Aaaaaannnnndddddd ...he makes it worse

It's really not a partisan issue. Read the statements made by Trey Gowdy, Paul Ryan, Orrin Hatch, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Bob Corker, Ben Sasse and Newt Gingrich yesterday... not to mention the criticism Trump received on Fox News.

Is everyone always wrong, except for Trump?

It is a partisan issue for the vast majority of the politicians listed: John McCain, Bob Corker, and Ben Sasse are all never Trumpers. Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan aren’t exactly great allies of Trump. Trey Gowdy is a loud mouth who talks tough but never really does anything. I do like Newt Gingrich
So Trump made a mistake, nothing more sinister than that. He corrected the record, and that really should be it. But nooo...There's some people out there getting outta whack crazy over a word or a sentence, but look at WHAT HE'S DONE to Russia or that's anti-Russia...they don't wanna discuss that do they? Unbelieve the derangement and conspiracies abound.
Seems like all the liberals are coming out of the woodwork over yesterday. You guys will get your 2 or so days of fun, but when Trump is proven innocent by Mueller, yall will cower back into your shells again and continue to scream Russian collusion.
So Trump made a mistake, nothing more sinister than that. He corrected the record, and that really should be it. But nooo...There's some people out there getting outta whack crazy over a word or a sentence, but look at WHAT HE'S DONE to Russia or that's anti-Russia...they don't wanna discuss that do they? Unbelieve the derangement and conspiracies abound.

Dismissiveness, by him or his supporters, rings hollow and doesn't help his case.
I used to think you weren't a partisan hack. TDS has either turned you into one or you already were the whole time. Shame.

Sure. Naturally, the fact that i said i wasn't sure that Trump could accept criticism and correct course. That definitely sounds the words of a hopeless fan boy.

You really do know how to look ridiculous and shallow at times, MP.
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It is a partisan issue for the vast majority of the politicians listed: John McCain, Bob Corker, and Ben Sasse are all never Trumpers. Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan aren’t exactly great allies of Trump. Trey Gowdy is a loud mouth who talks tough but never really does anything. I do like Newt Gingrich

They vote with Trump on damn near everything. Give me a break.
So Trump made a mistake, nothing more sinister than that. He corrected the record, and that really should be it. But nooo...There's some people out there getting outta whack crazy over a word or a sentence, but look at WHAT HE'S DONE to Russia or that's anti-Russia...they don't wanna discuss that do they? Unbelieve the derangement and conspiracies abound.

He lied with a lame excuse... He didn't misspeak yesterday and in the end, he continued to cast doubt on our intelligence community's conclusion with his "It could be other people also" remark. End/
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Do you honestly believe that Trump simply "misspoke" yesterday rather than just reiterate a sentiment which he has been consistently expressing for more than a year now (that he has doubts that Russia interfered in the 2016 election) ? Let's change the "would" in his remark to "wouldn't" and see if that change makes any sense in context with the rest of his statement...

"My people came to me, (Director of National Intelligence) Dan Coats came to me and some others saying they think it's Russia. I have President Putin, he just said it's not Russia. I will say this, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be... I have great confidence in my intelligence people but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."

Ask yourself three things here:

1) Does that change from "would" to "wouldn't" fit with the rest of the quote?

2) Is his quote, in it's original form with the word 'would' instead of 'wouldn't', consistent with past comments of his where he also seemed to want to trust Putin's denial and he also seemed to be casting doubts over the assessments of our intelligence community?

3) Did he REALLY misspeak at the press conference in Helsinki yesterday, or was he being consistent with his past comments but has now been caught off guard by the bi-partisan backlash (including condemnation on Fox News)?

Even when backtracking he still has to make an ego-driven lie. It is ridiculous to believe that he "misspoke" but some of you undoubtedly will.

It happens.... you think Obama really believed he went to 57 states?
His words and his actions over the last several days confirm the allegations and suspicions against him. Even those on the right are starting to abandon him. They have had their fill.

The irony is it won't be long before many Republicans are pointing out that Trump used to be a Democrat and never really was a Republican. Soon, his only supporter really will be Putin.
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His words and his actions over the last several days confirm the allegations and suspicions against him. Even those on the right are starting to abandon him. They have had their fill.

The irony is it won't be long before many Republicans are pointing out that Trump used to be a Democrat and never really was a Republican. Soon, his only supporter really will be Putin.

Nice troll.......
On the lying, all politicians lie but holy crap he is in a class by himself. Every day. All the time. About everything. He's absolutely shameless.

Watching him read that prepared statement is hilarious. He reads it like he's at gunpoint. The only time he looks up is to go off script at the end with "It could be other people also".

What was the point of backtracking if he was just going to muddy the waters again? He has too much of an ego to ever admit that he was wrong or that he made a mistake. He would rather lie and make lame excuses.
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His words and his actions over the last several days confirm the allegations and suspicions against him. Even those on the right are starting to abandon him. They have had their fill.

The irony is it won't be long before many Republicans are pointing out that Trump used to be a Democrat and never really was a Republican. Soon, his only supporter really will be Putin.

He lied with a lame excuse... He didn't misspeak yesterday and in the end, he continued to cast doubt on our intelligence community's conclusion with his "It could be other people also" remark. End/

That's your opinion. He corrected the record. The DNI report says that it's highly probable, not almost/near certainty or a certainty. They're at an 80% confidence level, which I believe, thus being honest I could say that there's low confidence that it could be other people, which is a factual, I'm not qualified because I'm not in intelligence briefings with the president.
Watching him read that prepared statement is hilarious. He reads it like he's at gunpoint. The only time he looks up is to go off script at the end with "It could be other people also".

What was the point of backtracking if he was just going to muddy the waters again? He has too much of an ego to ever admit that he was wrong or that he made a mistake. He would rather lie and make lame excuses.

:horse: This has been redundant from you all day.
That's your opinion. He corrected the record. The DNI report says that it's highly probable, not almost/near certainty or a certainty. They're at an 80% confidence level, which I believe, thus being honest I could say that there's low confidence that it could be other people, which is a factual, I'm not qualified because I'm not in intelligence briefings with the president.

IN fairness to you, Trump does get the briefings and he's not qualified even after them.

Whatever Putin has on him, it has to be astounding. The pee tape theory starting to pick up steam.
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That's your opinion. He corrected the record. The DNI report says that it's highly probable, not almost/near certainty or a certainty. They're at an 80% confidence level, which I believe, thus being honest I could say that there's low confidence that it could be other people, which is a factual, I'm not qualified because I'm not in intelligence briefings with the president.

Once again, replace "would" with "wouldn't" in that sentence in question at the press conference yesterday, and tell me if it makes any sense at all, in context with the rest of his statement... I have and I can tell you that.... it doesn't. He didn't misspeak.
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More like it's been : :bottom:

...from me. Conservatives do nothing but give Trump the benefit of the doubt (even when there is none) and buy his lame excuses and lies. I just call BS.

See there you go again with this poor redundant :horse:

You need to take a break for a week or so to regain what little sanity you have if any.....I'm serious bc ur eat up w/way too much of this Trump Derangement Symptom that you need to get under's about to kill you.

Edit: Time for the All-Star Game to be played.....later.
Once again, replace "would" with "wouldn't" in that sentence in question at the press conference yesterday, and tell me if it makes any sense at all, in context with the rest of his statement... I have and I can tell you that.... it doesn't. He didn't misspeak.

I have not even listened to the "correction" and agree with you. Frankly he has been under this massive MSM and opposition Russia collusion script for 2 years, with high intent of negating the validity of his election.

What was he supposed to say at the PC. "Thanks for the help Vlad" or be aggressive, hence reinforcing the narrative that he is somehow illegitimate?

It was no win either way. The correction was just politics. Frankly, this whole pot of stew needs to be cooked after 2 years. Present case and get on with it, but mistaking political missteps for treason is not the right move and very dangerous to our future.
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I have not even listened to the "correction" and agree with you. Frankly he has been under this massive MSM and opposition Russia collusion script for 2 years, with high intent of negating the validity of his election.

What was he supposed to say at the PC. "Thanks for the help Vlad" or be aggressive, hence reinforcing the narrative that he is somehow illegitimate?

It was no win either way. The correction was just politics. Frankly, this whole pot of stew needs to be cooked after 2 years. Present case and get on with it, but mistaking political missteps for treason is not the right move and very dangerous to our future.

Please. This wasn't one little misstep. He has said now many times that he rejects the intelligence assessment and believes Putin. Way too late for him to switch horses.
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