Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Maybe none. That's not the point.
But I am happy she didn't have a fully automatic...
Thank god for that ban!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In this situation it likely wouldn't have made much of a difference to be honest. But in other situations it certainly has/could.
I would take it to mean a militia that was well regulated.
The militia was us, just people like us, bringing what they had. Lawyers, teachers, farmers, laborers. They were organized locally mostly by county and organized into larger groups by region and then state typically.
You’re part of the community? You should make your statement publicly.

I'm not sure how myself or anyone who identifies as trans is obligated to say anything.

I mean, I know why you think that. It's a combination of an IQ that hovers around our basketvols' average PPG and your aversion to anything that isn't white and Christian.
They have mental illness and want attention. Not one school shooter was apart of the NRA but the left wants to take guns away from the people who are not doing anything wrong and the bad guys will still have weapons. They traded to number 1 arms dealer for Brittany Griner so Biden is full of it if he says he cares. Bidens first two years in office he had the house and senate and didn't do anything and now acts like he does to try and make Republicans look bad to people who don't pay attention.
What does non binary have to do with trans? You're just passing along a stupid meme you don't understand and tying it into a rambling Biden rant
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You and I both probably know what this is. This individual went off to school and found something that validated a small piece of them. Got super enthused about it and began seeing every single thing in life through the prism of their new found persona, being super militant about it and refusing to engage from the history with family and friends, instead pushing onto them " this is who I am now" our history/past was a farce.

That's extremely difficult for any family to move past when you just show up and demand they accept it, family needs time to unpack that. I've experienced a similar situation with a family member of mine.

It depends on the family. Mine, being loving, accepting, and empathetic... well, if my 35 year-old sister came for family dinner and said "Mom, dad, I've been living a lie. I'm gay," they'd probably just hit her with a "well whoopty doo, can you pass the green beans?"
I'm not sure how myself or anyone who identifies as trans is obligated to say anything.

I mean, I know why you think that. It's a combination of an IQ that hovers around our basketvols' average PPG and your aversion to anything that isn't white and Christian.
Actually just keep your mouth shut about it because no one on a message board cares, or should care.
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That is not what I am saying in the least.
What I am saying is I do not want individual citizens owning and flying fighter jets, spy drones, or cruising the Bahamas in their nuclear subs.

But citizens can own fighter jets, drones and as far as I know there is no law against owning a nuclear submarine.
That is not what I am saying in the least.
What I am saying is I do not want individual citizens owning and flying fighter jets, spy drones, or cruising the Bahamas in their nuclear subs.
That isn't what you are saying at all. You're attempting to conflate the topic using the extreme of nuclear subs while talking about banning semi-autos in prior posts and providing nonsense articles from nonsense websites tying bpms that are 10-15x higher to semi-autos. Your attempt to reframe won't work.

Even if you were saying that, I'd also disagree with you there. Citizens already own drones, btw.
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You can distinguish between a firearm and a ballistic missile can't you?
Wow, the 2nd Amendment does not distinguish. It does not say the right to bear firearms - nor does it say the right to bear non automatic weapons; or arms except ballistic missiles. I applaud that you acknowledge that there are and should be limitations on this right. The question is how do we define these limitations in order to better protect against these types of tragedies.
It depends on the family. Mine, being loving, accepting, and empathetic... well, if my 35 year-old sister came for family dinner and said "Mom, dad, I've been living a lie. I'm gay," they'd probably just hit her with a "well whoopty doo, can you pass the green beans?"
That's not the kind of scenario I'm talking about. And while you're right it depends on the family, it's much harder to empathetic when you are immediately attacked.

As I stated it takes a while to unpack that, just as it likely took this person some time to adjust and explore themselves. You must give your family that same period. Otherwise the issue is you, not them.
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I’ll say it again, it doesn’t matter what kind of gun, missiles, or tanks that I have, don’t come after it. You’ll make a huge mistake. You know a lot of people will die, if you confiscate house to house.
Wow, the 2nd Amendment does not distinguish. It does not say the right to bear firearms - nor does it say the right to bear non automatic weapons; or arms except ballistic missiles. I applaud that you acknowledge that there are and should be limitations on this right. The question is how do we define these limitations in order to better protect against these types of tragedies.
Well at the time it was written there were firearms and cannon. That was it. Cannon had little tactical value without being used in concert with an army to form actual battle lines. Range was within eye sight.

So there is some validity to the argument that at the time written they couldn't have imagined future weapons and their possible impact. I should have asked if you were joking about the nuke, I can never tell.
Well at the time it was written there were firearms and cannon. That was it. Cannon had little tactical value without being used in concert with an army to form actual battle lines. Range was within eye sight.

So there is some validity to the argument that at the time written they couldn't have imagined future weapons and their possible impact. I should have asked if you were joking about the nuke, I can never tell.

The FFs weren't dumb and if you read their writings they imagined a whole lot of technical advances yet still worded it the way they did for a reason. They also were smart enough to provide future generations with a means to amend the constitution and I suggest anyone that doesn't agree with the wording get started on that amendment process.
I know. Like the nuts making asinine claims it only has something to do with militias.
Who said it ONLY has something to do with militias?
NOT ME.....
But it obviously has SOMETHING to do with militias. Seeing as how they included that all...

Gun nuts ignore that part far more often than reasonable people highlight it.
The militia was us, just people like us, bringing what they had. Lawyers, teachers, farmers, laborers. They were organized locally mostly by county and organized into larger groups by region and then state typically.
The militia wasn't us.....but
The militia was MADE UP of people like us. Big difference If the militia was everybody, they would have said everybody, and not WELL REGULATED MILITIA.
Who said it ONLY has something to do with militias?
NOT ME.....
But it obviously has SOMETHING to do with militias. Seeing as how they included that all...

Gun nuts ignore that part far more often than reasonable people highlight it.

Yes, the 2A gives the states the right to keep and maintain their own militias independent of the federal government.
But citizens can own fighter jets, drones and as far as I know there is no law against owning a nuclear submarine.
That can't purchase any of those things that are comparable to what is currently being used by the military.
The militia wasn't us.....but
The militia was MADE UP of people like us. Big difference If the militia was everybody, they would have said everybody, and not WELL REGULATED MILITIA.
The militia was us under leadership...... Of, get this....... Us.

Who do you think the militias report to, who's leadership were they under?

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