Aaaaaannnnndddddd ...he makes it worse

Jesus, ok ok ok. Fine, good lawrrdd bro.
He made a mistake with a word. Can you find it in your heart to get the F over it and move on? Sorry, stupid question.

You guys keep using this "mistake" as some sort of get out of jail card.

No rational person believes it was a mistake, not one.

He absolutely meant what he said, when he said it.

His real mistake was in not anticipating the blowback of his words.
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You guys keep using this "mistake" as some sort of get out of jail card.

No rational person believes it was a mistake, not one.

He absolutely meant what he said, when he said it.

His real mistake was in not anticipating the blowback of his words.

Maybe he wasn’t wrong.

A rational person would require proof before provacating a nuclear power. I remember the last time we went to war based on blind trust in “intelligence”. Good times
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If the Dems don't find a viable candidate, it'll be longer than that.

I think anyone with a pulse, and not named Hilary can beat him.

Wouldn't surprise me if the DNC and the Democratic establishment try to trot her back out again though. The big banks and corporations love her and would love to have her as their puppet. So whatever the price is they don't care, they'll fully fund her campaign for a 3rd time.
I think anyone with a pulse, and not named Hilary can beat him.

Wouldn't surprise me if the DNC and the Democratic establishment try to trot her back out again though. The big banks and corporations love her and would love to have her as their puppet. So whatever the price is they don't care, they'll fully fund her campaign for a 3rd time.

Don't underestimate him again or the density of the American electorate.
I think anyone with a pulse, and not named Hilary can beat him.

Wouldn't surprise me if the DNC and the Democratic establishment try to trot her back out again though. The big banks and corporations love her and would love to have her as their puppet. So whatever the price is they don't care, they'll fully fund her campaign for a 3rd time.

Not gonna happen, but humor me anyway.

So which one of his policies don’t you agree with, and why? Here’s a more confusing question; what are the DNC’s solutions?
You guys keep using this "mistake" as some sort of get out of jail card.

No rational person believes it was a mistake, not one.

He absolutely meant what he said, when he said it.

His real mistake was in not anticipating the blowback of his words.

I'm glad this is the first time it's happened to a President.

I really hope it doesn't become a trend.
For all the lovely Trump Haters Out There. Just know only 6.5 more years and you can have President Pence next.:)



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Don't underestimate him again or the density of the American electorate.

Who’s a serious contender? I’d have no problem with a strong independent centrist thinker. Who’s got common sense, will keep their promises, and ain’t a swamp creature ?
And I didn't think it could get worse.

He's insane.

Oh but he's doing a great job and not a pedophile like the DEMs. He also does not support the Murder of the Unborn.


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Lol love your fear monger’n...Most people I know are pretty happy with things that effect their everyday lives.

Trump rising as U.S. optimism hits 11-yr. high


All Time High Labor Participation Rate.
All Time High Black Employment.
All Time High Hispanic Employment.
All Time High Women Employment.
No more missile testing in North Korea.
Tax Cuts for me.
EPA restrictions cut.
Loading up Supreme Court with Great Judges.

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Maybe he wasn’t wrong.

A rational person would require proof before provacating a nuclear power. I remember the last time we went to war based on blind trust in “intelligence”. Good times


Every intelligence agency has said they have proof. Even the Republican intelligence committees have capitulated.

It's not deniable at this point.

Honestly, stop trying to create a false dichotomy of calling Putin out for his asshattery is going to lead to nuclear war.

Trump had a chance to call him out, tell him we weren't putting up with his sht anymore and instead btched out.

He knuckled under in front of the world.
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