Active shooter @ Joel Osteen's church

If you are getting your "news" from LibsOfTikTok because you think it's great that they're unfiltered or whatever, your brain is being rotted lol
you have issues with independent organizations? You like controlled or as you stated filtered news. Nothing wrong with free thinking and deciding for yourself verse being told what to think.
Anyone who resorts to only Fox News as their retort, believes the liberal cult media is accurate for truth.
I was comparing LoTT to Fox News because they're on the same side, not because I think MSNBC is amazing. Sounds like you're arguing with ghosts
you have issues with independent organizations? You like controlled or as you stated filtered news. Nothing wrong with free thinking and deciding for yourself verse being told what to think.
LibsOfTikTok is very obviously telling people what to think lmao
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Yeah they also have editors and producers who filter out the "every city is uninhabitable because LOOK HOW CRAZY THIS PERSON IS!!!" tabloid BS
Two pretty powerful people to manipulate the message. So you’re right, they have that.
LibsOfTikTok is very obviously telling people what to think lmao
How so? With MSM we can point to news that was manipulated to the base or cause division.

Or is it the non-traditional messaging that makes you uncomfortable?
The prosperity gospel: Nothing describes country suckers and "christian" con men quite like that scam. "Send me all your money, good people, so I can buy another beach home and another Mercedes and you can be assured that, while you've given all your money to me, you'll somehow become wealthy in the future. Oh, my.
You seem to be intimately familiar.
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If you are getting your "news" from LibsOfTikTok because you think it's great that they're unfiltered or whatever, your brain is being rotted lol

It’s not only them. I don’t trust a story until CatTurd confirms it. You can never be too careful these days.
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Is a transgender male (bio female) who is attracted to females homo or heterosexual?
A transgender male (biological female) would see themselves as male. An actual male.

So if they were attracted to women, as a male (their correct self), they would likely consider themselves heterosexual.

But it can be complicated -

Elliot Page (bio female - girl from Juno) is a trans male that describes himself as queer. As Ellen Page he described himself as lesbian, and dated girls.
He now dates another transgender male (bio female) who also describes themself as queer. So 2 trans-masculine / non-binary (bio female), that both describe themselves as queer, dating one another.
How so? With MSM we can point to news that was manipulated to the base or cause division.

Or is it the non-traditional messaging that makes you uncomfortable?
LoTT's entire popularity was based around the whole LGBT = groomer thing, they also look for any crime in a big city to push the "cities are unlivable and the worst places to ever exist" agenda. Now it's fearmongering about how DEI will make your plane crash. If you really have to ask "how so" you're probably too far gone
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LoTT's entire popularity was based around the whole LGBT = groomer thing, they also look for any crime in a big city to push the "cities are unlivable and the worst places to ever exist" agenda. Now it's fearmongering about how DEI will make your plane crash. If you really have to ask "how so" you're probably too far gone
So it’s the delivery of the messaging you don’t like. Not your brand of news, so file it under out of sight out of mind.
A transgender male (biological female) would see themselves as male. An actual male.

So if they were attracted to women, as a male (their correct self), they would likely consider themselves heterosexual.

But it can be complicated -

Elliot Page (bio female - girl from Juno) is a trans male that describes himself as queer. As Ellen Page he described himself as lesbian, and dated girls.
He now dates another transgender male (bio female) who also describes themself as queer. So 2 trans-masculine / non-binary (bio female), that both describe themselves as queer, dating one another.
So it’s the delivery of the messaging you don’t like. Not your brand of news, so file it under out of sight out of mind.
You are having a conversation with yourself lol, I don't like that it's pure tabloid garbage with a transparent and hateful agenda on top of that. Like if National Enquirer spawned a bunch of death threats and millions of mindless conspiracy idiots
You are having a conversation with yourself lol, I don't like that it's pure tabloid garbage with a transparent and hateful agenda on top of that. Like if National Enquirer spawned a bunch of death threats and millions of mindless conspiracy idiots
Videos posted by LibsOf TikToc are not real? You keep saying tabloids/conspiracy, except it’s information pulled from social media accounts they view need attention.
MAGA can't distinguish news from propaganda, or news from opinion, or facts from conspiracy theory, because they're not educated
and they don't read. They have the reasoning capacity (and I use those words lightly) of 10-year-olds---seriously--which is the age when most of them stopped going to school.

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