I understand that your discussion is about that. My intention is to say that only trying to fix the last line of defense is only an attempt to slightly quell the mayhem instead of searching for a more permanent and effective solution.
And as I said previously, a mass shooter doesn't go into a mass shooting expecting to survive. The potential of firepower coming back isn't a deterrent when you plan on shooting yourself once police arrive.
I understand that your discussion is about that. My intention is to say that only trying to fix the last line of defense is only an attempt to slightly quell the mayhem instead of searching for a more permanent and effective solution.
And as I said previously, a mass shooter doesn't go into a mass shooting expecting to survive. The potential of firepower coming back isn't a deterrent when you plan on shooting yourself once police arrive.
How do we know that the laws that are already in place haven't already stopped numerous mass shootings? The ones that have occurred were only carried out by those so determined that they would acquire a weapon any way possible.
Isn't it true that many mass shootings in the US over the last few years have been carried out by law-abiding citizens who got their guns completely lawfully?
I just believe some teenagers who might commit a heinous crime like this might just stall and stall and stall and stall instead of actually finding a blackmarket way to get a gun if they couldn't just walk into a gun shop and pass a background check with their (at the time) spotless record.
I think y'all give angsty teens way too much credit.
Isn't it true that many mass shootings in the US over the last few years have been carried out by law-abiding citizens who got their guns completely lawfully?
I just believe some teenagers who might commit a heinous crime like this might just stall and stall and stall and stall instead of actually finding a blackmarket way to get a gun if they couldn't just walk into a gun shop and pass a background check with their (at the time) spotless record.
I think y'all give angsty teens way too much credit.
How do we know that the laws that are already in place haven't already stopped numerous mass shootings? The ones that have occurred were only carried out by those so determined that they would acquire a weapon any way possible.
Better enforcement of current laws probably would have kept this guy from legally obtaining a gun. But I doubt he would have given up. He would have gotten one somehow, might even been willing to die trying. Then what?
Im in agreement for Having teachers trained and armed. Its a no brainer. In my opinion, newt.![]()
You are likening a fire extinguisher to a gun in a teacher's hand. I am pointing out the major flaw in that comparison.
I guess you only read what you quoted? What additional law would you suggest that would have prevented him from lawfully purchasing and possessing a firearm?
Some might. Some may have. What about the others?
Like the one that just killed 17 people?
I fire extinguisher can kill someone. Probably has killed someone. Someone could hit another in the head with one. You're so blinded by the dangers of having a teacher with a gun you can't see that it could neutralize a threat. You seemed convinced that the risk of collateral damage far outweighs the benefits. I'm not convinced of that. All I know is, if I'm holed up in a classroom with a bunch of students with an active shooter on campus, I'd much rather be cuddled up in the corner with a gun rather than huddled up in the corner with a stapler to throw at him. I'll bet you students in that position would say the same.
I fire extinguisher can kill someone. Probably has killed someone. Someone could hit another in the head with one. You're so blinded by the dangers of having a teacher with a gun you can't see that it could neutralize a threat. You seemed convinced that the risk of collateral damage far outweighs the benefits. I'm not convinced of that. All I know is, if I'm holed up in a classroom with a bunch of students with an active shooter on campus, I'd much rather be cuddled up in the corner with a gun rather than huddled up in the corner with a stapler to throw at him. I'll bet you students in that position would say the same.
First of all, this is one of the most upsetting things. Many people love to say how they are law-abiding citizens and how they can be trusted with guns. Many of the mass murderers are law abiding until they shoot up a place. Having guns just means if someone snaps, they're already armed. As for
If some have had simple gun laws stop them from committing mass murders, then there's a potential precedent for stricter gun laws lowering mass murders.
He bought his gun legally. I'm saying y'all are giving too much credit to angsty teens who can't just walk into a gun shop or show and purchase a gun. They generally aren't buying guns illegally. The Columbine shooters had the guns bought legally by someone else. The Sandy Hook shooter's mom had an arsenal that he used. Outside of schools the Pulse shooter bought his guns legally and the Vegas shooter had dozens of guns, all bought legally. It still goes back to the "law abiding" comment. Perhaps law abiding citizens, and citizens in general, don't need this level of firepower. It's not like it was what was ever intended in the first place for 2A.
What if the students know what teacher is armed and therefore know what teacher to ambush to steal the gun to use? What if a teacher snaps and uses the gun? Putting guns in schools just sounds like an idea initially pushed by people who want to sell guns.
What if the students know what teacher is armed and therefore know what teacher to ambush to steal the gun to use? What if a teacher snaps and uses the gun? Putting guns in schools just sounds like an idea initially pushed by people who want to sell guns.
The fault in your reasoning is that you are superimposing your feelings and what you think you would do onto other people without the formal training of a police officer or soldier who are trained to handle those situations. You think a few classes would get someone ready to actively engage an armed psycho and I disagree.
And you are doing the same. I think as a last resort a teacher with some training could use a gun effectively to take down a gunman. You disagree and that's fine.
I respect that.
I am sure there would be teachers out there who could fire and hit a gunman without injuring a student, another teacher or getting themselves killed.
I agree. I don't know the numbers but there are some out there. The trick is to identify them.
I am also sure there are many, many more who could not. And I don't want them carrying any more than you do
I'm playing the law of averages and how normal people react to life and death situations. A lot of people can sit back and say "oh yeah I'd take that S.O.B. out in a heartbeat." Reality is a different beast altogether.
The problem is you have no idea. There is no data to formulate a law of averages. SO it comes down to your gut. Your gut says it's a bad idea, mine says it could work. Nothing wrong with our guts telling us two different things
There probably isn't a right answer to this but I say hire trained professionals, you say put a glock on the algebra teacher. Both could work but one has a much better chance.
No, you're mischaracterizing what I've said.
My position has always been hire as much trained security as possible and then have a limited number of willing teachers that go through initial and continual training that will be a line of last resort.
First of all, this is one of the most upsetting things. Many people love to say how they are law-abiding citizens and how they can be trusted with guns. Many of the mass murderers are law abiding until they shoot up a place. Having guns just means if someone snaps, they're already armed. As for
If some have had simple gun laws stop them from committing mass murders, then there's a potential precedent for stricter gun laws lowering mass murders.
He bought his gun legally. I'm saying y'all are giving too much credit to angsty teens who can't just walk into a gun shop or show and purchase a gun. They generally aren't buying guns illegally. The Columbine shooters had the guns bought legally by someone else. The Sandy Hook shooter's mom had an arsenal that he used. Outside of schools the Pulse shooter bought his guns legally and the Vegas shooter had dozens of guns, all bought legally. It still goes back to the "law abiding" comment. Perhaps law abiding citizens, and citizens in general, don't need this level of firepower. It's not like it was what was ever intended in the first place for 2A.
That is ridiculous..a sociopath or psychopath that has made up his or her mind to experience the thrill of killing is going to make it happen.