last two years, would be an average, at best, year for UT.

Was last years UT team the worst in living memory,yes. Was last years Vandy team the best in living memory,yes. I think Vandy will win between 6 and 9 games in 2013. UT will win between 4 and 7 games in 2013. Vandy is on the way up to heights they've never reached before. UT has hit rock bottom and has to claw it's way back. It will take atleast 2 years for CBJ to get them back to A bowl game.
Was last years UT team the worst in living memory,yes. Was last years Vandy team the best in living memory,yes. I think Vandy will win between 6 and 9 games in 2013. UT will win between 4 and 7 games in 2013. Vandy is on the way up to heights they've never reached before. UT has hit rock bottom and has to claw it's way back. It will take atleast 2 years for CBJ to get them back to A bowl game.

One thing there. Coach jones has a record of his teams over performing. His big east talent beat vandy if my memory serves me right and that wasn't even big east champion caliber talent.
Was last years UT team the worst in living memory,yes. Was last years Vandy team the best in living memory,yes. I think Vandy will win between 6 and 9 games in 2013. UT will win between 4 and 7 games in 2013. Vandy is on the way up to heights they've never reached before. UT has hit rock bottom and has to claw it's way back. It will take atleast 2 years for CBJ to get them back to A bowl game.

A matter of opinion....however, if CBJ continues to recruit at the level he's recruiting now, I'd say "claw it's way back" will be an exaggeration.

I'll say this...if VU's coaching staff continues to disrespect UT it's going to get FUGLY for VU very soon. Franklin has taken advantage of a UT at its very worst and hasn't seen anything close to what we're capable of....and his little snide comments aren't doing him or VU any favors.
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One thing there. Coach jones has a record of his teams over performing. His big east talent beat vandy if my memory serves me right and that wasn't even big east champion caliber talent.

Based on what? I think Butch Jones is a great fit for UT but he didn't really accomplish a whole lot at Cincy. He beat a 10-4 Miami of Ohio team in 2010. His last 2 years he beat a 7-6 Louisville team, 7-6 Va Tech, 8-5 Syracuse.

Granted the Big East sucked, but Cincy didn't exactly set it on fire. His bowl win was against a 6-6 Vandy team that went 2-6 in the SEC.
Based on what? I think Butch Jones is a great fit for UT but he didn't really accomplish a whole lot at Cincy. He beat a 10-4 Miami of Ohio team in 2010. His last 2 years he beat a 7-6 Louisville team, 7-6 Va Tech, 8-5 Syracuse.

Granted the Big East sucked, but Cincy didn't exactly set it on fire. His bowl win was against a 6-6 Vandy team that went 2-6 in the SEC.

He also won 12 games at Central Michigan and had them in the Top 25. If that's not over performing, I don't know what is.
He also won 12 games at Central Michigan and had them in the Top 25. If that's not over performing, I don't know what is.

I'll give you that. I think they may have beaten Mich St. while he was there as well.

Again, I think he's a good fit at UT but as I was looking at who he beat and lost to at Cincy, it wasn't that impressive. But there's always more to it than is at face value. The conference is/was garbage.
Was last years UT team the worst in living memory,yes. Was last years Vandy team the best in living memory,yes. I think Vandy will win between 6 and 9 games in 2013. UT will win between 4 and 7 games in 2013. Vandy is on the way up to heights they've never reached before. UT has hit rock bottom and has to claw it's way back. It will take atleast 2 years for CBJ to get them back to A bowl game.

What on earth gives you the idea they will win 9 games?

Look at their schedule, 7 wins is the most they will get......if they are very VERY lucky. To win 7 games they will have to beat Tennessee, Ole miss and Mizoo.

8 if they win their bowl game.

To win 9 games they will have to beat Florida,Georgia, A&M, or SC.

You are hilarious
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mark this down---UT is going to beat vanderbilt like a rented mule this year---butch will shut frankin up good.
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I'd give Vandy better than a 50/50 chance of making it 2-in-a-row.

I'd take those odds any day over the odds of Georgia ever winning anything worthwhile in football.

Put up another "SEC east champ" banner up in your stadium. Lolololololol lawl
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I'd take those odds any day over the odds of Georgia ever winning anything worthwhile in football.

Put up another "SEC east champ" banner up in your stadium. Lolololololol lawl

I don't think UT is in any sort of position to make fun of anyone for their SEC east championships. That's literally all we've won for a decade and a half.
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What on earth gives you the idea they will win 9 games?

Look at their schedule, 7 wins is the most they will get......if they are very VERY lucky. To win 7 games they will have to beat Tennessee, Ole miss and Mizoo.

8 if they win their bowl game.

To win 9 games they will have to beat Florida,Georgia, A&M, or SC.

You are hilarious

SC is A winable game. Not just for Vandy but UT and maybe even Mizzou. Of the top 3 teams in the east they're the most likely to lose to someone below them. Vandy will win all their non conf games and beat Mizzou and Kentucky. They will lose to A&M, Georgia and Florida. Ole Miss and UT are toss ups!

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