Aaaaaannnnndddddd ...he makes it worse

Still trying to figure out the Muslim sympathizing John treasonist Brennan stating Trumps meeting with Putin was treasonous.
Please. This wasn't one little misstep. He has said now many times that he rejects the intelligence assessment and believes Putin. Way too late for him to switch horses.

Way too late for ya'll to win the election. Gonna be a loooooong time for u to adjust to reality and guess this fantasy of yours that he is a Russian agent helps you cope.
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Way too late for ya'll to win the election. Gonna be a loooooong time for u to adjust to reality and guess this fantasy of yours that he is a Russian agent helps you cope.

I'm sorry. When I said "it's too late for him to switch horses," I meant to say "I like ketchup but hate tomatoes."

No collusion.
IN fairness to you, Trump does get the briefings and he's not qualified even after them.

Whatever Putin has on him, it has to be astounding. The pee tape theory starting to pick up steam.

Humm, that’s odd because...

CIA Director Mike Pompeo: Trump asks 'sophisticated questions' during intelligence briefings

"I have seen 25-year intelligence professionals receive briefings," Mike Pompeo said during an event at the American Enterprise Institute. "I would tell you that President Trump is the kind of recipient of our information at the same level that they are."
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Yeah, LG is in the crucify Trump mold as always.

Crazy... you guys are off the deep end of things. Eight years of OB messing this county up in so many ways, both domestically and in foreign lands, and now you liberal/socialists are pitching a holy fit as Trump tries to right this ship. It really tells me that maybe, just maybe it is too late for us, and you idiots are going to get your way and turn this country into a ****hole that you seem to think is the end all to beat all.

Man... I cannot understand how the hell you can get out of bed in the morning and face the world with the sorry ass belief system you cherish. Just so sad...
I actually think LG is right on this one. I mean, even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut, and LG has finally found his. Trump mishandled the press conference yesterday, and today's "apology" wasn't handled much better. Mistakes were most definitely made.

That said, not sure why some are so gleeful the POTUS screwed up. Seems a bit unpatriotic.
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I actually think LG is right on this one. I mean, even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut, and LG has finally found his. Trump mishandled the press conference yesterday, and today's "apology" wasn't handled much better. Mistakes were most definitely made.

That said, not sure why some are so gleeful the POTUS screwed up. Seems a bit unpatriotic.

Liberals are unpatriotic.

I have the image in my mind right now of Trump fending of a massive piranha attack with the piranhas being the deep state, sickos on Twitter calling for a military coup, Mueller, the media, and Democrats. The way these groups are just waiting for Trump to fail is absolutely sickening.
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Well sure. Putin tells him what to ask so trump can relay it back to him.

Don't be delusional. Yes, Trump made a big gaffe, but no evidence exists to suggest Trump is somehow beholden to Putin or Russia. If it did exist, he wouldn't still be your President.

Your life must be so miserable. I'm torn between pitying you and laughing at you. So far, the laughter has won out.
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Come on. Trump supporters would ride this for weeks had Obama said something similar.

It's a gaffe. About as stupid as Obama's line in the sand.
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Don't be delusional. Yes, Trump made a big gaffe, but no evidence exists to suggest Trump is somehow beholden to Putin or Russia. If it did exist, he wouldn't still be your President.

Your life must be so miserable. I'm torn between pitying you and laughing at you. So far, the laughter has won out.

most of us choose to laugh
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Humm, that’s odd because...

CIA Director Mike Pompeo: Trump asks 'sophisticated questions' during intelligence briefings

"I have seen 25-year intelligence professionals receive briefings," Mike Pompeo said during an event at the American Enterprise Institute. "I would tell you that President Trump is the kind of recipient of our information at the same level that they are."

Whether or not this is what Mike Pompeo actually believes, it's definitely what he has to say about Trump if he wants to keep his job ... Rex Tillerson called Trump a "f***ing moron" and was later fired.

Let's not forget about those on-camera cabinet meetings that start by going around the entire table with everyone telling Trump what a great honor and esteemed privilege it is to serve at his pleasure. Trump demands that sort of fealty from those people in his administration. If you don't give it? You don't last very long.
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Whether or not this is what Mike Pompeo actually believes, it's definitely what he has to say about Trump if he wants to keep his job ... Rex Tillerson called Trump a "f***ing moron" and was later fired.

Let's not forget about those on-camera cabinet meetings that start by going around the entire table with everyone telling Trump what a great honor and esteemed privilege it is to serve at his pleasure. Trump demands that sort of fealty from those people in his administration. If you don't give it? You don't last very long.

sorry but u are completely full of sheet
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sorry but u are completely full of sheet

Oh, come on now... You don't remember that meeting that went all the way around the table with Mike Pence, Elaine Chao, Reince Preibus, Ben Carson and Betsy Devos all giving way over-the-top expressions of gratitude to Trump? It was degrading to them and embarrassing to watch but that is what Trump demands. There is no way to know if Pompeo is sincere in this praise of Trump because it is a requirement of his employment.
Oh, come on now... You don't remember that meeting that went all the way around the table with Mike Pence, Elaine Chao, Reince Preibus, Ben Carson and Betsy Devos all giving way over-the-top expressions of gratitude to Trump? It was degrading to them and embarrassing to watch but that is what Trump demands. There is no way to know if Pompeo is sincere in this praise of Trump because it is a requirement of his employment.

I've seen time after time where you just make up stuff with wild speculations misrepresented as concrete fact. It's truly amazing to watch. I think u are just trolling though.
I've seen time after time where you just make up stuff with wild speculations misrepresented as concrete fact. It's truly amazing to watch. I think u are just trolling though.

That cabinet meeting I was talking about happened on June 12, 2017. Google "Trump Invites His Employees to Praise Him During Cabinet Meeting". You will find many different links to the video.

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