Aaaaaannnnndddddd ...he makes it worse

Let me propose this... being nice to Putin in public allows for more productive conversations in private. If you publicly scold and embarrass someone like Putin no way he will make concessions on anything. In fact he'll walk away and will exact revenge. Otherwise he knows that it will make him look weak like he was intimidated and backed down. So instead, while people are freaking out about what Trump said - concerning themselves with appearances - they don't pay attention to what Trump has done - signing sanctions, expelling diplomats, selling arms to Ukraine, pressing Germany on Russian energy, and who knows what else. He can keep up this facade under which Putin will talk and can be more forceful behind closed doors - which his actions certainly indicate is the case.
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SIAP, but Sarah Sanders is out there lying for Trump again.


He is CLEARLY answering someone else with that "no"......he looks away from the person yelling the Russia question.....there are clearly two questions at the same time......he is answering his person, not the CNN person......he does not take questions from CNN, REMEMBER???
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He is CLEARLY answering someone else with that "no"......he looks away from the person yelling the Russia question.....there are clearly two questions at the same time......he is answering his person, not the CNN person......he does not take questions from CNN, REMEMBER???

The future will prove the past.

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That was a half-assed, awful bill. No one should have voted for it.

I won't argue about that - whether it was or wasn't a bad way out. The sad fact is that every now and then some hopped up half wit decides the government should be doing something new; it winds up being completely screwed up; and the worst part is that there's no real way to back out. ObamaCare threw gas on a smoldering mess rather than addressing the problems, and it burned the bridges needed to go back. The traitorous Dims who put it in place knew that would be the case.
Let me propose this... being nice to Putin in public allows for more productive conversations in private. If you publicly scold and embarrass someone like Putin no way he will make concessions on anything. In fact he'll walk away and will exact revenge. Otherwise he knows that it will make him look weak like he was intimidated and backed down. So instead, while people are freaking out about what Trump said - concerning themselves with appearances - they don't pay attention to what Trump has done - signing sanctions, expelling diplomats, selling arms to Ukraine, pressing Germany on Russian energy, and who knows what else. He can keep up this facade under which Putin will talk and can be more forceful behind closed doors - which his actions certainly indicate is the case.

I agree with this. Publicly, you stroke Putin's ego to keep relations open. Embarrass him in public and he'll withdraw from any future talks leading us straight back into a Cold War. Any real action should be handled behind the scenes. Better to keep your enemy close so you can see them coming.
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Ha, no, but apparently you do. Your BFF LG started a new thread to discuss this very thing.

You must have not got the memo..
My post was in response to EL's asserting the lying Sanders does for Trump. Would some black Sharpie pictures help you?
Kind of an odd time for you to be making this argument coming on the heels of Trump's recent comments and all.

Maybe I look at the words differently, but I don't see what Trump said in the same light that you do, and perhaps it's because I didn't listen to a talking head telling me what Trump said.

What I got was intelligence agencies told Trump the Russians were meddling in the election (hell everybody does that and has since forever), Trump said Putin denied it, and Trump gave a pretty non committal response that he didn't know why they would. At least he's not going to need a beer summit with Putin if evidence shows he went off the deep end and took the wrong side. To me it was the big fat parental "We'll see."

The big issue is your particular definition of "meddling" - whether it's propaganda or diddling in the voting mechanism, so it's possible for two sides to be talking different issues - even intentionally - like that's never happened before either.

In the end Trump didn't tell the intelligence agencies to take a hike like the Obama gang did, and apparently he does show up at intelligence briefings, listen, and ask intelligent questions - a first in eight years or so. If you want to blame him for forming his own opinion, then you need to look take a far broader look around the country. I can't tell you how many times as an engineer I've been involved in briefing management about problems and how to correct them, and had some fool walk away, do the wrong damn thing, and make it worse.

I'm guessing the intelligence people are right ... to a degree based on their own political agendas - like funding, empire building, and where each sits in the intelligence hierarchy. Back stabbing and climbing over others are nothing new in the intelligence ABC playground.
My post was in response to EL's asserting the lying Sanders does for Trump. Would some black Sharpie pictures help you?

The job of any WH press secretary is to be the mouthpiece of the POTUS. Has she told lies? Absolutely. Were they her lies? No. Do you honestly believe press secretaries in the past, under different Presidents, didn't lie? If you do, I think you're being foolish. If you're going to condemn her for doing her job, you need to condemn every past and every future White House press secretary. Telling the truth is not her job. Her job is putting what the President wants out there.
The job of any WH press secretary is to be the mouthpiece of the POTUS. Has she told lies? Absolutely. Were they her lies? No. Do you honestly believe press secretaries in the past, under different Presidents, didn't lie? If you do, I think you're being foolish. If you're going to condemn her for doing her job, you need to condemn every past and every future White House press secretary. Telling the truth is not her job. Her job is putting what the President wants out there.
I don't disagree with any of that. I'm mainly talking about the degree of lying here. It's unprecedented. If you were being honest, you'd agree as well.
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Per Russian state run television, Trump and Putin made military agreements during their private meeting. Trump's response to this should be interesting.
You guys should just add "But Obama and Hillary" as a signature so you can avoid typing it out every time.

I'll keep that in mind the next time a petty tyrant in a black robe allows precedent to be made in his courtroom. That is what's being discussed by those comments; you don't get to pretend or demean the thought that what a past president did or didn't do hasn't laid the groundwork for the next guy.
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