Aaaaaannnnndddddd ...he makes it worse

I didn’t know they needed approval? Kelly is now the great hope for the Left’s coup wet dream

The difference between what made poster above unhappy versus posters below is all you need to know about the f'd up state of affairs we have with this Trump cult.

The man is a traitor to his country. Yet his cult insists on faulting those who have the nerve to fault him. The ghost of the Tea Party is alive and well, sadly.

The thing that sticks out to me here is... Republicans in Congress need permission from the White House Chief of Staff to speak their mind about the President? That doesn't show much courage.

Sheep usually look for leadership, and these Republicans in the House are certainly sheep.
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The difference between what made poster above unhappy versus posters below is all you need to know about the f'd up state of affairs we have with this Trump cult.

The man is a traitor to his country. Yet his cult insists on faulting those who have the nerve to fault him. The ghost of the Tea Party is alive and well, sadly.

What are you getting at Shirley? I wasn’t on here bashing Obama on a daily basis simply because I disagreed with most of his policies. That is the difference between you and me. I want our country to succeed and this non stop 24/7 barrage of negativity isn’t a good thing no matter your political persuasions
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The difference between what made poster above unhappy versus posters below is all you need to know about the f'd up state of affairs we have with this Trump cult.

The man is a traitor to his country. Yet his cult insists on faulting those who have the nerve to fault him. The ghost of the Tea Party is alive and well, sadly.

How is he a traitor? You must be very disappointed that Obama wasn’t imprisoned for being a traitor.
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The difference between what made poster above unhappy versus posters below is all you need to know about the f'd up state of affairs we have with this Trump cult.

The man is a traitor to his country. Yet his cult insists on faulting those who have the nerve to fault him. The ghost of the Tea Party is alive and well, sadly.

List all of the facts that support your assertion that he is a traitor and I will gladly read them. I will wait
The difference between what made poster above unhappy versus posters below is all you need to know about the f'd up state of affairs we have with this Trump cult.

The man is a traitor to his country. Yet his cult insists on faulting those who have the nerve to fault him. The ghost of the Tea Party is alive and well, sadly.

If the president is truly a traitor, and all you can do is whine about it on a message board. Then it just makes you a little b*tch
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Nobdy with an IQ above room temperature watches Hannity.

So watching Hannity show factual video flashbacks somehow correlate to ones IQ?

I get it, typical adolesent libtard response when your narrative gets further weakened & debunked. Just crawl back into your safe space, you’ll be fine.
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So watching Hannity show factual video flashbacks somehow correlate to ones IQ?

I get it, typical adolesent libtard response when your narrative gets further weakened & debunked. Just crawl back into your safe space, you’ll be fine.
Most of the reasonable posters on the right here acknowledge he's a stooge and a moron. Sorry that hurts your feelings.
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Most of the reasonable posters on the right here acknowledge he's a stooge and a moron. Sorry that hurts your feelings.

He went to Michael Cohen for legal advice. Do we really need to adduce more evidence that Hannity ain't the brightest?
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The problem there, is that's not what he said on Monday while standing next to Putin.

Jesus, ok ok ok. Fine, good lawrrdd bro.
He made a mistake with a word. Can you find it in your heart to get the F over it and move on? Sorry, stupid question.
Jesus, ok ok ok. Fine, good lawrrdd bro.
He made a mistake with a word. Can you find it in your heart to get the F over it and move on? Sorry, stupid question.

I have repeatedly said that I don't believe his excuse that he "misspoke" and that is because the word "wouldn't" doesn't fit with the context of the rest of his statement. If you watch the video of that press conference, Trump even places emphasis on the word "would"... he knew exactly what he was saying. That was not a mistake.

He also said that Putin's denial was "strong and extremely powerful", so he clearly took Putin's denial very seriously. He placed Putin's credibility on par with that of our Intelligence Community in the process. His excuse today was both pure spin and an outright lie.
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Jesus, ok ok ok. Fine, good lawrrdd bro.
He made a mistake with a word. Can you find it in your heart to get the F over it and move on? Sorry, stupid question.
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I actually think LG is right on this one. I mean, even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut, and LG has finally found his. Trump mishandled the press conference yesterday, and today's "apology" wasn't handled much better. Mistakes were most definitely made.

That said, not sure why some are so gleeful the POTUS screwed up. Seems a bit unpatriotic.

Libs have always had a fascination with trashing their own country; apparently it makes them miserably gleeful.
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