Aaaaaannnnndddddd ...he makes it worse

The only thing is the economy was slowly improving in spite of Obama. Obama did nothing to improve it.

He over regulated and put through OCare that was a drag on the Economy unless you were in the insurance and medical industry.

Still aren't getting that 4% that Obama was bashed for not getting.
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I know all of our best evidence says Bush was our president. But you can't deny that it's possible it was all a ruse and that someone else was our president. I mean there are lots of other people out there, right?

Pssst, in case you're not getting it, I'm making fun of Trump's statement on the hacking from yesterday.
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I know all of our best evidence says Bush was our president. But you can't deny that it's possible it was all a ruse and that someone else was our president. I mean there are lots of other people out there, right?

Pssst, in case you're not getting it, I'm making fun of Trump's statement on the hacking from yesterday.

Look up a bit. I got it smarta$$.
Just Like Obama, Trump’s Russia Policy Speaks Louder Than His Words

The Outrage Seems Selective

On the first point, I consider it unfair that Trump’s performance in Helsinki has garnered harsher criticism than other incidents in recent memory. In 2012, for example, a hot microphone at a global nuclear security summit picked up then-President Barack Obama assuring Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” to negotiate with Putin after the presidential election.

During a debate with GOP opponent Mitt Romney the same year, Obama casually dismissed the Russian threat, quipping: “The 1980s called; they want their foreign policy back.” Although Trump could certainly have been more forceful by condemning Putin’s crimes, his statements at the Helsinki press conference were nowhere near as concerning as his predecessor’s remarks about Russia.

This brings me to my second point: Trump’s actions toward Russia speak louder than words—and so did his predecessor’s. Indeed, the Obama administration’s foreign policy undermined America’s credibility in my region, which Putin considers Russia’s “backyard.” There are many opinions about Trump’s rhetoric on Crimea, but it is a fact that the Russian land grab in Ukraine happened on Obama’s watch.

How, exactly, did this happen? During and after Ukraine’s revolution of 2014, which ousted a Kremlin-backed dictator, on a daily basis the United States cautioned Ukraine not to escalate in response to Russian aggression. Thus, Putin saw an opportunity to annex Crimea without risking a direct confrontation with the West—and he seized it. Putin is a bully, but not a fool.
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Just Like Obama, Trump’s Russia Policy Speaks Louder Than His Words

The Outrage Seems Selective

On the first point, I consider it unfair that Trump’s performance in Helsinki has garnered harsher criticism than other incidents in recent memory. In 2012, for example, a hot microphone at a global nuclear security summit picked up then-President Barack Obama assuring Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” to negotiate with Putin after the presidential election.

During a debate with GOP opponent Mitt Romney the same year, Obama casually dismissed the Russian threat, quipping: “The 1980s called; they want their foreign policy back.” Although Trump could certainly have been more forceful by condemning Putin’s crimes, his statements at the Helsinki press conference were nowhere near as concerning as his predecessor’s remarks about Russia.

This brings me to my second point: Trump’s actions toward Russia speak louder than words—and so did his predecessor’s. Indeed, the Obama administration’s foreign policy undermined America’s credibility in my region, which Putin considers Russia’s “backyard.” There are many opinions about Trump’s rhetoric on Crimea, but it is a fact that the Russian land grab in Ukraine happened on Obama’s watch.

How, exactly, did this happen? During and after Ukraine’s revolution of 2014, which ousted a Kremlin-backed dictator, on a daily basis the United States cautioned Ukraine not to escalate in response to Russian aggression. Thus, Putin saw an opportunity to annex Crimea without risking a direct confrontation with the West—and he seized it. Putin is a bully, but not a fool.

The Left can't comprehend this. It does not compute in their pea brains.
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Just Like Obama, Trump’s Russia Policy Speaks Louder Than His Words

The Outrage Seems Selective

On the first point, I consider it unfair that Trump’s performance in Helsinki has garnered harsher criticism than other incidents in recent memory. In 2012, for example, a hot microphone at a global nuclear security summit picked up then-President Barack Obama assuring Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” to negotiate with Putin after the presidential election.

During a debate with GOP opponent Mitt Romney the same year, Obama casually dismissed the Russian threat, quipping: “The 1980s called; they want their foreign policy back.” Although Trump could certainly have been more forceful by condemning Putin’s crimes, his statements at the Helsinki press conference were nowhere near as concerning as his predecessor’s remarks about Russia.

This brings me to my second point: Trump’s actions toward Russia speak louder than words—and so did his predecessor’s. Indeed, the Obama administration’s foreign policy undermined America’s credibility in my region, which Putin considers Russia’s “backyard.” There are many opinions about Trump’s rhetoric on Crimea, but it is a fact that the Russian land grab in Ukraine happened on Obama’s watch.

How, exactly, did this happen? During and after Ukraine’s revolution of 2014, which ousted a Kremlin-backed dictator, on a daily basis the United States cautioned Ukraine not to escalate in response to Russian aggression. Thus, Putin saw an opportunity to annex Crimea without risking a direct confrontation with the West—and he seized it. Putin is a bully, but not a fool.

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
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Trump makes a mistake

Trump admits he made a mistake

Trump makes a mistake by admitting he made a mistake

You people are deranged

It’s impossible to talk to liberals, always have to go back to that fact, or you’ll drive yourself insane.
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Dear God; They Caught Them ALL! Putin Gives Trump 160 Terabytes of Communication Intercepts; ALL people behind fake "Russia Collusion" - False Flag Chemical Attacks in Syria, Sabotage of Brexit, Nefarious Clinton activities & More

Dear God; They Caught Them ALL! Putin Gives Trump 160 Terabytes of Communication Intercepts; ALL people behind fake "Russia Collusion" - False Flag Chemical Attacks in Syria, Sabotage of Brexit, Nefarious Clinton activities & More

Um, Hal Turner..........
Intelligence agency assessments are not a substitute for proof. Especially as they have proven to be horribly wrong in the past. Based on the apparent gravity this issue has with the public, they should provide the proof.

Their assessment is based on evidence. Trump has seen it and capitulated, try to keep up.
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It's past being comical at this point... When asked moments ago by an ABC reporter if he thought that Russia would try to interfere in a future US election, Donald Trump replied "No". That, yet again, contradicts what Dan Coats (his own Director of National Intelligence) said just a few days ago. Trump doesn't trust his intelligence leader. He trusts Putin.
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It's past being comical at this point... When asked moments ago by an ABC reporter if he thought that Russia would try to interfere in a future US election, Donald Trump replied "No". That, yet again, contradicts what Dan Coats (his own Director of National Intelligence) said just a few days ago. Trump doesn't trust his intelligence leader. He trusts Putin.

If he said yes, then what?
Then we ask what steps have been taken since 2016 to counter their efforts... and we get off his back about who he trusts. Putin or Coats?

Never happen. He should have just said what Obama said.

"I told him to knock it off."

Obviously that worked.
It's past being comical at this point... When asked moments ago by an ABC reporter if he thought that Russia would try to interfere in a future US election, Donald Trump replied "No". That, yet again, contradicts what Dan Coats (his own Director of National Intelligence) said just a few days ago. Trump doesn't trust his intelligence leader. He trusts Putin.

He’s got you all bent 😂
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It's past being comical at this point... When asked moments ago by an ABC reporter if he thought that Russia would try to interfere in a future US election, Donald Trump replied "No". That, yet again, contradicts what Dan Coats (his own Director of National Intelligence) said just a few days ago. Trump doesn't trust his intelligence leader. He trusts Putin.

You have truly lost it........we all feel sorry for your paranoia......
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