Who is an idiot?
No, puerile fatuity!
What are the 5 pillars of Faith (Iman)? And what are the 5 pillars of Islam?
Now if you want to use sources from zealots, feel free to do so. That isn't just a Islamic phenomena. You are proof of that.
One of the pillars is prayer, let me say this about that:
The Fatiha (Opening) is the first sura (chapter) of
the Quran and most common prayer of Islam. If youre
a pious Muslim who prays the five requisite daily
prayers of Islam, you will recite the Fatiha seventeen
times in the course of those prayers.
From Wafa Sultans book A God Who Hates pg. 168:
A Muslim prays five times a day, and on each
occasion he recites the Fatiha, the first verse
of the Koran, a number of times. This verse
describes Christians as those who have gone
astray and Jews as those who have incurred
Your wrath. We see from this that Muslims
execrate Christians and Jews a number of times
in the course of a single prayer, which they
repeat five times a day.
Another thing is that islam divides the world into
two houses, the house of islam and the house of
In the house of islam the will of allah (as interpreted
by their religious leaders) is the highest rule.
The house of war is any and all areas not included
in the house of islam. Moslems are instructed to
conquer those areas, making jihad in whatever
manner, that can be anything from using kaffir
courtrooms to blowing up subway stations.
Migration for the sake of jihad is and has been used
for going on fifteen hundred years.
Here is just one example:
'You can't preach the Bible here, this is a Muslim area': What police told Christian preachers | Mail Online
They say they were told by a Muslim police community
support officer that they could not preach there and
that attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity was
a hate crime.
The community officer is also said to have told the two
men: 'You have been warned. If you come back
here and get beat up, well, you have been warned.'
A police constable who was present during the incident
in the Alum Rock area of Birmingham is also alleged to
have told the preachers not to return to the district.
It comes amid growing concern over the development
of Islamic 'no-go areas'.
France presently has 750+ 'no-go areas' where non-
moslems are not permitted, not even the French police
enter, effectively they are under sharia rule.