Aaaaaannnnndddddd ...he makes it worse

Trump dropped the ball this time, so it's no wonder the board libs are celebrating. They finally have something real to go on about instead of pure speculation. It's actually a bit comical how ecstatic they are. Still, no matter how much joy they get, Trump will still be President tomorrow.

3 more days, luther.

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Trump dropped the ball this time, so it's no wonder the board libs are celebrating. They finally have something real to go on about instead of pure speculation. It's actually a bit comical how ecstatic they are. Still, no matter how much joy they get, Trump will still be President tomorrow.

3 more days, luther.


It doesn't sound like you are buying the "he just misspoke" excuse. Good for you!

...and for the record, Trump will be President for 916 more days. Seems like a long time... but we can make it.
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It doesn't sound like you are buying the "he just misspoke" excuse. Good for you!

...and for the record, Trump will be President for 916 more days. Seems like a long time... but we can make it.

If the Dems don't find a viable candidate, it'll be longer than that.
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it would be interesting to get some insight who his real advisers are, what their process is, how he blows em off, etc.
it would be interesting to get some insight who his real advisers are, what their process is, how he blows em off, etc.
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I’m a liberal. Are you saying I’m unpatriotic? What’s sickening is mocking a disabled journalist and sleeping with women behind your wife’s back.

Yes Bill Clinton was a **** human but history will show him to be a pretty good president.
Trump is running the slick Willy playbook
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Sure didn't seem like McCain had a lot of trouble getting his arm up to at least shoulder height to give a dexterous thumbs down on the ObamaCare repeal.

That was a half-assed, awful bill. No one should have voted for it.
So Trump made a mistake, nothing more sinister than that. He corrected the record, and that really should be it. But nooo...There's some people out there getting outta whack crazy over a word or a sentence, but look at WHAT HE'S DONE to Russia or that's anti-Russia...they don't wanna discuss that do they? Unbelieve the derangement and conspiracies abound.

He didn’t make a mistake... he basically pulled a line from the movie Friday “ when Putin ain’t around I be talkin $$$$, when he shows up I shut up”.
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Anyone dumb enough to even try and defend Trump at this point ought to just kill themselves.
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Anyone dumb enough to even try and defend Trump at this point ought to just kill themselves.

Why do you hate people?

Classy guy, you gotta admit.

It's amazing that the left is so unhinged by Trump that they make themselves look worse than Trump when they try to show how horrible, hateful and spiteful trump is.
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Classy guy, you gotta admit.

It's amazing that the left is so unhinged by Trump that they make themselves look worse than Trump when they try to show how horrible, hateful and spiteful trump is.

Kudos to Trump at least for helping to expose their true colors
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