Aaaaaannnnndddddd ...he makes it worse

The job of any WH press secretary is to be the mouthpiece of the POTUS. Has she told lies? Absolutely. Were they her lies? No. Do you honestly believe press secretaries in the past, under different Presidents, didn't lie? If you do, I think you're being foolish. If you're going to condemn her for doing her job, you need to condemn every past and every future White House press secretary. Telling the truth is not her job. Her job is putting what the President wants out there.

Ah, the old "just doing what I was told to do" argument. Such a morally rich history that argument has.
Per Russian state run television, Trump and Putin made military agreements during their private meeting. Trump's response to this should be interesting.

And that is why you don't go into a meeting with Putin alone. Putin can say they agreed to invade China and split it equally and Trump has no credibility to deny it.
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And that is why you don't go into a meeting with Putin alone. Putin can say they agreed to invade China and split it equally and Trump has no credibility to deny it.

Exactly. Of course, Putin is going to lie about what was said. Trump should have had a witness and note taker present.
And that is why you don't go into a meeting with Putin alone. Putin can say they agreed to invade China and split it equally and Trump has no credibility to deny it in our paranoid minds.

you did not finish the statement......
Intelligence agency assessments are not a substitute for proof. Especially as they have proven to be horribly wrong in the past. Based on the apparent gravity this issue has with the public, they should provide the proof.

The book on missed, botched, and plain wrong intelligence assessments would come in multiple volumes. The one on CIA meddling in elections and coups and the the outcomes would be one of the highlights in the series. Probably right up there with criminal activities to fund loony programs.
And that is why you don't go into a meeting with Putin alone. Putin can say they agreed to invade China and split it equally and Trump has no credibility to deny it.

"You're in the wrong thread!"

This belongs in Amateur Hour.

All of Trump's lying and dumbf***ery is so hard to keep organized.
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Ah, the old "just doing what I was told to do" argument. Such a morally rich history that argument has.

Exaggerate much? We're not talking about marching Jews off to death camps here. Try to keep things in perspective.
And that is why you don't go into a meeting with Putin alone. Putin can say they agreed to invade China and split it equally and Trump has no credibility to deny it.

Why would he need to deny it? Nothing comes of it unless we actually do it. Your argument is weak.
Exaggerate much? We're not talking about marching Jews off to death camps here. Try to keep things in perspective.

Ah, gotcha. So short of mass genocide, you're cool with the "I was just doing my job" argument, even if doing your job requires you to do something morally impermissible.
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Why would he need to deny it? Nothing comes of it unless we actually do it. Your argument is weak.

Really? I don't think Trump has any credibility left in the tank. Many would think Trump really did agree to something that ludicrous. That's what habitual lying does to you.
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Ah, gotcha. So short of mass genocide, you're cool with the "I was just doing my job" argument, even if doing your job requires you to do something morally impermissible.

Do you hold everyone to the same moral standards, or does it vary by whether or not they share your political views?
Their assessment is based on evidence. Trump has seen it and capitulated, try to keep up.

Oooooo! "assessment based on evidence"...that just sounds profoundly mature and sexy. Were the agencies that made these assessments based on available evidence the same ones that Bush and the whole damn coalition based their Iraq Gulf War plans on? Hmmmmmn?
Oooooo! "assessment based on evidence"...that just sounds profoundly mature and sexy. Were the agencies that made these assessments based on available evidence the same ones that Bush and the whole damn coalition based their Iraq Gulf War plans on? Hmmmmmn?

Just think funding, favors, and what the "correct" answer needs to be. The keys to running a "successful" spy agency.

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