Aaaaaannnnndddddd ...he makes it worse

Liberals are unpatriotic.

I have the image in my mind right now of Trump fending of a massive piranha attack with the piranhas being the deep state, sickos on Twitter calling for a military coup, Mueller, the media, and Democrats. The way these groups are just waiting for Trump to fail is absolutely sickening.

I’m a liberal. Are you saying I’m unpatriotic? What’s sickening is mocking a disabled journalist and sleeping with women behind your wife’s back.
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Oh, come on now... You don't remember that meeting that went all the way around the table with Mike Pence, Elaine Chao, Reince Preibus, Ben Carson and Betsy Devos all giving way over-the-top expressions of gratitude to Trump? It was degrading to them and embarrassing to watch but that is what Trump demands. There is no way to know if Pompeo is sincere in this praise of Trump because it is a requirement of his employment.

Bro, keep off Mother Jones and stop watching Morning Joe.
Bro, keep off Mother Jones and stop watching Morning Joe.

I have never heard of "Mother Jones" and I don't watch "Morning Joe". Google "Trump Invites Employees to Praise Him During Cabinet Meeting", if you want to watch videos of what I was talking about. It happened on June 12, 2017.
I’m a liberal. Are you saying I’m unpatriotic? What’s sickening is mocking a disabled journalist and sleeping with women behind your wife’s back.

Obama made fun of John McCain's arms, a veteran. Where was the outrage then?

The only reason you're so concerned is because Trump is in office, and not you're messiah Obama.
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I have never heard of "Mother Jones" and I don't watch "Morning Joe". Google "Trump Invites Employees to Praise Him During Cabinet Meeting", if you want to watch videos of what I was talking about. It happened on June 12, 2017.

I see what u are saying, but with the headline are they implying he just invited employees just too praise him, or was it an actual cabinet meeting?

We get it....Trump likes adornment, is narcissistic, and whatever. What rich guy isn't?

Trump was not elected for the Kardashian or Trudeau persona, just policy. And he is doing a wonderful job regardless of the personal hate.
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Don't be delusional. Yes, Trump made a big gaffe, but no evidence exists to suggest Trump is somehow beholden to Putin or Russia. If it did exist, he wouldn't still be your President.

Your life must be so miserable. I'm torn between pitying you and laughing at you. So far, the laughter has won out.

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I have never heard of "Mother Jones" and I don't watch "Morning Joe". Google "Trump Invites Employees to Praise Him During Cabinet Meeting", if you want to watch videos of what I was talking about. It happened on June 12, 2017.

Lol more antiTrump media spin.
You sip the Koolaide on that whackery?
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I have never heard of "Mother Jones" and I don't watch "Morning Joe". Google "Trump Invites Employees to Praise Him During Cabinet Meeting", if you want to watch videos of what I was talking about. It happened on June 12, 2017.

Obama had the same thing going for him.

He was your 'messiah" & needed the validation.
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Obama made fun of John McCain's arms, a veteran. Where was the outrage then?

The only reason you're so concerned is because Trump is in office, and not you're messiah Obama.

Did he really? I honestly don't remember that. What did he say?
Liberals are unpatriotic.

I have the image in my mind right now of Trump fending of a massive piranha attack with the piranhas being the deep state, sickos on Twitter calling for a military coup, Mueller, the media, and Democrats. The way these groups are just waiting for Trump to fail is absolutely sickening.

When Obama was POTUS, you are called a racist if you disagreed or didn’t like him.

I would be outraged if Obama (or any member of his campaign or administration) had actually made fun of McCain's disability but I just didn't see that happen in that video (in spite of it's title) you posted. The video says that McCain doesn't know how to use a computer or send an e-mail but that isn't making fun of his disability. My 75 year old mother has the same trouble and isn't disabled. Is that all of the evidence you have?
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I would be outraged if Obama (or any member of his campaign or administration) had actually made fun of McCain's disability but I just didn't see that happen in that video (in spite of it's title) you posted. The video says that McCain doesn't know how to use a computer or send an e-mail but that isn't making fun of his disability. My 75 year old mother has the same trouble and isn't disabled. Is that all of the evidence you have?

Compare and contrast the two

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